Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 438 Joint Exercises

Chapter 438 Joint Exercises
In the dead of night, Shangdi, who was feeling comfortable all over, slowly fell into a dream.

Wake up, do some morning exercise, have breakfast, and go shopping.

Suni planned to take a day off, so she didn't go to the gym.

Half an hour later, the two walked into the largest shopping mall in Xing County.

"This suits you quite well, try it?" Suni took off a suit.

"I'm just a little policeman, it's not appropriate to wear this." Shandy shook his head.

"You haven't done anything wrong, what are you afraid of?" Suni laughed.

"It's fine to wear comfortable clothes. Things that cost tens of thousands of dollars a piece are uncomfortable to wear. Instead of giving money to foreigners, it's better to donate it to orphanages." Shang Di said righteously.

"Then go buy something cheaper." Suni nodded.

"I have a friend who is a tailor, and I'll ask him to make you some suits," Shandy said.

"You have so many friends, some make tea, some make cigarettes, some make wine, and some make clothes." Suni laughed.

I walked around the mall for more than an hour, but I didn't buy anything.

Shangdi can produce the things in the mall by himself, and he can produce the things that are not in the mall.

Self-produced materials are better, self-produced workmanship is better, and self-produced things are free.

After lunch, Shangdi, Suni, Su Jiancheng and Zhang Yan drove to the beach.

"Xiao Shang, can you fish in the sea?" Su Jiancheng asked.

"I've fished a few times before," Shandy said.

"The grill is ready, we're waiting for your fish," Zhang Yan said.

Seeing this situation, Shangdi had no choice but to hang up.

Holding the fishing rod and throwing it vigorously, it was thrown more than 100 meters directly.

The bait sank to the bottom of the sea, and Shandy pulled hard, and a grouper was caught on the hook.

"Did you catch it?" Suni asked.

"Well, it should weigh more than ten catties." Shang Di laughed.

"Xiao Shang, your luck is really good." Su Jiancheng said enviously.

"This type of grouper still weighs more than a dozen catties, so it can be sold for at least five or six thousand." Zhang Yan said with a smile.

"Auntie, I'm here to kill the fish." As soon as Shangdi finished speaking, he cleaned the grouper, and skillfully cut the grouper into thin slices with uniform thickness, and put them on with bamboo sticks.

"Xiao Shang, your sword skills are very good." Zhang Yan praised.

The one-millimeter-thick fish fillets are grilled quickly over charcoal fire, absolutely fragrant and tender.

After playing at the beach for an afternoon, everyone left with smiles on their faces.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Hao Zhengyi walked into a team's office and said loudly, "These people are dangerous people who sneaked into Liangjiang, and the higher-ups demanded that we find them."

"Team leader, the people in the photo are obviously soldiers, so it's not a joint exercise?" Shan Di asked.

"Are you sure they are all soldiers?" Hao Zhengyi asked thoughtfully.

"So many people with basically the same skin color, all dangerous elements, entered Liangjiang at the same time. There are not many such coincidences. It is best to clarify some things to avoid unnecessary accidental injuries." Shang Di said.

"As for whether it is a joint exercise or not, it is not our business. The task given to us by the higher authorities is to find them." Hao Zhengyi said.

"As long as they dare to come to Xing County, I can find them." Shang Di was full of confidence.

"Really?" Hao Zhengyi asked curiously.

"There are surveillance cameras at every intersection, and so are many neighborhoods. I recently created a people search software and imported their photos into the software," Shandi said.

"I'll apply for permission for you." Hao Zhengyi decided to support it.

After importing photos one by one, Shangdi retrieved all surveillance cameras in Xing County.

In an instant, a dangerous element was found.

"Xinhe Road No. 73 Street, the man in the blue shirt is Target No. [-]."

Perhaps those soldiers were unlucky, and Xing County was a must for them.

"The beggar on the pedestrian street is target No. 31."

