Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 103 Who knows if you will regret it

Chapter 103 Who knows if you will regret it

At this moment, Tang Yiyi has become the main target of Dashu's attack. On Sheng Zeyuan's side, it just blocks him, preventing him from approaching and using a lighter.

"Wow, so many branches!" Tang Yiyi went straight into the space and came out in a second.

After several times of tossing like this, the voice that had talked with Sheng Zeyuan sounded again.

"I let you go, but you can't hit my crystal nucleus again!"

"You can really talk!" Tang Yiyi was taken aback, and exchanged glances with Sheng Zeyuan.

"What if you attack us again after you leave here? After all, your crystal nucleus is here. If there is no restraint, who knows if you will go back on your word?"

Tang Yiyi deliberately diverted Dashu's attention. She was standing near the crystal nucleus at the moment. As long as she wanted to, she just bent down and squatted down, and stretched out her arms and waved.

However, it will take some time to do this action. Obviously, Dashu will not give him this opportunity.

"Then what do you want to do?" Dashu's brain is obviously not as complicated as that of humans.

"What should I do?" Tang Yiyi pretended to be pondering, looked at the black crystal nucleus that refracted all kinds of light, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen a black crystal nucleus yet, let me take a closer look."

"Are you just looking?" Dashu was obviously suspicious.

Sheng Zeyuan narrowed his eyes, and in order to show his sincerity, he deliberately put away the lighter in his hand.

Tang Yiyi smiled sweetly: "Of course, it's really just to watch, but I'm short-sighted, so I have to squat down to watch."

"Short-sighted?" Twig rummaged through the treasure house, and quickly found a lot of glasses, and piled them up in front of Tang Yiyi: "They're all here, take your time!"

Tang Yiyi was complaining wildly in her heart, she didn't show it on her face, she pretended to squat down to pick up her glasses, but in fact her body was already close to the crystal nucleus, if there were no branches in front of her, her hand would be able to touch the crystal nucleus.

However, it thought it couldn't get the crystal nucleus if it couldn't touch it?

Tang Yiyi couldn't help laughing, her ability to obtain crystal nuclei is a big bug, can such a small distance stop her?Obviously not.

"Have you ever heard a word?" Tang Yiyi picked up a pair of glasses, women's, with dark blood stains on them, which shows how ferocious this tree is, and she can be regarded as killing the people today .

"What are you talking about?" Big Tree couldn't wait to ask. Obviously, it hoped that the two people here would leave quickly. Dangerous situation now.

Tang Yiyi's palm was placed on the branch, and the corners of her mouth were raised. Looking at the dark crystal nucleus in the middle, shining with colorful light, her cherry lips parted slightly: "Soldiers never tire of cheating!"

After saying this, the crystal nucleus reached her palm, before she could be happy, Tang Yiyi saw another round crystal nucleus, this time it was blood red.

Never mind, just accept it first.

Really useful.

After collecting the black crystal nucleus, they immediately felt a violent energy fluctuation, but after collecting the red crystal nucleus, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

However, Tang Yiyi did not stop there.

There are actually two crystal nuclei, maybe there will be more underneath.

"Hurry up and help!" Tang Yiyi waved at Sheng Zeyuan.

The energy of the two crystal nuclei in the palm is extraordinarily huge, and this time it has made a lot of money.

(End of this chapter)

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