Chapter 456

When I got home, I carefully studied the female graduate student, and Shangdi, who was lying on the sofa, was secretly thinking about what to do in the future.

"My wife still wants to study for a Ph.D. In the next few years, I will devote myself to developing the technology industry."

Take down all the tap water, garbage, and sewage markets in Tianyuan Country, and the annual profit will reach several trillion yuan.

Garbage treatment plants and sewage treatment plants can extract the purest raw materials.

You only need to build some processing plants to get involved in various industries.

Shangdi, who has a lot of money, decided to double the wages of all employees.

Even so, the annual salary expenditure can only increase by tens of billions.

Buy land, build factories, install equipment, and recruit workers.
At the beginning, he could still spend money, but it didn't take long for him to have more and more money.

Technology is the primary productive force, and knowledge equals money.

Time is like an arrow, the years are like a shuttle, and a few years have passed away quietly.

After exercising for a while with Dr. Beauty, Shandy fell into deep thought.

After Dr. Suni graduated, she no longer had the idea of ​​studying.

Go to the Rose Fitness Club on weekends, play a guest role as a fitness coach, and usually practice cooking at home.

This morning, Lei Tianxing came to the door.

"Brigade Commander Lei." Shandy shouted with a smile.

"Are there any longevity pills and immortal pills?" Lei Tianxing went straight to the point.

After several years of testing, it is enough to prove that Yanshoudan and Bulaodan are worthy of their names.

As for the specific effects of the two elixirs, it is still unknown for the time being.

"It has been refined in the past few years." Shang Di said.

"How many?" Lei Tianxing asked.

"Several thousand." Shandy replied.

"How much?" Lei Tianxing asked.

"Give it to you, I am not short of money now." Shandi walked into the room and moved out a wooden box.

"Thank you." Lei Tianxing said thanks.

"Does the Sunshine Group know?" Shandi asked.

"I know, it's yours." Lei Tianxing nodded.

"I'll give you the Sunshine Group." Shangdi said in shocking words.

Hearing that the other party wanted to give them the Sunshine Group, Lei Tianxing fell into a daze.

The waterworks, sewage treatment plants, and garbage treatment plants under the Sunshine Group alone have an annual profit of 10,000+ billion, not counting the more than 100 high-tech companies.

"It is enough for me to have the Wangjiacun Reservoir." Shangdi said frankly.

The two parties signed a transfer agreement. So far, Sunshine Group has been taken over by the military.

A few days later, during dinner, Su Jiancheng said, "You are all 30 years old, when are you going to have children?"

Taking this opportunity, Shangdi talked about his cultivation to become a fairy.

Teach Su Jiancheng their exercises and provide practice resources
Throwing some processed spirit stones in the reservoir, Shandi and Suni traveled around the world together.

Day after day, year after year, decades passed away quietly.

The avatar understands the rules and laws of the current universe, and the boring Shangdi makes the Hongmeng universe swallow the current universe.

The stronger primordial universe devours the universe much faster.

Unknowingly, the holy world, the god world, the fairy world, and the mortal world of the current universe disappeared one after another.

By mobilizing the power of the universe, Suni and the others quickly became immortals and gods.

"Divide the holy world, the god world, the fairy world, and the ordinary world."

In one thought, the holy world is divided into three, and the divine world is divided into three.
When he got the system, his body and soul were divided into countless parts.

If there is no accident, he in many worlds has corresponding parents.

Shangdi had no choice but to divide the secondary universe in the Hongmeng universe.

Wander around two secondary universes and practice marksmanship to your heart's content.

"Da Dao Tianzun is close at hand, but still unable to break through."

Seeing family members retreating again, Shandi once again chose to lose his life.

"God Realm? No family, no system money."

Death and resurrection is a god-man. After thinking about it, Shangdi released thousands of clones.

In just over 100 years, the current universe was swallowed up by the primordial universe.