"The sanitation worker outside Xingxian No. 11 Middle School is the No. [-] target."

After finding each target, Shandy picked up the walkie-talkie and contacted colleagues near the target.

The soldiers participating in the exercise had nowhere to hide.

There are drones in the sky and surveillance on the ground.

In less than three hours, three hundred soldiers were captured by colleagues one by one.

"You were caught too?"

"Fuck, you've all been caught."

"Damn, so many people?"

The soldiers stared at the other comrades with big eyes and small eyes.

"Captain Liu, the team leader, it seems that there are no 'dangerous elements'." Shang Di said.

"Not bad." Liu Qiang was extremely satisfied.

"Amazing!" Hao Zhengyi praised.

"Team leader, I want to import the information of the wanted criminals, and check if there are any wanted criminals in our Xing County?" Shang Di said with an idea.

"Okay!" Hao Zhengyi nodded in response.

The Xing County police are fully mobilized. Such an opportunity cannot be wasted.

Import the information of wanted criminals one by one
As time went by, the wanted criminals were brought back to the police station one by one.

"I didn't expect that our Xing County would hide so many wanted criminals." Hao Zhengyi was surprised and delighted.

More than [-] wanted criminals were caught, and everyone was a little excited, but also a little ashamed.

"If this continues, our Xing County will soon become a pure land for criminals." Liu Qiang laughed.

"This software is so powerful that criminals with makeup can be compared." Hao Zhengyi praised.

More than an hour later, a police car and a helicopter arrived at the Xing County Police Station in no particular order.

The three hundred soldiers were wiped out by the Xing County police, and the special forces trial ended without a problem.

"The reason why everyone who heard about me was arrested by the Xing County police was because of you?"

"I learned about computers and made a software to use surveillance and drones"

"Are you willing to come to the special warfare brigade? If you are willing, I will let you be the deputy director of the technical department."

"Thank you for your kindness. I work in the police station and feel pretty good."

"Our special warfare brigade has all kinds of new weapons"

"Brigade Commander Lei, why did someone scoop me up in front of me?"

"A talent like him should go to my special warfare brigade for training."

"Our two well-known detectives still need to go to the special warfare brigade for training?"

"It's good to let him practice marksmanship. Your police force's marksmanship is not good enough after all."

"Closed, Shandy's marksmanship is very good, within the effective range of the gun, he can hit every shot."

"Really? You can't lie to me, right?"

"One time he rescued the hostages, and he also used the gun throwing technique."

In desperation, Shandy went to the shooting range and performed a shocking marksmanship.

Seeing Lei Tianxing's devastated expression, Feng Qianli felt extremely happy.

Contributing to the person search software, Shandy received a bonus of 1000 million.

A few days later, police forces all over the country hunted down the wanted criminals.

In less than a week, all the wanted criminals who didn't escape from Tianyuan Kingdom, didn't die, or hid in the deep mountains and old forests were all caught.

Time passed day after day, and before I knew it, the correspondence exam of Liangjiang University kicked off.

Shangdi, who asked for leave, found a hotel near Liangjiang University to stay.

He took out the equipment and inspected the room, and after confirming that there was no monitoring, a smile appeared on his face.

There are a total of 47 courses, four exams per day, and the exam time is twelve days.

Go to school for exams in the morning, and eat in the school cafeteria with Suni at noon.

In the afternoon, I went to the exam again. After dinner, I exercised with Suni.

After 47 exams, Shangdi returned to Xing County, waiting for his graduation certificate.

"In the previous world, there were on-the-job graduate students and on-job doctors."

"Tianyuan State-owned Correspondence University, Correspondence Postgraduate, Correspondence Doctor."

"Being a person can't patronize yourself, you have to think about the people around you."

After thinking about it for a while, Shandy decided to study another postgraduate and doctoral degree by correspondence.

Why not do it if you can get a higher diploma without affecting your daily life?
(End of this chapter)

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