Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 114 Building a new home together

Chapter 114 Building a new home together
Tang Yiyi acted as if he hadn't heard what the man in the suit said, and took the lead.

This man felt too dangerous to her, so she could only do it first.

"You're not good at all, so I'll arrest you first!" He gently shook the rose in his hand with his fingers, and the petals fell instantly, flying towards Tang Yiyi.

The moment Tang Yiyi dodged sideways, he shouted at Sheng Zeyuan who hadn't moved: "Hurry up, there are already zombies chasing after you!"

The bright red petals slid across the back of her hand, and the pain she hadn't felt for a long time made her footsteps freeze for a moment.

"Can't the well water not violate the river water?" Tang Yiyi looked at the man who was walking gracefully, with an ugly expression on his face.

"Introduce yourself, I'm An Chengjun, Qichen Lab codenamed 001 test product!" An Chengjun was about to walk in front of Tang Yiyi, with curiosity in his eyes.

"Who are you, why have I never seen you?"

Damn lab!

Tang Yiyi bit her lips: "You are a zombie."

"In the mouths of ordinary people, I am a zombie, but in fact I am just an experiment. As for these," An Chengjun's eyes fell on the surrounding zombies: "They are all abandoned children who failed to evolve. People are useless at all."

Tang Yiyi felt that she knew a big secret: "You said they were all failures, but what about you, have you succeeded?"

An Chengjun smiled: "You and I are both successful, now, do you still want to stop me?"

Tang Yiyi felt that his brain was not enough. According to him, the root cause of the spread of the zombie virus was the Qichen Laboratory.

If the virus infection is successful, she and An Chengjun are like this. If it fails, they will become zombies!

"What do you want to do?" Tang Yiyi didn't want to be with zombies all the time. Humans have feelings, but zombies only know how to eat people.

"Don't you think we are so powerful? There may be our partners in that group of people. Why don't you join me and see how many of them can evolve successfully." I don't know where I got it, An Cheng Another rose appeared in Jun's hand.

"Then... so far, how many people have successfully evolved?" Tang Yiyi asked this sentence with difficulty, but he was thinking of a way out.

An Chengjun showed a regretful expression: "Hey, there is no one, except me, it is you, why don't you follow me in the future, and we will build our new home together."

The corner of Tang Yiyi's mouth twitched, who wants to be with this pervert.

Although she looked handsome, she felt numb all over standing here. With such a person, she would rather stay in the space and not come out.

" can do it yourself, I'm not interested!" After saying this, Tang Yiyi chose a direction and ran desperately.

She would never move forward in front of An Chengjun, otherwise, if the jade pendant was picked up by him, what would she do!
"It's really disobedient." An Chengjun smiled, the roses in his hand spread out again, and chased after Tang Yiyi.

Tang Yiyi found that no matter how fast she ran, it was useless, the rose petals quickly stopped in front of her, she wanted to hit it directly, but was hit and fell to the ground, changing the direction, the rose petals followed suit direction.

She looked back at An Chengjun's face with a slight smile, feeling extremely disgusted.

"What the hell are you thinking?"

(End of this chapter)

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