Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 435 I Haven't Worked Overtime For A Long Time

Chapter 435 I Haven't Worked Overtime For A Long Time

Xing County Police Station, Serious Crime Squad, Team Leader's Office.

"Captain Liu, hasn't your team worked overtime for a long time?" Hao Zhengyi said with a smile.

"It's been a long time since I worked overtime." Liu Qiang nodded.

"This serial murder case will be handed over to your team." Hao Zhengyi took out a file bag.

"Isn't this the case of the second team?" Liu Qiang looked at the documents.

"The second team is too busy, help share it." Hao Zhengyi said.

"Okay." Liu Qiang nodded and left with the documents.

"Hey, I haven't worked overtime for a long time, and this month's salary will be much less." Wang Chao sighed.

"It's been a long time since I worked overtime." Zhang Chuan echoed.

"I used to want to rest, but now I want to work overtime, my head is sick!" Zhou Xiaolong said contemptuously.

"Everyone be quiet, the team leader has handed over the serial murder case of the second team to us." Liu Qiang said loudly.

Everyone looked at the information and expressed their opinions one by one.

Liu Qiang began to assign tasks, and after a while, Wang Chao was the only one left in the serious crime team.

Together with Zhang Chuan, Shang Di came to the third crime scene.

The scene of the crime was sealed off until the case was solved.

"See what?" Zhang Chuan asked.

"The murderer is a male, about 1.7 meters five in height and about [-] kilograms in weight," Shandi said.

"How do you know?" Zhang Chuan asked again.

"These shoe prints are probably the murderer's. Big feet wear small shoes." Shandi circled a row of shoe prints with a marker.

"People from the second team and the forensic doctor have all been to the scene of the crime." Zhang Chuan said.

"Even if people surveying the scene didn't wear shoe covers, the shoe prints wouldn't look like this," Shang Di said.

"That's right, this string of shoe prints is to leave directly, not to look for clues." Zhang Chuan suddenly realized.

With abilities far beyond ordinary people, Shandy has made great strides forward along his footsteps.

"The No. 3 deceased was killed the day before yesterday, and the murderer has already fled." Zhang Chuan said.

"There's something here." Shandy pointed to the messy leaves.

"Really?" Zhang Chuan was dubious.

Pulling apart the leaves, prying away the soil with a branch, a blood-stained hammer suddenly appeared.

"It should be the murder weapon." Shandi laughed.

"Excellent." Zhang Chuan put the hammer into the evidence bag.

Following the tiny shoe prints, the two came to Chenjia Village.

"Let's go to the second crime scene," Shandy said.

"En." Zhang Chuan nodded in response.

Go to the second crime scene and find the same shoe prints.

I went to the first crime scene again and found the same shoe prints again.

After going back to the police station, they changed into casual clothes, and the two came to Chenjiacun.

After finding the murderer, Shandy didn't act, but took out his mobile phone to take pictures.

Photographs were taken of five people who fit the profile of the killer and he drove back to the police station.

Cai Denghui, who investigated the identities of the five people and knew the three deceased, became the biggest suspect.

Half of the fingerprint was extracted from the hammer, and the suspect was arrested.
Liu Qiang only interrogated for a few minutes, and Cai Denghui explained the motive and process of committing the crime.

There are murder weapons, shoe prints, fingerprints, and motives.

"It seems that there is no need to work overtime again." Wang Chao was speechless.

"It's been a long time since I worked overtime." Qiaobo sighed.

"Since Shangdi came, we haven't worked overtime." Chen Lei echoed.

"If you want to earn some overtime pay, you have no chance!" Zhou Chuan couldn't laugh or cry.

Overtime pay is not much, as long as there is a bonus.

Working overtime exhaustingly, there is not much overtime pay for a month.

Although working overtime is rich, it also has to be reprimanded by the team leader.

If the case can't be solved, it's no wonder if you don't get scolded!
"After get off work, I'll treat everyone to dinner." Liu Qiang said with a smile.

"Thank you Team Liu." Everyone was overjoyed.

Liu Qiang wrote the closing report, knocked on the door and walked into the team leader's office.

"What's the matter?" Hao Zhengyi asked.

