Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 129 You are fine, of course I am happy

Chapter 129 You are fine, of course I am happy
"Brother Sheng, there is still no news about Yiyi!" Feng Shaohua no longer dared to look at Sheng Zeyuan's face, feeling that what he was facing at this moment was a piece of thousand-year-old ice, which made him shiver all over.

Sheng Zeyuan's face was already dark, and his brows were tightly wrinkled.

Tang Yiyi didn't come back after such a long time, did something happen on the way?

It's a pity that the convoy is still on the way. For Tang Yiyi alone, An Chengjun appeared before. Now most people want to return to the base quickly. As for the supplies in Cannes, few people have any ideas up.

After all, they cared more about their lives than supplies.

"If she doesn't show up in another two hours, I'll stop temporarily!" Sheng Zeyuan frowned and said his decision.

Feng Shaohua didn't try to dissuade him. Brother Sheng's level is the highest in the team now. As long as he doesn't encounter any particularly powerful zombies, there must be no problem with self-protection.

As for what the people in the team would think, that was not his concern.

After all, in Feng Shaohua's heart, Tang Yiyi is much more important than them.

Two hours later, Sheng Zeyuan felt a familiar aura as soon as he opened the car door. He turned his head and looked at the back. He obviously saw nothing but the continuous convoy.

But he just felt Tang Yiyi's breath, and a faint smile appeared on his tense face.

But this good mood didn't last long. When he found out that Tang Yiyi didn't come to the car immediately, the smile on his face disappeared.

"Brother Sheng, Yiyi went to find Xie Zhiyan." Feng Shaohua lowered his head, and quickly said the news heard in the earphones.

"Is Yiyi the one you can call out?" Sheng Zeyuan gave Feng Shaohua a hard look.

"Then...then what should I call?" Feng Shaohua was stunned.

"Sister-in-law!" Sheng Zeyuan couldn't sit still, even though the car was still moving, he still opened the door and jumped out.

Feng Shaohua was so shocked that he broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly told the driver in front to slow down.

However, his current physical fitness is already very good. He jumped out of the car, swayed his body a few times, and then stood still. Then he strode towards Tang Yiyi's current position with great strides.

"Xie Zhiyan, long time no see!" Tang Yiyi jumped into the truck, looking at Xie Zhiyan who was huddled in the corner, with anger brewing in his eyes.

The embarrassed Xie Zhiyan knew that she couldn't dodge it, so she stood up slowly and smiled softly: "Yiyi, it's great that you're fine!"

"Really? It's a pity, some people definitely don't think so in their hearts!" Tang Yiyi felt that, in terms of acting skills, he was definitely not as good as Xie Zhiyan.

She was still looking at her with a smile on her face, but she couldn't hold back any smiles.

Seeing Xie Zhiyan's embarrassed appearance, Tang Yiyi only had this chill in his eyes.

"Yiyi, what are you talking about, you're fine, of course I'm happy!" Xie Zhiyan was filled with hatred in her heart, but she didn't show anything on her face, only her clenched fists, the knuckles of which had pierced into her palms.

"Really? By the way, what I said has withdrawn your ability to be immune to zombies, and now there is a vacant spot, who do you think I want to give it to?" Tang Yiyi suddenly raised her voice when she said this, and the corners of her mouth grew more Some smiles are not smiles.

(End of this chapter)

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