Chapter 404
In life, no matter where you are, you will know many people.

Shandi, who has nothing to do, intends to help his old friend.

Received the kindness of a drop of water, it will be reciprocated by a spring.

Those who have helped him, after all, have been kind to him.

Silently remembering the people who helped him, Shangdi drove to Wujiang City.

"During my college internship, Liu Yong, whom I met from playing games, gave me a stamp."

Spend money to acquire the company and give Liu Yong a promotion and salary increase.

Crossing out a name in his mind, Shangdi continued to display his ability.

Some former classmates, colleagues and friends lent him money.

Some people think that others are good and refuse to lend money to others.

When you have no money to eat, ask a rich friend to borrow money
Shandy thought in his heart that he should give back to those who were willing to lend him money.

Help someone who has helped him, silently crossing out their names.

Paradoxically, there is very little he can do.

And then become classmates, colleagues and friends with those people, he has no time to spare.

There are so many beauties around you, you can't just ignore them, right?

"Telephone and Internet scams are increasing, please cooperate with the police."

With this in mind, Shandi asked Wuying to contact the police.

He who masters the Internet can put an end to Internet fraud.

He owns a communication company and has the ability to isolate phone scams.

Using satellite and network positioning, fraudsters have nowhere to hide.

"Director Chen and the others are developing transport planes, send them some."

"The parade car, the VIP car, and the escort car, donate some."

With nothing to do, Shangdi asked the aircraft factory to produce transport planes and the automobile factory to produce special cars.

The cost price of an off-road vehicle priced at one billion is just over one million.

If you use a printer, the cost is almost negligible.

After finishing the matter of donating the transport plane and the car, Shangdi drove to Hangzhou.

"Everything yesterday is like death yesterday, and everything today is like being born today."

After buying a company and giving promotions and salary increases to several old friends, Shangdi went to Shanghai.

"Haven't been hit by a car in a long time, and a legal crash can pass the time."

Shandy, who obeyed the rules of the road, drove around in an off-road vehicle.

Not long after, a blue sports car crashed into his car.

Xie Xiaolong, in his 20s, cursed in a bad tone.

Fan Juanjuan, the co-pilot, said angrily, "Can you afford the limited edition Bujaron?"

Shangdi took out his mobile phone, called the police, and waited for the police to come to deal with it.

Ten minutes later, a police car patrolling nearby roared up.

"Officer, he doesn't obey the traffic rules." Shandy pointed to the dashcam.

"Mr. Xie, you are fully responsible for this accident." Police officer Chen Xu said.

"Isn't it just money? I'll give you three thousand." Xie Xiaolong took out a stack of banknotes.

"It takes 1000 million to paint the whole car." Shangdi said in a startled way.

"Officer, I want to sue him for extortion." Xie Xiaolong said angrily.

"My car sells for one billion Yanhuang coins. If you don't believe me, you can check it out." Shang Di said calmly.

"You said your car is worth a billion, so is it really worth a billion?" Xie Xiaolong sneered.

"Many people must know that Xinghai cars are divided into five grades, and my car is the most expensive off-road vehicle, worth one billion Yanhuang coins all over the country." Shang Di laughed.

"Mr. Shang, can you provide the invoice?" Chen Xu asked.

"This one?" Shandy pulled out a receipt.

"The mileage is less than a thousand kilometers." Chen Xu was stunned.

"The car hasn't been driven for a few days," Shandy said.

"Touching such a small amount of paint, you want 1000 million?" Xie Xiaolong, who knew he was wrong, wanted to bargain, but did not want to be humble, and his words were still a little tough.

"If you damage the paint of an imported car, you have to respray it again." Shangdi said confidently.

"My father is Shanghai Star Dragon Group," Xie Xiaolong said pointedly.

"Everyone is equal before the law, even if your father is Huang Guang, you still have to pay me!" Shang Di laughed.

"Isn't it just 1000 million? I'll pay!" Xie Xiaolong signed the letter of responsibility. As for whether to pay or not, he has the final say.

