Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 1 1 Zombies who can only surrender

Chapter 1 A Zombie Who Can Surrender

"Yiyi, Yiyi..."

Tang Yiyi fell asleep in a daze, and there was the sound of shouting in her ears, but her eyelids seemed to be stuck together, and she couldn't open them at all. When she opened them again, she found that something was completely wrong.

where is thisIsn't she sleeping on the bed in her dormitory!

The surroundings are dilapidated and old, the white limestone on the walls has almost fallen off, and the eyes are full of thick dust.

"anyone there?"

Tang Yiyi opened his mouth and said three words, but what he heard was a strange whirring sound, and he felt that his throat was leaking.

No matter how nervous she is, she can still feel that something is wrong. What's more, her body is very stiff now, and even twisting her neck seems to be rhythmic, once and for all.

Like a robot, every movement of Tang Yiyi has a certain rhythm. By the time she got up from the bed completely, more than half an hour had passed.

In sight, her arm was extremely dry, as if it had been air-dried, gray, and even cracks could be seen.

Tang Yiyi felt that she was dreaming, but if it was just a dream, it would be too real.She wanted to find a mirror to see her appearance right now.

After all, she is also the flower of the Chinese Department, so she can't become too miserable.

Finding the bathroom smoothly, Tang Yiyi stiffly pushed open the moldy wooden door at the bottom. He was extremely disgusted with his hands like chicken feet, but after seeing his own appearance in the mirror, Tang Yiyi couldn't restrain himself. There was a scream, of course, it was still a whirring sound after shouting, but the volume was a little louder.

There was also a thick layer of dust on the mirror, but it didn't affect Tang Yiyi's ability to see her own appearance clearly in the mirror.

His face was dry and chapped, no different from the extremely water-deficient ground. Even his eyes turned gray and white, which was not what a normal person should look like at all!
Tang Yiyi was trapped, she just fell asleep, how could she wake up like this, is this still the world she knows well?Or is there anyone who has such superb means to make up herself into this appearance, but the abnormality in her body can't deceive people, and she was operated on?
"Da da……"

Getting used to watching gun battle movies, Tang Yiyi immediately recognized the sound of a submachine gun, and her scalp tightened. Of course, the premise was that she could still feel this way.

This time she turned around a lot faster, but the sound of the door being kicked open was obviously faster. As soon as she faced the door, she saw a black muzzle pointed at herself, and her first reaction in her heart was to raise her hands and surrender.

Seeing that the person opposite was ready to grab, Tang Yiyi kept yelling: "Don't shoot, don't shoot..." Unfortunately, the sound was still whirring, like pulling a bellows.

"Don't use a gun, it will attract zombies from outside!" Another voice came in, and then another man appeared in Tang Yiyi's sight. He was really evil, but his eyes were full of evil ,"use this!"

Tang Yiyi looked at the gleaming dagger thrown out, raised her arms and surrendered a little faster, she understood the man's words, there were zombies outside, and her current appearance——

Obviously, in their eyes, he is also a zombie!

This is definitely a very bad misunderstanding.

Seeing that the man leaning in front of him had received the dagger, Tang Yiyi's two arms had been raised high, and his gray eyes were fixed on the dagger tightly.

"Wait," just as the dagger was about to hit Tang Yiyi's head, the man behind suddenly spoke, his voice was low and magnetic, as sweet as a subwoofer, "Look at her, is there something wrong?"

Amu's movements stopped, and he nodded in agreement: "Indeed, shouldn't zombies pounce on people when they see them, this one..." No matter how you look at it, something is wrong.

"Does it look like you're surrendering?" Sheng Zeyuan's phoenix eyes flickered with doubt, and he was surprised to find that the 'zombie' on the opposite side was actually nodding.

A zombie that can surrender?It is simply a fantasy!
(End of this chapter)

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