Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 419 Spraying the Liquid Medicine

Chapter 419 Spraying the Liquid Medicine
Vampires who slept during the day and hunted for food at night ran out from every corner.

Switching to antidote number two, Shandy aimed at the thigh of a lord vampire and pulled the trigger.

He felt that the name of the narcotic bomb was not true, so he changed its name to the antidote bomb.

The detoxification projectile fired out accurately hit the vampire's thigh.

The shrill screams spread far away, and the vampire fell to the ground and struggled.

Ten seconds later, the vampire remained motionless. Obviously, it failed to turn into him until it died.

Ignoring the corpses on the ground, Shandi replaced the No. [-] antidote bomb and looked for new targets.

Various detoxification bullets were shot out, and each vampire was reduced to a corpse.

It didn't take long before Shandy was surrounded by vampires and blood slaves.

He slapped a few palms in the air, one by one vampires and blood slaves, like gasoline being ignited.

After testing all the antidote bombs, Shangdi was speechless.

Thirty kinds of antidote bombs failed to turn the vampire into a normal person.

When the blood poison is removed, the vampire becomes a corpse.

"Life is long, don't worry."

After looking at the time, Shandy returned to his villa in the suburbs.

On the way home, he collects some vampire blood.

The antidote has not been successful, and he has to continue to experiment.

"Test the antidote on someone who has just been bitten by a vampire."

"My lifespan is endless, and I am immortal, so don't worry."

Go back to the villa in the suburbs, take a shower and change clothes, sleep until you wake up naturally.

Take out some ready-made food from the space bracelet.

"Eating a good meal once in a while is simply a treat."

People are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away.

After eating the food from the Black and White Continent for a few days, and suddenly eating the contents of the space bracelet, Shangdi felt a long-lost happiness, which may be happiness by comparison.

It is difficult to suffer from depression if you have a mentality that is more than enough and more than less.

People with healthy limbs and no money are much better than people with disabilities.

Physically disabled but not mentally disabled, he is much better than those who are just eating and waiting to die.

Although I don’t have any money, every day is easy, I don’t need to live in a coffin room, and I don’t have to stay up late.
After having a good breakfast, Shandy continued to develop the antidote.

In just a few hours, he developed more than a dozen new antidotes.

After lunch, Shandy came to the river outside the villa on a whim.

"I'm not fishing, I'm practicing patience."

With a duplicity in his mouth, Shangdi started fishing.

"Foreign resources are abundant."

In less than 2 minutes, Shangdi caught a big carp.

I got used to straight pulling and pulling, only to hear a 'click', and the fishing rod broke into several pieces.

"The quality of the fishing rod I picked up is too bad, I'd better replace it with my own fishing rod."

From the exclusive space, Shangdi took out a [-]-meter hand pole.

The carp weighing more than ten kilograms flew directly to the shore.

Big fish weighing hundreds of catties are also head-to-head.

"The hook is too small, and a piece of the fish's mouth is hooked off."

After experiencing overcrowded fishing for a while, Shandi shook his head and smiled wryly.

Fishing is fun only because it is full of uncertainty.

There are too many fish in the river, and if you throw them down, you will catch them. How can there be any fun?

Putting away the pole and leaving, Shandi returned to the villa and had a meal of delicacies from mountains and seas.

Drink tea, smoke a cigarette and watch a movie. After the sun goes down, drive to the city.

After testing more than a dozen antidote bombs developed during the day, they still didn't get what they wanted.

Shandy wandered through the darkness, and half an hour later, he killed the vampire with a single blow.

Use the No. [-] antidote bomb to rescue the foreigner who has been sucked blood.

"The blood vessel was bitten, and he bled to death."

"If you want to save people, you must suture the blood vessels."

Shandi, who was not in the mood to operate on foreigners, wandered the streets again.

"The ruptured blood vessel healed quickly, and the vampire has not been transformed. Will he become a superhuman?"

A detoxification bomb went down, the extraordinary transformation stopped, and there was an extra corpse on the ground.

