Chapter 126

"How many people still haven't returned to the team?" Sheng Zeyuan stood by the roadside, looking at the crowd of people, his face was not very good.

Feng Shaohua lowered his head and reported: "There are a dozen more, including Qi Zhengkang and his party of six!"

Sheng Zeyuan's eyes flashed. At that time, there were seven people who left his mark, and there were six in Qi Zhengkang's group. Now there are only ten people who have not returned to the team.

It seems that they are the group of people, but there is another person, will it be Xie Zhiyan they guessed?
"Where is Xie Zhiyan, has she returned to the team?"

Feng Shaohua nodded: "I returned to the team half an hour ago."

Sheng Zeyuan frowned. He returned to the team half an hour ago?Why didn't he feel it, leaving a mental imprint, shouldn't be unresponsive, or that Xie Zhiyan didn't show up.

"Let people keep an eye on her, and let me know if there is any movement!"

Feng Shaohua didn't understand why Sheng Zeyuan paid so much attention to Xie Zhiyan, but ordered him to quickly

Taking advantage of this gap, Tang Yiyi took her little brothers out to hunt.

Crystal nucleus, no food in hand, panicked.

Tang Yiyi didn't want to stay in the space and couldn't come out.

Moreover, she still wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of going out to quickly release the rose petals in the space.

For her, the unknown is dangerous.

When she turned back, she found that the convoy had already set off.

Tang Yiyi pursed her lips speechlessly. She got some crystal nuclei after a lot of hard work, but it wasn't for traveling.

Taking a mattress out of the space again, Tang Yiyi lay directly on it, and her seven younger brothers carried it underneath.

As if it was sightseeing along the way, Tang Yiyi looked at the surrounding grassland and suddenly felt something was wrong. Was the grassland so lush when we came here?
And the green color is dazzling, she feels that her eyes are swollen and uncomfortable at the moment.

"Fire, set it on fire!" Tang Yiyi stretched out his hand and pointed directly at the weeds by the roadside.

This burning will burn out the problem.

The weeds seem to be spiritual, and they avoid them directly, and start to move directly from the roots.

"This is becoming a spirit, and the grass has grown legs?" Tang Yiyi felt incredible. Seeing the weeds that were avoided and those that were not burned by the fire were rushing towards her, Tang Yiyi found himself belatedly. Through a hornet's nest.

The weeds grew on the side of the road, seemingly inconspicuous, but there were so many that she couldn't bear it.

"Run quickly and set fire!" Tang Yiyi felt a little strange, the weeds would attack people, so would there be any room for human beings to survive in the future?

However, a person who appeared in front of her soon confirmed that her thoughts just now were overwhelmed, and these weeds were aimed at her at all.

"Yu Xiaolong?"

Looking at the people blocking the road, Tang Yiyi asked her little brother to stop.

It's just that the eyes of the person blocking the middle of the road were bewitching green. When he waved his hand, the weeds on both sides of the road rushed towards Tang Yiyi one after another.

Tang Yiyi really found out that she has a lot of fate with plants recently.

An Chengjun's rose petals, and now Yu Xiaolong's weeds.

No, Yu Xiaolong's ability is obviously lightning type, and he is already dead, so it is really suspicious to appear here now.

"Xie Zhiyan!" Tang Yiyi's pupils shrank.

"How, this is a gift from me, do you like it?" Yu Xiaolong spoke, but the voice was Xie Zhiyan's, with a taste of luck and misfortune.

Tang Yiyi's face turned cold: "So you still have a hobby of being a thief!"

(End of this chapter)

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