Chapter 460

Xingyuan Entertainment Company, Chairman's Office.

Li Tianxing, who was sitting on the chair, looked at his subordinates with an unkind expression, and said coldly: "I'll give you three days, if you don't find them for me, you will be at your own risk!"

"Boss, I suspect there is an inner ghost. Otherwise, that chick from Hong Kong Island would never escape." Zhou Sheng said with a firm expression.

"You don't have to worry about the inner ghost, you all go find someone for me!" Li Tianxing said.

"Yes!" Several young people nodded in response, and walked out relieved.

Li Tianxing stood up, took two bodyguards, and drove to the car.

Holding Zhang Youruo's photo, Li Tianxing came to the headquarters.

Soon after, Zheng Shiqiang sent people to look for Zhang Youruo.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, the place where Zhang Youruo lived was found.

"Boss Li, you can deal with the rest." Zheng Shiqiang wrote an address.

"Thank you Mr. Zheng." Li Tianxing put down a check.

"The person you are looking for is currently under the protection of the police." Zheng Shiqiang said.

"How many police officers are there?" Li Tianxing asked.

"A total of six police officers are from the investigation team of the No. [-] Police Station in the Southern District." Zheng Shiqiang said.

With Zheng Shiqiang's ability, it only takes one phone call to obtain such information.

"I see." Li Tianxing thanked him, turned and left.

Back at Xingyuan Entertainment Company, after Li Tianxing thought about it, his rationality overcame his evil thoughts, and secretly said that it was a pity, so he hired several killers and planned to kill Zhang Youruo directly.

Zhang Youruo, a stunningly beautiful girl who was only 19 years old, he originally wanted to take into his family.

Unexpectedly, before he had time to act, he was escaped by the other party.

"One person is 30 yuan. After the event is completed, each person will have [-] yuan." The masked man took out [-] yuan in cash.

"Thank you boss." The killers were overjoyed.

Li Tianxing, who stood watching from a distance, was worried about gains and losses.

Kill Zhang Youruo, and no one can correct him.

Thinking of Zhang Youruo's beauty and figure, Li Tianxing couldn't help but sigh again.

Xingyuan entertainment company, mainly engaged in reselling young and beautiful women.

Li Tianxing has seen hundreds of beauties, but none of them moved his heart like Zhang Youruo.

Can a beauty who is not young and beautiful enough be spotted by a "scout"?
The killers came to the place where Zhang Youruo lived one after another.

Shandy, who was chatting, pulled out the pistol on his body, loaded it and opened the safety.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Da asked while holding the gun.

"The footsteps are hurried, someone, if there is no accident, is coming towards her." Shang Di said.

"You go inside the room." Zhou Da said.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Shandy said, standing against the wall.

Killer A outside the door said, "Check the water meter."

"Didn't the water meter be checked yesterday?" Shandi asked.

"The amount of water is wrong, I need to check the water meter." Killer A said again.

"I'm going to sleep, come back tomorrow." Shandi said.

"Bang bang bang" gunshots sounded, sawdust flew across, and the lock head fell.

One by one, the killers rushed to the living room.

Standing by the wall, Shandy turned on the headshot mode.

The killers who rushed into the living room fell down one by one.

Seeing the death of their comrades, the remaining killers did not dare to continue charging.

"What should I do?" Zhou Da asked.

"Call for reinforcements." Shandy changed positions, facing the door.

"I am the No. [-] Police Station of the Southern District." Zhou Da used a brick phone to make a call.

"Fuck!" Shandy raised his hand and shot twice.

"Watch out for grenades!" Zhou Da screamed.

Before the grenade fell into the living room, it was hit by bullets into the corridor.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and screams followed one after another.

Shandy rushed out of the door, one shot at a time, and the screams stopped abruptly.

"Did you hit it?" Zhou Da couldn't believe it.

"Good luck," Shandy said casually.

Zhang Youruo walked out anxiously, and asked with concern: "Are you all okay?"

"It's okay, it's safe for now." Shandi smiled.

"How did those killers find us?" Zhou Da was puzzled.

"Either there is an insider, or there is a net," Shandy said.

"If there is an inner ghost, this matter will be troublesome." Zhou Da frowned.

"Come one to kill one, come two to kill one pair." Shang Di didn't care.Talent becomes a body of law, even if he doesn't practice, his strength will continue to improve.

The criminal who troubles him has one and only one ending, which is to increase the system money for him.

"Can we change places?" Zhang Youruo asked.

"We have to change places," Zhou Da said.

"Captain, did you all do it?" Fade Chen and others rushed over.

"He killed it alone." Zhou Da explained the situation vividly.

"Amazing." Fade Chen admired and envied him.

After a while, Yang Jiehui led the team to come for reinforcements. After looking at the situation, he found that it had to be finished again.

Zhou Da, Shang Di and others took Zhang Youruo away.

Yang Jiehui asked people to deal with the compensation and remove the killer's body.

They found two houses to live in again, the situation of human trafficking has not been investigated clearly, and the task of protecting Zhang Youruo does not know when it will end.

For several days, no killer came to the door.

"Brother Shang, drink coffee." Zhang Youruo made several cups of coffee.

"Thank you." Shandy said thanks.

"Adi, can I buy this stock? As you know, I have two wives and three children, and my salary is so low that I dare not buy better clothes." Zhou Da said.

"These stocks can be bought, and this one can be sold at [-]." Shan Di pointed and said. Recently, when he was sleeping every day, he would ask about the situation of the Wuying stock market.

There is no way, he wants to buy a car and a house, but he is still short of money.

The house needs to be big, and the car needs to be good. The sum of the two things will cost more than 3000 million.

He is now a policeman, not suitable for reselling gold, diamonds and the like.

Although the things in the exclusive space are all his own, they will inevitably cause trouble.

A huge amount of assets from unknown sources can easily become an excuse for criminals to attack him.

Seeing the confident and calm Shang Di, Zhang Youruo's heart skipped a beat.

The other party wants to be tall and tall, and looks good. She wants to be a star, not because of money.

"If you can stay with him, you will have money and a sense of security."

After thinking about it, Zhang Youruo plucked up the courage and said with a smile, "Brother Shang, let me rub your shoulders."

"Then I'll trouble you." Shang Di was not polite, the Primordial Universe is so big, no matter how many people there are, they can live there.

After the family members became practitioners, they retreated every now and then.

There is no time to practice, and thousands of years in a blink of an eye.

Achievement Dao Tianzun seems to be close at hand, but it is far away.

He didn't know when he would be able to realize his dream of being invincible.

Before the strength is invincible, what's the harm in indulging in life?

Seeing this situation, Fade Chen, Liu Bo and others were envious.

"This technology stock can rise to more than [-]?" Zhou Da couldn't believe it.

"The market is so big, and there is only one company of the same type. It is normal for the stock price to rise by dozens of times. It is safer to trade stocks at a stable level. Just sell it in the [-]s." Shang Di said.

(End of this chapter)

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