Chapter 444

Wind Wolf opened the car door and shouted, "Get in the car!"

Lan Hu sat in the co-pilot and asked suspiciously, "Who fired the shot just now?"

"I don't know." Wind Wolf shook his head, stepped on the accelerator hard, and the pickup truck sped out.

"Is it one of us?" Blue Fox asked.

"I haven't heard of anyone else." Wind Wolf was also puzzled.

Shandy, condescending, kills a criminal with a single shot.

The criminals in the town, the criminals in the camp, rushed out with guns.

The confident Shandy quickly pulled the trigger.

"Nimma, you almost hit me."

"Look at my killing streak.!"

Start the combo, 74 people with one bullet.

In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of corpses on the ground.

With the idea of ​​getting rid of all evil, Shandi rushed into Sander's camp.

Bullets flashed away, and corpses were lying on the ground in disorder.

In a short while, Sander and his men were slaughtered by him.

"It's so inexperienced. The off-road vehicle, which costs more than 500 million yuan, is still a new one and has been requisitioned."

Driving Sander's off-road vehicle that he bought only a few days ago, and carrying the diamonds and gold he found, Shandy left with a smile on his face.

"Wild fires are endless, spring breeze blows and regenerates, millet and vegetables are endless, so there is no time to waste."

If you want to burn the green and oily millet, you have to pour some oil on it.

It takes time and effort to burn all the millets and vegetables that stretch as far as the eye can see.

Today the millets and vegetables are burned, and tomorrow they will be planted again.

After driving away from Sangmo, Shangdi returned to Tianyuan Kingdom safely.

He came to the gate of Fengleite Battle Brigade again, made a phone call, and he was brought into the meeting room.

"Let me introduce you." Lei Tianxing said with a smile.

"Thank you." Wind Wolf Liu Haojie smiled and stretched out his hand.

"You fired the gun yesterday?" Blue Fox Zhao Yaxin asked thoughtfully.

"Yeah." Shandy didn't deny it.

"Thank you." Zhao Yaxin thanked her.

"Brigade Commander Lei, I seized an off-road vehicle, as well as some gold and diamonds." Shandi said.

"Captured?" Lei Tianxing was stunned.

"In order to kill them, I was surrounded by Sander's men. After a bloody battle, Sander and his men were wiped out by me." Shandi said confidently.

"You killed Sander?" Lei Tianxing asked.

"He wanted to kill me, and I didn't want to die, so I had to let him die," Shandy said.

"You won't kill all Sander's subordinates, right?" Lei Tianxing tried to ask.

Warriors in the innate realm can resist rifle bullets by virtue of their innate qi.

When the afterlife sent to intercept the joint military and police convoy, there were two innate warriors and more than twenty acquired warriors.
A guy with perfect marksmanship and his own strength surpassed his innate strength, his combat effectiveness is incalculable.

Therefore, Lei Tianxing suspected that Sander's men might be killed by Captain Shang in front of him.

"I killed all the people who shot at me. I am a policeman and they are criminals." Shandi said calmly.

"I'll go and see what you've seized." Lei Tianxing said with a smile.

After looking at the things on the car, I roughly estimated that the gold and diamonds are worth more than 5000 million.

"Accordingly, these things are stolen goods that you seized abroad." Lei Tianxing said.

Seeing that the other party wants to share some, Shangdi doesn't care, and he is not short of money, so he said generously: "Brigade Commander Lei, everything is up to you."

"Twenty-one plus five, half for you, half for us." Lei Tianxing said.

"I don't want gold and diamonds. How about giving me this car?" Shandi asked.

"Then thank you Captain Shang." Lei Tianxing was overjoyed. Training needs money, and the more funds the better.

"Brigade Commander Lei, help me get a license plate." Shandi said.

"You promise me one condition, and I'll give you a military badge." Lei Tianxing smiled in a flash of inspiration.

"On what terms?" Shandy asked.

