Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 124 What Did You Mention Her For?

Chapter 124 What Did You Mention Her For?
The first thing Sheng Zeyuan did when he returned to the team was to ask Feng Shaohua to check the list of those who left the team halfway.

It's just that the personnel are too complicated, and there are many people who were frightened by the explosion. At that time, the crowd was in a panic, and the counted list was very inaccurate.

"Brother Sheng, what's the matter?" Feng Shaohua was a little curious, there were only the two of them in the car now, why didn't Tang Yiyi come out.

"How many crystal nuclei do you have?" Sheng Zeyuan's face was still not very good-looking.

Feng Shaohua quickly took out all his inventory. Except for the soil type, which he could use himself, there were not many other types of crystal nuclei. Even if there were, he had exchanged them with others before.

Sheng Zeyuan kept the earth-type ones, took the others and put them directly on the jade pendant.

Feng Shaohua watched the crystal nuclei disappear one by one, although he was still very surprised, but at this moment he has controlled his expression very well, without showing any emotion.

"It's still too little!" When Tang Yiyi came out, she was not in a good mood, she smiled shallowly at Feng Shaohua, and naturally leaned into Sheng Zeyuan's arms.

Sheng Zeyuan bowed his head and whispered, "I'll find a way to get some more."

Feng Shaohua's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suspected that he was hallucinating, how could brother Sheng be so gentle?Did he read it right?
"By the way, do those people have any clues?" Tang Yiyi is most concerned about who gets An Chengjun's crystal nucleus. As long as she gets his crystal nucleus, she doesn't need to worry about not having enough crystal nucleus at all. used problem.

Sheng Zeyuan frowned, looked up at Feng Shaohua who hadn't left yet, and said in a displeased voice, "Hurry up and check!"

Feng Shaohua nodded in a daze, said "Oh", and mechanically opened the car door, only to realize that the car was driving, and quickly retracted the outstretched legs.

"Brother Sheng, I can't get down now!"

I didn't know what caused the successive explosions, so at this moment, everyone is trying their best to leave this dangerous place quickly, so the list that Feng Shaohua found just now is even more inaccurate.

Tang Yiyi looked up at him, then turned her head and continued to rub against Sheng Zeyuan's arms.

"We must find out those people!" She had never suffered such a big loss.

Sheng Zeyuan patted Tang Yiyi's back lightly, knowing that she was not moving for the moment to save energy, and the mist in her eyes deepened.

"By the way, where is Xie Zhiyan, where is she?" Tang Yiyi's whole body seemed to have no bones, and she directly collapsed on Sheng Zeyuan's body.

"Why did you mention her? What did you find out!" Sheng Zeyuan frowned, and ignored Feng Shaohua's surprised eyes.

"She is also a plant-type supernatural power. If she appeared at that time, we might not be able to find it!" Tang Yiyi was just talking about the matter, and didn't mean to target Tang Yiyi.

"According to what you say, plant-type abilities are all possible!" Sheng Zeyuan pondered, then looked up at Feng Shaohua: "How many people with plant-type abilities are there in this mission?"

Feng Shaohua thought for a while before he finally said: "Plant-type abilities are not very lethal. It seems that apart from Xie Zhiyan, there are no other plant-type abilities this time."

"It doesn't rule out that the mercenary team secretly brought people in. I will follow up on this matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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