Chapter 449

After the new year, Suni went to Liangjiang University to study again.

Shangdi drove to Wangjia Village and looked at the hotels and restaurants under construction.

The parking lot has been built with fifty parking spaces.

"In more than a month, the hotel and restaurant will be built."

Looking at the dilapidated country road, Shandy planned to expand it.

I found Wang Fuqiang and discussed it for a while. The land was produced in the village, and he paid for it. The road was expanded into two lanes.

Three meters for a single lane, six meters for two lanes, plus parking spaces and roadbeds, the total width is ten meters.

The country road in Wangjia Village has been connected to the national road, with a total length of more than 1000 meters.

After Wang Fugui settled the land and formalities, Shangdi found a road construction company, signed the contract and paid for it.

The villagers whose land has been occupied will be allocated corresponding land from the private plot in the village.

"Around the fish pond, make some reinforced concrete fishing platforms."

Time passed day after day, and before I knew it, it was several months.

Shangdi went to Liangjiang University, took the exam for more than ten days, and successfully obtained his graduation certificate.

"From now on, I will be a Ph.D. in computer science."

A few days later, Shangdi and Suni drove back to Xing County.

Hotels, restaurants, parking spaces, and asphalt roads have been built long ago.

With this in mind, Shangdi decided to open the pond.

A publicity team was invited to publicize it in the county town with drums and gongs.

[-]% off on the opening day, five yuan per catty of fish.
In the fish ponds in Xing County, fishing is mostly ten yuan per catty, and some fish ponds are fifteen per catty.

The fee was five yuan per catty, and many people who were keen on fishing went to Wangjiacun Reservoir one after another.

A series of parking spaces cost two yuan per hour, which is neither expensive nor cheap.

Parking in urban areas is three yuan per hour, and there is no charge for parking in rural areas.

"A fish weighing more than one catty is stronger than a fish weighing more than five catties?"

"The vitality of this fish is really strong, it is definitely a wild fish."

"Five yuan per catty, great value for money!"

"One discount is five yuan, wouldn't it be fifty if there is no discount?"

"Not to mention that the road has been rebuilt, there are still hotels, restaurants, and parking lots."

"The processing fee is ten yuan per catty, catch more fish, and process it at Wang's Restaurant at noon."

On the opening day, before nine o'clock in the morning, most of the fishing platforms were occupied by people.

"54 cars, two yuan per hour, 27 motorcycles and battery cars, one yuan per hour, it seems not bad!" Wang Fuqiang calculated.

Shangdi, Su Jiancheng, and Su Yuntian sat on the exclusive fishing platform, chatting and fishing.

Near noon, some fishermen left, and some fishermen ate at Wang's Restaurant.

"Brother Li, this fish is fragrant and delicious, without any fishy smell."

"The chef's cooking skills are good, comparable to the chefs of restaurants."

"It's not that the chef's cooking skills are good, but the quality of the fish is good."

"I'll have to drive later, I won't drink anymore."

"What are you afraid of? There is a hotel here, 100 yuan a day, and I will go back tomorrow when I get drunk."

"Okay, let's have a drink with you."

I made a pot of crispy crucian carp, a pot of sauerkraut fish, and Shangdi fried another vegetable.

"This fish is really delicious." Su Yuntian praised.

"The fish is good, and the cooking skills are also good." Su Jiancheng said.

"How much did you charge?" Suni asked.

"The fishing fee is more than 5000." Shandi replied.

The reservoir has been contracted by him for 50 years, and fishing is paid by scanning codes, and the money is transferred to his card.

Parking fees, money received by restaurants and hotels are deposited into a public account.

The public account is settled once a month, he gets [-]%, and the village gets [-]%.

"Five yuan per catty, you caught more than 1000 catties in one morning?" Su Jiancheng was stunned.

"There are more than 100 people fishing, and in this weather, an average of ten catties per person is not too much." Shan Di said.

The weather was hot in the afternoon and not many people came to fish.

The people who took the fish home were surprised and happy after eating the fish.

