Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 417 Immortal body?

Chapter 417 Immortal body?

When night fell, Shandy got up and drove away from the villa.

Ten minutes later, a blond beauty in cool clothes stood by the side of the road and waved.

Shandy stopped the car, opened the door and got out.

"Hi, I'm Arcee." The blond beauty smiled.

Shangdi covered the opponent with a fishing net, tied his hands and feet with wire rope, sealed his mouth with tape, and covered him with a rain cloth.

The beauty vampire looks seductive, but he is a human.

His surname is Shang, not Xu, nor Ning, and he can't do things that cross races.

"Get the first vampire, baron level, so-so, continue."

Along the way, all the vampires who wanted to hitch a ride were caught by Shandy.

After capturing nine vampires, he drove back to his villa in the suburbs.

After parking the car at the gate of the villa, Shandi pulled out a vampire.

Picked up the toy water gun and sprayed some garlic juice.

There was a sizzling sound, and the vampire looked hideous.

"Blood slaves and lord-level vampires will die if they touch garlic juice."

"With a small amount of garlic juice, baron-level vampires will only be injured."

After testing the lethality of the garlic juice, Shandy began to test the silver powder again.

Take a tiny bit of silver powder, weigh it on an electronic scale, and sprinkle it on a vampire's head.

The silver powder in between is like strong acid, soaking into the flesh and blood of vampires.
"The lethality is too strong, silver is the nemesis of vampires."

Seeing that the Baron Vampire couldn't resist the silver powder, Shandy took out a pistol.

Bullets shot out one after another, and the vampires struggled desperately.

"Silver powder bullets work well enough to replace silver-coated bullets."

After initially finding out the lethality of garlic liquid and silver powder on vampires, Shandi returned to the villa to rest.

In order to sleep peacefully, he did not dispose of the vampire's corpse.

Set fire to the vampire's corpse?Firelight will attract vampires.

Digging a pit to bury a vampire's body?It would take a long time to bury nine vampires.

It was getting dark, and the risk factor was too great to bury the vampire's body now.

Shang Di, who intends to play a guest role as an ordinary person, does not want to use his extraordinary power unless he has to.

Nothing happened overnight, the moon was hidden and the sun was rising, and it was another day.

Nine vampires were piled up on the side of the road, poured with some gasoline, and then set ablaze.

All kinds of smells spread, and the raging fire rose.

The sound of oil frying was endless, and the billowing smoke drifted with the wind.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Shandy turned and went back to the study.

"Download some movies while the internet is still available."

Searching and downloading, looking down and watching, it takes a few hours before you know it.

After rubbing his shriveled stomach, Shandy took a sniper rifle and headed to the woods not far away.

He hadn't eaten fresh meat for several days, so he wanted to hunt a wild animal.

The sniper rifle is found inside the villa.

The former owner of the villa obviously liked to collect guns and ammunition.

In a room in the basement, various guns and ammunition are stored.

After walking through the woods for ten minutes, Shandi found a wild deer.

Aim, shoot, and shoot the bullets to hit the deer's head accurately.

With a sound of "Poof!", the wild deer fell to the ground.

"More than 200 catties, stored in the freezer, can be eaten for more than a month."

Carrying the dead deer, Shandy returned to the villa.

Skinned, deboned, portioned, and some left, the rest put in the freezer.

After more than an hour, he began to eat meat and drink heavily.

Eating a piece of steaming venison stew with a few sips of cold beer is nothing but fun.

"Stew it today, eat venison hot pot tomorrow."

After eating and drinking enough, Shangdi, who had nothing to do, watched the movie again.

A movie with very few actors, but the acting is superb.

To calm down, Shandy changed the water in the swimming pool.

Swimmed, closed the door, ate and slept.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, there was a knock on the door.

Shandy came to the first floor and looked outside through the crack of the door.

But I saw three vampires outside the gate.

Ordinary people can't tell whether it's a human or a vampire, but he can tell it at a glance.

One of the vampires pretended to be panicked and said, "Sir, please open the door."

Shandy said, "Stand back a few meters, I want to make sure you have any weapons."

"Yes." The three vampires backed away.

Shandy walked to the next room, took aim and pulled the trigger in one go.

Three silver powder bullets flew out through the anti-theft window, and the three vampires fell to the ground.

"Too stupid, let them retreat and they will retreat, if they want to treat me as food, there is only one dead end!"

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Shandy didn't go back to the basement to rest.

Although the sound of the pistol is not loud, it can be heard for several miles.

He wanted to see if any vampires were attracted by the gunfire.

A few minutes later, blood slaves rushed over from a distance.

The fearless Shangdi changed to an assault rifle and took the trouble to shoot and kill the blood slaves.

In a short while, more than [-] corpses of blood slaves lay on the ground outside the villa.

'call out! ' With a bang, the rockets fired quickly hit the gate of the villa.

'boom! 'With a loud bang, the door of the villa opened in response.

Seeing that the gate he welded was smashed to pieces by rocket bombs, Shandi became angry.

Fully armed, he rushed out quickly, shooting and killing blood slaves and vampires.

Another rocket was fired, and Shandi raised his hand to shoot.

The flying bullets deflected the rocket.

Killing and killing, Shandy's silver powder bullets ran out.

The vampire Senter in suits and leather shoes said with a serious smile: "Human, this Earl intends to turn you into a noble blood race, how about it? Isn't it a surprise?"

Throwing away the empty gun in his hand, Shangdi drew out the Baizhan Saber and rushed over in a leisurely manner.

Vampire Earl Center threw away the bazooka and launched an attack at high speed.

The difference in speed and strength is too great, even if Shangdi has rich combat experience, he is still at an absolute disadvantage.

Although Sente has the advantage, he has to guard against the elusive Baizhan Dao.

Shangdi, with his sword skills like a god, has been in a state of rest and defense.

After a long battle to no avail, Sente tried his best, and in the blink of an eye, Shandy was kicked away.

He vomited blood, and found that his injury had recovered in an instant, and he couldn't help crying and laughing.

"The body of law, the body of immortality? How can you play this?"

The broken ribs heal instantly, and the broken internal organs recover in the blink of an eye.

"It's so hard to be an ordinary person!" Shandy exclaimed.

Hearing this, Sente was stunned.

In one thought, Shandi's physical fitness increased by 81 times.

In an instant, Sente's head moved.

Talent has become a body of law. Shandi can increase or decrease physical fitness, but he has no ability to stop the shocking resilience.

Shooting with a clone can eliminate his resilience that even immortals would envy.

To calm down, Shangdi lowered his soaring strength, agility, mental strength, and physique to a little bit.

He took off his clothes and pants, took a hot bath, and changed into brand new clothes.

Unowned shopping malls are everywhere, and he picked up a lot of clothes, pants, shoes that fit.

After returning to the basement to sleep, after breakfast, Shandy handled the corpse again.

The corpses of blood slaves and vampires were dragged to the side of the road by him.

Drizzle some gasoline, take out the lighter and light it.

After driving away from the villa, Shandy entered the city and picked up some supplies.

As he stopped by a gas station, he filled up his pickup truck and filled the drums with diesel and gasoline.

Gasoline is used to incinerate vampire corpses, diesel can be used to generate electricity, and pickup trucks also use diesel.

Back at the villa in the suburbs, Shandy took out a piece of venison.

Slice the venison into thin slices, boil the hot pot base, and eat braised pork hot pot alone.

(End of this chapter)

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