"I still haven't become the Great Dao Tianzun, come again!"

Successively with Zhu Ying, Hong Chengmin, Liu Dayan, Song Zhu. Suni, practiced several times in the chaotic yin and yang scriptures, and Shangdi once again consumed the reserve life.

"It's meaningless to be a saint after reincarnation."

Release thousands of clones to comprehend the rules and laws of the current universe.

Decades later, the primordial universe began to devour the holy world.

"Close at hand, yet out of reach."

The reserve life decreased one after another, and one universe after another was swallowed by the primordial universe.

The Hongmeng universe keeps getting stronger, and the strength of Shangdi and the avatar keeps improving.

"Twenty times in a row, I didn't become a mortal, and I didn't have system money."

I looked at the Gunslinger system and found that there were only a hundred life reserves left.

"Life is endless, struggle is endless."

After wantonly practicing marksmanship, Shandi released his energy.
Consumed more than [-] reserves of life in a row, and devoured more than [-] universes in a row.

"Yizhou police, an ordinary person, and system money."

Digesting the memories of his predecessor, Shandy roughly figured out the current situation in the world.

Yizhou belongs to the Dragon Kingdom, but the current Yizhou is temporarily under self-management.

Yizhou is an island, and there are many subsidiary islands, with a total area of ​​more than 5 square kilometers.

"There are many gangs and countless black police officers. They used to be police officers from the Southern District Traffic Team."

There are [-] levels in the Yizhou police force, and police officers are the lowest level.

Above the Constables are the Senior Constables, the Sheriff and the Commissioner of Police.

After cheering up his spirits, Shangdi stood up, took a simple wash, quickly changed into a police uniform, drove a motorcycle, and went straight to the police station, clocked in for work, received equipment, and went to patrol the streets.

"Parking indiscriminately, I will send you a ticket."

Copy cards, post orders, leave, then copy cards and post orders.
Police officer Zhu Fei reminded: "This is a Tyrannosaurus car."

"Illegal parking will be fined." Shang Di said righteously.

"Boy, do you dare to post a ticket for our boss's car?" A young man with a green dragon on the left and a white tiger on the right walked over with a bad expression.

"Give me the notebook." Another youth held out his hand.

"Brother Shang, I beg you, give in and hand over the record book to them." Zhu Fei said in a low voice.

"Boy, you dare to issue a ticket for my car?" A burly young man, surrounded by several subordinates, strode over.

"If you park illegally, you will be fined!" Shandi said.

"Brothers, give it to me!" Tyrannosaurus waved his hand.

"You dare to attack the police?" Shandi shouted.

"Brother Shang, please be blessed." Zhu Fei ran away.

Shan Di took out his baton and looked at everyone confidently.

Several of the tyrannosaur's subordinates took out the steel pipes on their bodies and attacked aggressively.

Shang Di hit each stick, and in the blink of an eye, several young and Dangerous boys screamed again and again.

"Hmph." Tyrannosaurus snorted coldly, and shot himself.

After a few sticks, the Tyrannosaurus also lay on the ground.

Shandy picked up the intercom and reported the situation.

After defeating Tyrannosaurus and others, he gets three points of justice.

Shangdi found out that attacking criminals can get system money, and he couldn't help but smile knowingly.

After a while, Liu Haidong rushed over with several police officers.

"Captain, they attacked the police." Shandi said.

"How many of them did you defeat by yourself?" Liu Haidong couldn't believe it.

Tyrannosaurus is famous for being able to fight, and the guy who just arrived actually knocked down nine of them.

"I have this." Shandy shook the baton in his hand.

Looking at the steel pipes and watermelon knife on the ground, Liu Haidong was speechless and said loudly, "Take them all back."

With an embarrassed expression, Zhu Fei followed Shang Di to post the fines.

At noon, the two found a restaurant to eat.

"Brother Shang." Zhu Fei hesitated to speak.

"Stop talking, I understand." Shandi didn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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