Chapter 119

"I just said they have!" Tang Yiyi was happy this time.

Two fifth-level fire crystal nuclei are comparable to her inventory.

You must know that she didn't dare to use the fire crystal nucleus for healing this time, and all of them stayed and prepared to deal with An Chengjun this time.

"By the way, let Xie Zhiyan come here. She has a plant-type supernatural ability, so maybe she will find something unexpected." However, Tang Yiyi doesn't know whether Xie Zhiyan is willing to talk about the weakness of her supernatural ability.

When Xie Zhiyan knew that Sheng Zeyuan was looking for her, she was still very happy, but when she saw Tang Yiyi in the car, her expression became uneasy.

Even so, she still controlled her expression very well, and the smile on her face was very kind: "Brother Sheng, what do you want from me?"

Sheng Zeyuan's gaze fell on Tang Yiyi.

Tang Yiyi pursed her lips and smiled, sensing the unwillingness in Xie Zhiyan's eyes: "I just want to know if there are any weaknesses in plant abilities!"

Xie Zhiyan's expression changed immediately, and she looked at Tang Yiyi vigilantly: "Yiyi, are you sure you want to ask this?"

Tang Yiyi nodded in confirmation: "You should know that there is a zombie behind us, and I can't even deal with it. He belongs to the plant department, so now it's time for you to perform."

"Just because you can't deal with it doesn't mean others can't deal with it!" Xie Zhiyan's eyes showed a hint of joy. She thought Tang Yiyi was so capable, so it turned out that there were people she couldn't deal with.

"Then you can try it." Tang Yiyi shrugged, if Xie Zhiyan could solve An Chengjun, she would definitely agree with both hands and feet.

"Zhiyan, you should recognize the priority of the matter." Sheng Zeyuan looked at Xie Zhiyan with a bad look, and he was still thinking carefully at this moment, did she really think that Tang Yiyi had this obligation.

Xie Zhiyan looked at Sheng Zeyuan with an aggrieved face: "Brother Sheng, if I let others know the weakness of my ability, then I will..."

"Okay, now I know one of the characteristics of plant powers." Tang Yiyi sneered, looked at Xie Zhiyan, and said coldly: "That is to put gold on your face."

Does she just think she has a plant ability?He really regarded himself as a treasure.

"Okay, you can go!" Tang Yiyi had no intention of speaking, anyway, she now knew that fire was the thing she feared most with plant abilities.

Besides, Sheng Zeyuan is an ice element, so it can also play a certain role.

This Xie Zhiyan is completely broken.

"Brother Sheng, I..." Xie Zhiyan wanted to speak, but Sheng Zeyuan waved his hand impatiently.

"You go!" Since you don't want to help, what are you doing here.

Xie Zhiyan glared at Tang Yiyi fiercely, and got out of the car unwillingly.

Sheng Zeyuan looked down at Tang Yiyi, and said in a low voice, "Is there really no need for her to speak?"

Tang Yiyi raised her head and frowned: "Otherwise, you use psychic powers to deal with her?" She smiled speechlessly: "If you don't do it well, she will be stupid, are you willing?"

Before I knew it, the words were already full of sourness.

Sheng Zeyuan pressed Tang Yiyi's lips hard, with a smile in his eyes: "What is she, but, do you really want to deal with An Chengjun? It's too dangerous."

"He wants the crystal nucleus in my head, do you think I want to deal with him!" Tang Yiyi rolled his eyes, looked at Sheng Zeyuan's arm around his waist, and sighed long.

The feeling of being coveted by someone like this is really bad.

(End of this chapter)

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