"Is there a toxin similar to blood poison in the body of the extraordinary?"

Shangdi, who had realized something, quietly drifted away.

"With the strength of a vampire, he has the ability to sweep the black and white continent."

"The vampires left humans in order to keep food in captivity?"

"In the eyes of high-level vampires, are low-level vampires irrelevant?"

After wandering around the city for a few hours, Shandy returned to his villa in the suburbs.

Take a shower, change clothes, eat, and sleep until twelve noon.

Let the intelligent robot produce some equipment and raw materials, and Shandy began to mass-produce the antidote.

When night fell, he drove off in a specially printed pickup truck.

After arriving in the urban area, Shandy pressed a switch, and the antidote in an atomized state sprayed out.

Where the pickup truck passed, misty antidotes spread with the wind.

The blood slaves, lord vampires, baron vampires, and viscount vampires who were affected by the detoxification spray screamed and lay motionless on the ground.

Overnight, tens of thousands of blood slaves and vampires lay dead in disorder.

"Earl-level vampires can resist No. [-] antidote."

The moon was hidden and the sun was rising, and Shandi drove back to his villa in the suburbs.

After sleeping until the afternoon, mass-produce several tons of No. [-] antidote and put it into the tank of the pickup truck.

After eating and drinking enough, Shandy drove to the city.

When it was dark, he drove around again.

The vehicle-mounted spray gun sprays No. [-] antidote.

"Fuck, all vampires are wearing protective clothing?"

Looking at the vampire in protective clothing and a gas mask, Shandy couldn't stop laughing.

"Come and sprinkle some antidote every day, sooner or later, starve the vampires in the city to death!"

One by one, the vampires who couldn't bear the temptation of food opened their gas masks, only to be hit by the mist of antidote, causing screams and falling to the ground one after another.

"It's two o'clock in the morning, go back to sleep."

The next morning, when I turned on the computer, I found that the Internet was down.

After watching the movie I downloaded before, after lunch, Shandy went to the city.

"The power outage, the vampires are starting to fight back?"

Almost all houses in the suburbs are equipped with solar power supply systems.

Houses in urban areas are rarely equipped with diesel generators.

Seeing many people fleeing by car, Shandy drove back to the suburbs.

If he doesn't go back, the villa he picked up is very likely to be taken over by someone.

When there was electricity, every household had guns and was able to resist vampires.

Once the power is cut off, the viewing distance will decrease sharply, and the threat of vampires will increase sharply.

Back to the villa in the suburbs, release more than [-] intelligent robots to act as security guards for the villa.

When the three moons rose, Shandy drove to the city to spray medicine.

When encountering vampires along the way, kill them instantly with a single palm.

After hours of hard work, he sprayed Antidote No. [-] on the whole city.

Suddenly, a vampire fell from the sky and kicked his car.

The pickup truck printed by super-strong alloy is astoundingly strong.

No, the duke-level vampire Aussie was caught off guard and his foot bones were broken.

After running the ice zhenqi, he tapped a few times in the air, but Oss remained motionless.

After all, this was the first time he had discovered a duke-level vampire.

With the captured vampire, Shandy returned to the villa in the suburbs.

Use the printer to produce alloy chains, alloy handcuffs, and alloy locks.

Use alloy handcuffs to cuff the hands and feet of the vampire, then tie them with alloy chains, and then lock the alloy chains with alloy locks. After everything is done, Shandy draws blood for experiments.

The antidote developed before can only deal with blood slaves, lord vampires, baron vampires, viscount vampires, and earl vampires, but cannot hurt duke-level vampires.

In order to save the world, he is going to develop an antidote that can kill the ancestor vampires.

To put it bluntly, his purpose of making the antidote is mainly to pass the time, and the second is to study blood poison.

Shandi, who has never regarded himself as a savior, has no intention of saving the world in March?
As a human, it is inevitable to set a lofty ideal for yourself.

Without a lofty ideal, how much motivation do you expect?

(End of this chapter)

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