Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 106 This is a treasure trove

Chapter 106 This is a treasure trove
Tang Yiyi looked at Xie Zhiyan's back, hehe laughed twice, then turned back and got into the car.

Of course, the zombies would not appear for no reason, and the one that took the lead now was the first little brother she took in.

Now it seems that it is very convenient to use it.

"Yiyi, get in the car quickly, I'll go help first!" Feng Shaohua had already received the news, arranged his manpower and was ready to rush forward.

"Wait a minute, are you going to support?" Tang Yiyi looked at the troops that had already lined up, and frowned: "No need to go!"

In her heart, she had already ordered her subordinates to retreat.

"No need?" Feng Shaohua shook his head: "Brother Sheng gave an order on the walkie-talkie just now..."

"He can handle it, let them all disperse!" Tang Yiyi turned and got into the car.

Feng Shaohua hesitated for a moment, but he still led the people forward. Unexpectedly, he met Sheng Zeyuan who turned his head.

"Brother Sheng, has it been resolved?" The speed is so fast.

Sheng Zeyuan frowned, shook his head and said, "Run away!"

The one that took the lead ran away, and the remaining ones were nothing to worry about. The ability team quickly solved it.

"No wonder Miss Tang told me not to go!" Feng Shaohua muttered in a low voice.

When Sheng Zeyuan heard it, a strange light flashed in her eyes quickly. How did she know that it would be resolved, and it was still in such a short time. Otherwise, she would have a conversation so that Feng Shaohua didn't have to go?
"Brother Sheng, can I take a car with you?" Xie Zhiyan felt that the distance between her and Sheng Zeyuan was getting closer.

"No!" Before Sheng Zeyuan could speak, Feng Shaohua opened his mouth, his eyes full of indifference.

Xie Zhiyan's face froze, and she looked at Sheng Zeyuan beggingly, looking pitiful.

It's a pity that Sheng Zeyuan focused all his attention on whether the escaped zombie was Tang Yiyi's "little brother", and he didn't pay any attention to Xie Zhiyan.

He left quickly and got into the car directly.

Feng Shaohua could only ignore Xie Zhiyan who was standing there, and quickly got into the passenger seat.

"You did it?" Sheng Zeyuan got into the car, and this was the first thing he asked.

Tang Yiyi held a very old game console in his hand, played Tetris, and replied casually: "I said you don't need to come forward!"

"Tang Yiyi, do you know..."

"I know, isn't it human life?" Tang Yiyi rolled her eyes angrily at the game over that appeared, and turned to look at Sheng Zeyuan: "Someone died just now?"

Sheng Zeyuan frowned and thought about it, it seems that there really isn't one.

"Then you don't need to..." There is no need to summon the zombies here, what if it is out of control?Especially the one in the lead, it is still of the wind type, and its speed is extremely fast, otherwise, he might have been eliminated.

"That's my only little brother now, take it easy, the sun will set in two hours, do you still want to continue on your way?" Tang Yiyi changed the subject.

Sheng Zeyuan gave Tang Yiyi a hard look, and then took out the topographic map.

To get to Cannes, one must pass the Cannes Bridge. Before the end of the world, the flow of people here was extremely large.

Every holiday, it directly becomes a parking lot. Even a little boy riding a small bicycle is faster than driving.

Think about the day when the apocalypse broke out, which happened to be a statutory holiday.

Hearing Sheng Zeyuan's description of the Cannes Bridge, Tang Yiyi was delighted.

"This is a treasure house, how long will it take to arrive?"

(End of this chapter)

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