Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 441 Strong Counterattack

Chapter 441 Strong Counterattack
After parking the car, Shangdi walked into the Liangjiang Military Control Bureau.

After signing up and paying, half an hour later, he was taken to a meeting room.

He easily passed the written test and handled the practical exercises with ease. Shang Di successfully obtained the qualification certificate of martial arts.

Strictly speaking, martial arts belongs to traditional Chinese medicine, but it is independent of traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine is for the general public, and martial arts is for warriors.

In terms of the speed of obtaining certificates alone, the Chinese medicine qualification certificate is very slow, and the martial arts qualification certificate is very fast.

From the perspective of the difficulty of obtaining the certificate, the difficulty of obtaining the qualification certificate of martial arts is far from comparable to that of the qualification certificate of traditional Chinese medicine.

Driving back to Xing County, Shangdi didn't go to the police station, but went home directly.

He took a day off, and as long as he didn't receive a mission, he didn't have to go to the police station.

As a police officer of the serious crime team, his mobile phone is always on, and he may go to work at any time.

Matsuyama, afterlife faction.

"Senior Brother Jingchen, Junior Brother Jingkong has been abolished." A young man in a practice uniform said through gritted teeth.

"Junior Brother Jingwu, what happened to Junior Brother Jingkong?" Another young man asked eagerly.

"Junior Jing Kong has the cultivation base of the early days of Houtian, and is an elite disciple of our Afterlife Sect, who dares to abolish him?" A young man next to him looked puzzled.

Since ancient times, people who were poor in culture and rich in martial arts needed money to practice martial arts.

Jing Chen, Jing Wu, Jing Kong, and Jing Ran are the four disciples of the Afterlife Sect.

The reason why the four of them can stand out in the Afterlife Sect and become the famous Four Great Disciples is that apart from talent and hard work, the main reason is that they have no shortage of resources to assist their cultivation.

Literature uses Confucianism to violate the law, and chivalry uses martial arts to violate prohibition.

As a martial artist in the acquired realm, as long as he is careful, he can make money very quickly.

"Junior Brother Jing Kong went to Xing County to make money," Jing Wu said.

Jing Ran calmly said: "Junior Jingkong knows about us, if he confesses to the police, Tianyuan Kingdom will definitely not have a place for us, and the Afterlife Sect will not tolerate us either!"

"It's not too late, let's go to Xing County." Jing Chen said.

"The matter of Junior Brother Jing Kong should be settled." Jing Ran nodded.

A group of three people left the afterlife school on the grounds of going down the mountain to practice, and came to Xing County by car.

"Brother Jingchen, what should I do next?" Jing Wu asked.

"You and I are going to avenge Junior Brother Jingkong, Junior Brother Jingran is responsible for solving hidden dangers." Jing Chen said.

"When will we do it?" Jing Ran asked.

"Wait until we avenge our revenge, then you will do it again." Jing Chen said.

Jing Kong is also Han Yihu, who is currently under strict supervision, and breaking in is tantamount to courting death.

Jing Chen felt that if he and Jing Wu killed Shang Di, they would definitely be able to divert the tiger away from the mountain and create opportunities for Jing Ran.

"Yeah." Jing Ran nodded.

At dusk, Jing Chen and Jing Wu, who were masked in black, easily sneaked into the Yujing Villa area.

Hearing someone sneaking in, Shandy frowned.

Jingchen, who thought he had the chance to win, shouted loudly: "Kill!"

He didn't make any noise and killed people silently, so there was no way to turn the tiger away from the mountain.

If people from the police force are not brought over, Jing Ran will not have a chance to eliminate hidden dangers.

Although the strength of the afterlife faction is strong, it is far inferior to the official.

Once Jing Kong confessed, if they were lucky, they would still be able to escape from Tianyuan Kingdom.

If they are unlucky, they will become wanted criminals.

In this day and age, being wanted by the police is absolutely impossible.

In order to get rid of the relationship, the afterlife faction must clean up the sect.

One move at a time, and in the blink of an eye, Jing Chen and Jing Wu were eliminated by Shang Di.

Waiting left and right, waiting for more than an hour, Jing Ran didn't get any chance.

Shangdi drove the off-road vehicle and brought the two masked men in black back to the Xing County Police Station.

Looking at the two senior brothers who were locked next to him, Han Yihu was stunned.

Hao Zhengyi, who came after hearing the news, asked in surprise, "What's going on?"

