Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 446 Changing Jobs

Chapter 446 Changing Jobs

Autumn goes to winter, and the schools are on winter vacation.

"I have five days of annual leave this year. However, I am on five days off and two days off now. It doesn't matter if I have annual leave or not." Shandi, who was full of energy, rode to the police station.

After the new year, he will be 22 years old, and in just over six months, Suni will graduate from university.

The last half year of college is an internship period, and he has more time to practice guns.

As for correspondence postgraduate students, as long as they pass the exam, they can get a diploma.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Shangdi, who was in the office, received a task.

A passenger car, a factory car, and more than a dozen cars collided, and more than 100 injured people were sent to the First Hospital of Xingxian County.

Due to the internal bleeding and severe fractures of many wounded, Shangdi was arrested.

Before Liu Qiang and the others were injured, he had shown shocking medical skills in Xing County First Hospital.

After hanging up Hao Zhengyi's phone call, Shangdi left on a motorcycle.

At the entrance of the hospital, a doctor greeted him: "Officer Shang, you are finally here."

The other party knew him, but he didn't know the other party. Shandi nodded and asked casually, "Where is the injured?"

The doctor who greeted him stretched out his hand and signaled, "Please follow me."

Shandi looked at the condition of each injured person, and began to set the bone, insert needles, and suture.

Use silver needles to stop bleeding and clear blood stasis to return the bones with bare hands.

Shandi, with his medical skills like a god, easily saved every seriously injured patient from danger.

"Who is this doctor? Isn't his medical skill too good?"

"He's not a doctor, he's like a policeman."

"Police? Are policemen better than doctors?"

"He's a medically skilled policeman."

"Six people were seriously injured last time at the police station"

"It's not good to be a good doctor, why should you become a policeman?"

"Could it be that the salary of the police is higher than that of the doctor? Impossible!"

Ignoring everyone's surprise and seeing the last injured person, Shandi left alone.

He is now a police officer, not a doctor.

This time, coming to the hospital to help was a task given to him by the bureau.

All the injured were out of danger, and he could escape with confidence.

"It's almost one o'clock, find a place to eat."

After eating something casually, Shandy rode his motorcycle back to his office.

The afternoon was safe and sound, and I clocked out of get off work on time.

After going home to eat and practice guns, Shandy slept comfortably.

The serialized martial arts novels and detective novels are all updated automatically, so don't worry about it.

People in the world often say that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

When a person becomes famous, there will be more troubles, and when a pig grows fat, he is not far from death.

No, Shandi's miraculous medical skills have been spread.

In this day and age, information is very advanced.

Three need amputation. Six need surgery. Not only did the operation not be performed, but they were all out of danger.

For more than ten days in a row, the family members of the patient came to the police station to look for him.

Shandi, who didn't want to be a doctor, naturally refused all of them.

He is now a policeman, not a doctor, and has no responsibility to save lives and heal the wounded.

It is his job to be the police before the police and the police after the investigation. It is his job to redress the grievances of the victims and bring the criminals to justice.

Rich people were rejected by him, and powerful people were also rejected by him.

Su Tao, who regained his freedom, was so angry that he reported Shangdi.

A little policeman who lives in a villa and has a luxury car.
Because of his reluctance to treat patients, Shandy offended many people, and a few days later, he was transferred to the archives room.

After working for a few days, he felt boring, so he resigned directly.

Hao Zhengyi tried every means to keep him, but Shang Di had made up his mind to go.

He didn't care if he was a policeman or not.

Instead of sitting in the archives all day, go fishing.

There are fewer and fewer criminals in Xing County, so he already thought of resigning.

Who was reported and who was attacking him, Shangdi didn't care.

With his ability, finding the mastermind behind the scenes and taking revenge can be done in a single thought.

To this day, immortals and gods are just ants to him, let alone ordinary people.

Declining the invitation from the novel website, Shang Di'an prepared for the New Year with peace of mind.

At the end of last year, he had only joined the police force for a few months. According to regulations, he had no annual leave.

There were five days of annual leave this year, but unfortunately he resigned before the new year.

When ordinary people encounter such a thing, not to mention whether it will kill the Quartet, at least they will vent their anger.

But he is not an ordinary person. He has lived too long and experienced too much, so he has long been bearish.

He does things his own way, sometimes too magnanimous, and sometimes haggling.

How he handles the situation depends entirely on his mood at the time.

"Police jobs are lost, military jobs are still there."

Dispelling the distracting thoughts in their minds, Shandi and Suni went to the Rose Fitness Club.

"Nimma, I didn't lose my temper, are you still relentless?"

Shandi was furious when he found out that someone was targeting his girlfriend's fitness club.

The clone shot, and in the blink of an eye, the mastermind behind the scenes disappeared.

This morning, Shandy and Suni came to Villa No. [-].

"Tear off the paper." Su Jiancheng took out a bundle of yellow paper.

To tear the paper is not to tear the paper, to be more precise, it is to separate the yellow paper money.

Starting a few years ago, in the urban area of ​​Xing County, setting off firecrackers was not allowed.

It is not forbidden to burn incense and paper to the deceased elders during festivals.

Firecrackers are dangerous, so it’s okay to ban them. Burning paper is also dangerous, but they can’t be banned.

Every year when people go to the grave to burn incense, there will be more or less, large or small fires, but there are still people who go to the grave to burn incense.

In the past, when people went to graves to burn incense and burned the hillside, they would burn it. Now when they go to graves to burn incense and burn the hillside, fines are inevitable, and if the circumstances are serious, they will be detained.

Around ten o'clock, Suni's grandparents, uncles and aunts rushed over.

After another ten minutes, Su Jianguo came with his wife and children.

Glancing at Shangdi, Cai Wenmei snorted coldly.

Shandi turned a blind eye, listened but didn't hear, the time and place were not suitable for quarreling.

If it wasn't for Su Ni's sake, Su Tao and Cai Wenmei would have reported to the crematorium long ago.

After having lunch in a restaurant outside, Shandy was dragged to play cards again.

Xin fought for more than three hours, and he won more than 2 yuan from Su Tao.

Shandi distributed the money on the table to Suni's nephews and nieces.

After dinner, return to villa No. 27 and take a hot bath
After playing to his heart's content for more than ten days, Shangdi, who had nothing to do, planned to find a job.

The family members of Hongmeng Universe are currently in retreat, and it would be boring to go back.

"The mastermind behind the scenes is gone, why don't I open a clinic?"

"If I open a clinic, the business must be booming and the business must be busy."

"As a doctor, you should save lives and heal the wounded. It is not good to violate professional ethics!"

After thinking about it, Shangdi decided to make a guest appearance as an alchemist.

"I have a martial arts qualification certificate, so it is reasonable and legal to make alchemy and sell alchemy."

I went out to buy some medicinal materials, and took some medicinal materials in the exclusive space.

After preparing various utensils, Shandy began to boil the pills.

Without real fire, it is not easy to refine real elixir.

Moluoxing's pills are all pills made by kneading.

In the current world, if you are an ordinary person with dozens or hundreds of years, the problem of appearance and longevity must be solved.

He didn't want to repeat the same mistakes that he had mass-produced life extension potions and immortality potions in other worlds.

To open a factory, you need to buy land and recruit people to go through the formalities, so it's better to get some longevity pills and immortality pills.

"Strengthen your physical fitness, and call it a physical enhancement pill."

Looking at the pills made by kneading, a little smile appeared on Shandi's face.

Take out a jade bottle and fill it with more than 100 pills.

After calming down, he began to brew the longevity pill again.

(End of this chapter)

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