They had eaten the same type of fish countless times, but this was the first time they had eaten such a delicious fish.

Suni is on summer vacation, and she only goes to the Rose Fitness Club on the morning of the two-day weekend.

The house in Yujing Villa District of the county seat is rarely lived in during this time.

The next morning, many people came to fish again.

"Fifty per catty." Wang Fugui said.

"I know." The young man with the fishing gear nodded.

"Fifty per catty." Wang Furen said.

The middle-aged man with big bags and small bags said with a smile: "Got it."

Some came alone, others with their families.

There are restaurants and hotels in the village, so you don’t have to worry about food and accommodation.

Take a breath of fresh air, taste the fish you caught, and don't have too much fun!

In Xingxian City, Zhang's Fresh Fish Farm.

"Boss, your fish is too unpalatable."

"Sir, our fish are all ecological fish."

"Is this also an ecological fish? The fish in the Wangjiacun reservoir are a hundred times better than yours."

"Even if you want to sell the fish to me, you can't talk like that!"

"Forget it, I can't tell you, check out!"

"This fish is much worse than the fish in Wangjiacun Reservoir." The customer at the table next to him said.

"The cooking skills are okay, but the fish is not very good."

"Brother Li, I'm going to pay the bill, and then go fishing in Wangjiacun Reservoir?"

"I heard that the fish in Wangjiacun Reservoir has risen to 50 yuan per catty."

"It only costs 1000 yuan to catch [-] catties, and the processing fee is [-] yuan per catty."

"Okay, let's go fishing, and I will pay for the lunch meal."

After eating the fish from the Wangjiacun Reservoir, it is absolutely difficult to eat other fish.

The salary of ordinary people in Xing County is only three or four thousand a month, but there are also many rich people.

Located in the coastal area, factories are everywhere, and there are many relocated households in Xing County.

Demolition of accompanying houses, loss of land occupation, and some dividends for those with factories in the village.

Some retirees have a monthly retirement salary of about [-].

This is the case in this era. The wages of most ordinary people are not as high as other people's retirement wages.

After exercising with Suni and taking a hot bath, Shandi sat on the fishing platform in front of his house, smoking a cigarette and drinking tea, fishing, looking very comfortable.

There are more than 100 fishing platforms around the reservoir, and the fishing platform at the entrance of the villa is his special fishing platform.

Ten minutes later, looking at the acquaintances in the distance, Shandi walked over with a smile.

"Xiao Shang, are you here too?" Liu Qiang asked in surprise.

"Liu team, I contracted this reservoir." Shang Di said.

"Oh." Liu Qiang nodded.

"Uncle Wang, you don't need to weigh the fish they catch later," Shang Di said.

"En." Wang Fugui responded.

"How embarrassing is that?" Liu Qiang laughed.

"Captain Liu, if you come fishing, if I charge you, I'll see you off." Shang Di said.

"Then you're welcome." Liu Qiang said.

Shandy took out a pack of cigarettes and gave out one to each of them.

"It's still a good cigarette." Zhang Chuan said with a smile.

Shang Di chatted with Liu Qiang and the others for a while, then turned and went back to the villa.

After dinner, Suni asked, "How much did you charge today?"

"More than 5." Shandi said casually.

"So much?" Suni couldn't believe it.

"Fifty per catty, that's more than 1000 catties." Shang Di didn't care.

Within a few days, several restaurants in the county town sent people to buy fish.

Seeing that the owners of the fish ponds did not sell them, the owners of restaurants asked their employees to buy the fish caught by others.

50 yuan per catty, and the restaurant owner pays [-] yuan per catty.

Many people who like fishing enjoy fishing while they are resting.

It can be entertaining and make money, why not do it?
Seeing this situation, some villagers in the village would fish in the reservoir as long as they had nothing to do.

In order to make money, men, women and children join in it.

If you catch a catty of fish, you can earn ten yuan, and if you catch ten catties of fish, you can earn a hundred dollars.

In the current weather, as long as you are lucky enough and your fishing skills do not lag behind, it is no problem to catch dozens of catties a day.

(End of this chapter)

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