"These two guys want to kill me." Shandy said bluntly.

"Do you know them?" Hao Zhengyi asked.

"I don't know him, but he must," Shandy said.

"If there is no accident, these two guys are also from the afterlife school." Hao Zhengyi said thoughtfully.

"Team leader, these three people are all from the Afterlife Sect, and they are also the four major disciples of the Afterlife Sect." A police officer brought a laptop and pointed to a photo on the screen.

"This guy is outside the police station." Shandi pointed to Jing Ran in the photo.

"In the middle of the day after tomorrow, are you confident?" Hao Zhengyi asked.

"Leave it to me." Shandi grinned, turned and walked out.

Jing Ran, who was waiting for an opportunity outside the police station, leaned against a camphor tree by the side of the road.

Shan Di walked over, disabled the opponent with one move, and brought him back to the police station.

Han Yihu suddenly said: "Officer, I surrender myself."

Among the four major disciples, he had some conflicts with Jing Ran.

Jingchen knew that he had conflicts with Jingran, and asked Jingran to come to the police station for self-evident purpose.

Han Yihu felt that the three senior brothers wanted to kill him to silence him. He would definitely die if he committed a crime, and the three senior brothers should be buried with him.

"Let's talk." Hao Zhengyi said with a smile.

"My name is Han Yihu, and I am Jing Kong, one of the four disciples of the Afterlife Sect. Ten years ago." Han Yihu unreservedly talked about the cases he had done over the years.

"Officer, he framed us." Jing Chen retorted.

"Brother, people are doing it, and the sky is watching. Don't forget that among the afterlife faction, there are still a lot of stolen goods in your room." Han Yihu sneered.

"Team leader, I would like to take someone to the Afterlife School." Shan Di said.

"Well, let me contact the military and ask them to send someone to help." Hao Zhengyi nodded.

In the morning of the next day, Shangdi, more than a dozen police officers, and more than 100 soldiers went straight to the afterlife faction.

A few hours later, a group of people arrived at the gate of the afterlife sect.

Taking out the search warrant, Shandy walked in confidently.

The warriors who blocked the search were all destroyed by him with one move.

He murdered and robbed money, committed countless crimes, and severely injured six policemen.
The stolen goods in Jing Kong, Jing Chen, Jing Wu, and Jing Ran's room were all searched out.

Raising grass and beating rabbits, some stolen martial arts cheats and precious things were also found out.

"Bring back all the contents inside." Shandi said.

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison.

An old man with white hair and childlike face said angrily: "It's too much to deceive people."

"These items are all stolen goods, and the remaining items may also be stolen items. As long as you can prove which items are obtained legally, we will return the original items." Shang Di said indifferently.

"Hmph!" The old man snorted coldly.

"Bring them all back." Shandi said loudly.

In less than two hours, all the martial arts secret books, gold, silver and jewelry of the Afterlife School were removed.

The things put together with the stolen goods are very likely to be stolen goods. Who can make irresponsible remarks?
As for the innate warriors of the afterlife faction, Shangdi didn't take it seriously.

Supreme saints are not afraid, let alone ants in the innate realm?

More than a dozen off-road vehicles and trucks left Fushipai and drove slowly towards Xing County.

Shandi, who was sitting in the first truck, sneered, "I'm not afraid that you won't come."

At around [-] o'clock in the evening, the convoy entered the sparsely populated suburbs, and several off-road vehicles rushed to the front of the convoy.

The first truck was forced to stop by the off-road vehicle, and Shandy stepped down.

Although the group of people in front of them wore masks, their identities were self-evident.

"Kill!" An angry voice sounded.

Shang Di didn't hold back any more, and eliminated one with each move. In an instant, the 26 members of the Afterlife Sect were all dealt with by him.

The martial arts secret books that have been passed down for thousands of years, as well as the mountains of gold and silver treasures, have all been taken away by people. How could the Afterlife School remain indifferent.

In order to keep the sect alive, the only two congenital strongmen of the afterlife sect, and more than [-] acquired warriors, have been chasing after them from Songshan.

If the martial arts cheats are not snatched back, the martial arts of the afterlife sect will definitely spread.

Over time, the afterlife faction must exist in name only.

It's just that the fighters of the afterlife faction overestimated themselves and underestimated Shandi.
The convoy turned around and went back to Afterlife Pie again.

One caught the other, and within a short while, all the people from the afterlife faction were caught.

(End of this chapter)

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