"Team leader, this is the final report of the serial murder case." Liu Qiang laughed.

"I just gave you the case in the morning, and you solved the case before you got off work?" Hao Zhengyi was stunned.

"The murderer was caught, the murder weapon was found, and the murderer confessed." Liu Qiang said.

"How did it break?" Hao Zhengyi asked.

"It's still Shangdi." Liu Qiang couldn't stop laughing.

"Tell me about the process." Hao Zhengyi was very curious.

"I asked him to re-investigate the scene. He found the murderer's shoe prints, found the murder weapon along the shoe prints, and then squatted in Chenjiacun," Liu Qiang explained.

"Better than a detective." Hao Zhengyi felt incredible.

Liu Qiang also felt that it was unbelievable that the case that the second team did not solve was solved by Shangdi in a few hours. If this continues, the first team will surely stand out in the serious crime team.

After get off work, Shandi made a phone call with Suni and rode to the self-service hot pot restaurant.

The self-service hot pot with a per capita consumption of [-] is very suitable for treating guests.

If I really want to eat any seafood, I dare not order the expensive ones, and I don’t want to eat the cheap ones.

As for the well-known Western food, they are eaten when men and women are dating.

It would probably be strange for a few big men to eat western food.

"Master, do you want to treat us to something else next time?" Zhang Chuan asked with a smile.

"It's good to have something to eat, what else do you want?" Liu Qiang said.

"Captain Liu, this is where you treat guests every time." Wang Chao said speechlessly.

"You don't have to come next time." Liu Qiang smiled.

"Team Liu please eat buffet hot pot, how could I not come?" Wang Chao said.

After eating and drinking for a while, Liu Qiang settled the bill, and everyone left separately.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Suni looked up and said with a smile, "I'm back!"

Knowing that they can't control them, Su Jiancheng and Zhang Yan no longer control them.

Take a hot bath and exercise for a while.

Shangdi, who was refreshed physically and mentally, asked with a smile: "How is the business?"

"Surely you can't guess how much I charged?" Suni said.

"How much?" Shandi was too lazy to waste brain cells.

"I have received more than 50 yuan, and the annual membership is 400, so I have more than [-] members." Suni said.

"There are more than 400 members, but there are only 10,000+?" Shang Di was puzzled.

"I am a coach, five thousand for eight classes, and another few coaches, one thousand for eight classes." Suni said.

"Eight classes?" Shandy was curious.

"Two days on weekends, I have two classes a day." Suni said.

"Excellent, I want to reward you well." Shandi laughed.

I slept until seven in the morning, and after breakfast, I rode to the police force to work.

A few days later, some people began to celebrate the New Year.

In less than a year since joining the police force, Shandy has no annual leave.

The serious case team had no cases, and Zhang Chuan and the others began to take turns to take vacations.

On New Year's Eve, Shangdi, who happened to be resting, spent the New Year at Suni's house.

In this world, he grew up in an orphanage.

During the working hours of the new year and the new year, as long as there is no case, most of the police officers in the serious crime team are patrolling outside.

Perhaps the criminals also had to celebrate the New Year, and none of the cases belonging to the serious crime team happened.

As for theft, car accidents, etc., they are not cases of the serious crime team.

Unless the amount of theft is huge, it is the turn of the serious crime team.

After the new year, school started, and Suni went to Liangjiang University to study.

The matter of the Rose Fitness Club was handed over to several employees by her.

Only on weekend mornings, she would go to the Rose Fitness Club as a guest trainer.

Shandi, who doesn't want to work overtime, solves a case quickly every time he encounters it.

It is easy to find the clues and easy to catch the murderer.

Seeing that the first serious case team handles cases quickly, Hao Zhengyi often leaves the backlog of cases from the other three teams to the first team.

Even so, Shandy was able to solve the case quickly, and the Serious Case Team [-] still had no chance to work overtime.

The overtime pay is not much, and he is not short of money. Instead of working overtime, he might as well practice marksmanship.

On Friday afternoon, Shandy copied a pair of designer couple watches with a printer.

Driving to Liangjiang University, when he was having dinner with Suni, he took out a lady's watch.

"Thank you." Suni said sweetly.

"Let's go." Shandy laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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