"Become a non-staff instructor of the Fenglei Special Brigade," Lei Tianxing said.

The other party is a serving police officer, and it is impossible to become a serving soldier.

He wanted the other party to join the army, but there was no way.

Out of helplessness, Lei Tianxing had to find another way.

"Okay." Shangdi nodded in response.

In less than half a day, the license plate of the off-road vehicle was completed.

I stayed in the Fengleite Brigade for a week, and successively served as a combat and marksmanship instructor.

After bidding farewell to Brigadier Lei, Shangdi drove an off-road vehicle and headed straight for Xing County.

"Killing a person in ten steps, you won't stay behind for a thousand miles, and when it's done, just brush off your clothes and hide your merit and fame!"

A few hours later, Shandi drove back to Yujing Villa area.

"Fortunately, the house is big enough to park three more cars."

After dinner alone, Shangdi bought some fruits and came to Xing County First Hospital.

Looking at Liu Qiang and the others, he smiled and said, "Captain Liu, you can leave the hospital now."

"Really?" Liu Qiang smiled, and said again: "Go and go through the discharge procedures."

"Yeah." Shandy nodded.

The group left the hospital, found a restaurant, and had a hearty meal.

The next morning, Shandy arrived at the police station on time.

"How about the mission?" Hao Zhengyi asked.

"It's done." Shandy smiled.

"That's good." Hao Zhengyi nodded.

During the noon break, the alarm sounded.

Noticing that someone had hacked into the police station's network, Shandy immediately tapped on the keyboard.

In an instant, the intruder's address was locked by him.

The members of the Second Serious Case Squad drove away in a police car.

Half an hour later, a young man in his 20s was brought back to the police station.

"Zhang Maohua, telling the truth is your only way out." Shang Di walked into the interrogation room.

"I just want to test your computer technology." Zhang Maohua said.

"Let me do the math for you. By reselling information, you earned 10,000+. This time, a man named Mao San asked you to hack into the police station's network, right?" Shan Di laughed.

"You, you, how do you know?" Zhang Maohua was taken aback.

"You should know the eight characters on the wall." Shandi pointed to the wall behind him.

"I said, I said everything." Zhang Maohua said without reservation.

Shang Di turned around and left the interrogation room. The rest will be dealt with by the Serious Case Second Squad.

He doesn't care whether he gets a promotion or a salary increase.

On the side of the Xing County Police Force, the monthly basic salary is [-].

There is also a monthly subsidy of 5000 yuan for the Fengleite Battle Brigade.

The remuneration for the novel is sometimes more than 100 million per month, and sometimes more than 200 million per month.

The sales of Jin Lao's novels are not a problem, whether it is physical sales or online subscriptions.

He had been the emperor, the master of the planet, and now he is the master of the primordial universe. He didn't care about rights long ago.

There is enough money in the current world, and more is just some numbers.

Food and clothing can be self-produced, and the money is rarely used.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Shandy clocked in and left.

I went home and had dinner, took a hot bath, and slept in bed until dawn.

"It's Friday, and I can rest tomorrow."

Shaking his head, he clocked in for work, repaired a few computers, and played a guest role as an instructor for a while.

The powerful Afterlife Sect was wiped out by the Xing County Police Force, and many criminals dare not commit crimes in Xing County.

With cameras everywhere and people-searching software, the Xing County Police Force solved the case quickly.

I saw colleagues being arrested one by one, and criminals shifting positions one by one.

After get off work, Shangdi took a taxi to Liangjiang University.

"Didn't you go on a mission?" Suni asked.

"The mission ended early." Shandy said with a smile.

The two walked towards the parking lot talking and laughing.

"You drive." Suni took out the key.

"Your driving skills are pretty good." Shandy took the key.

Back to Yujing Villa area, went to Su Jiancheng for dinner.

Returning to Villa No. 27, I practiced my marksmanship to my heart's content, and had a good night's sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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