Ignoring the other party and leaving, Shangdi drove away from Shanghai.

There is no need to repair the car, he doesn't care about some traces.

"Give him half a month."

After leaving the car at the villa, Shandy returned to Hong Kong Island.

More than ten days passed away quietly, and Xie Xiaolong didn't pay him a penny.

After waiting for more than half a month, but did not receive a penny of compensation, Shangdi decided to take revenge.

Cut off the communication between the subordinate company and Xinglong Group.

Close the QR code payment for Xie Xiaolong and his family.

The vegetable markets, supermarkets, and shopping malls he controls do not do business with Xie Xiaolong and his family.

This morning, Xie Yunshan, Xie Xiaolong's father, was going to go shopping in Huimin Supermarket.

"Sir, I'm sorry, we don't welcome you in our mall, so we invite you out." The security guard at the door stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Do you know who I am?" Xie Yunshan said coldly.

"Xinglong Group Chairman Xie Yunshan." The security guard said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Do you know the consequences of stopping me?" Xie Yunshan asked.

"I just know that if I let you in, I will lose my job," said the security guard.

"I want to see your manager." Xie Yunshan said.

"This is our manager's business card, you can complain to him." The security guard took out a business card.

Xie Yunshan made a phone call, but the other party hung up the phone after knowing who he was.

After leaving Huimin Supermarket, Xie Yunshan went to the vegetable market.

The security guard at the door said, "Sorry, Mr. Xie, you are not welcome here."

Xie Yunshan was so angry that he planned to vent his anger.

"Mr. Xie, there is nothing we can do about it. Huimin Supermarket is owned by Xinghai Group."

"Mr. Xie, the matter has been found out. Xie Xiaolong bumped into the car of a high-level Xinghai Group."

"Compensation for 1000 million Yanhuang coins, why doesn't he grab it?"

"Mr. Xie, the high-level car of the Xinghai Group sells for one billion Yanhuang coins."

"This troubles you."

A few days later, Xie Yunshan was about to renew his contract with a company.

"Sorry, thank you boss, our company cannot continue to cooperate with Xinglong Group."

"Mr. Wang, can you tell me the reason? If it's a matter of price, we can discuss it."

"It's not about money. Your son offended an executive of the head office."

"Aren't you the boss of Dongyun Group? Where did a head office come from?"

"Dongyun Group is a subsidiary of Xinghai Group, forgive me!"

After returning home, Xie Yunshan beat Xie Xiaolong violently.

He gritted his teeth and compensated 1000 million Yanhuang coins, and his daily life returned to normal one after another.

The culprit, Xie Xiaolong, fell into regret.

ID card to register a game account, the network is suddenly interrupted
Xie Xiaolong can no longer use the extremely convenient code scanning payment.

He couldn't buy high-speed rail tickets, and he couldn't buy air tickets to Hong Kong Island either.

Xie Xiaolong, who had thought about it, spent money to buy other people's accounts.

Unexpectedly, other people's accounts were blocked before they were used a few times.

Shandi secretly helped those who helped him before.

Knowing that the transport plane and the special car were finished, he called Chen Ran.

The next morning, Chen Ran drove over with a group of people by car: "Mr. Shang."

"The five transport planes, with a limit load of [-] tons, are given to you."

When Shandy spoke, he pointed to five huge transport planes.

"Two thousand tons?" Chen Ran was dumbfounded.

"It contains technical information." Shangdi handed the other party a storage disk.

Leaving the aircraft factory and coming to the automobile factory, he donated dozens of special vehicles.

For Chen Ran and others, whether it is a transport plane or a special vehicle, it is a solid black technology.

For Shangdi, the things that are taken out are not high-tech.

As long as he wants, Star Warships can be built, not to mention just some small things.

Compared with the star warships that are often several kilometers long, the size of the transport aircraft is not worth mentioning.

(End of this chapter)

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