Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 131 The Zombie Who Saved People Instead of Eating People

Chapter 131 The Zombie Who Saved People Instead of Eating People
Tang Yiyi's words caused a huge commotion in the carriage, and immediately someone couldn't wait to ask: "Miss Tang, is what you said true?"

Facing Xie Zhiyan's unwilling face, Tang Yiyi nodded heavily: "Of course it's true, otherwise, you'll know when you go back to where Xiaolong is buried."

She finished what she wanted to say, and there was no point in staying here, Tang Yiyi immediately turned around.

Sheng Zeyuan immediately turned around in coordination, and before leaving, he threw down a warning: "Remember, you are still a member of Chaoyang Base!"

Although he didn't mention his name, everyone knew that he was talking about Xie Zhiyan.

Xie Zhiyan felt extremely embarrassed at this moment, and the words that had been hidden in her heart suddenly came out: "Brother Sheng, do you know that she is actually a zombie?"

"Zombie, where are the zombies?" Everyone's nerves were tense all the time. When they heard that there were zombies, many people jumped up immediately, but when they saw that the 'zombie' Xie Zhiyan pointed to was Tang Yiyi, their bodies suddenly jumped up. Just relax.

Some people even thought of provoking Xie Zhiyan: "Miss Xie, you are not insane, how could Miss Tang be a zombie?"

"If the zombies are all like Miss Tang, then why are we fighting zombies?"

"That's right, Xie Zhiyan, even if you resent Miss Tang for taking back the ability that was given to you, you still can't rant!"


In an instant, many words came out, but the meanings were the same, that is, Xie Zhiyan was deliberately slandering Tang Yiyi.

Tang Yiyi didn't take it seriously, and waited for the voice to subside a little before saying: "She is right, I am a zombie, a zombie who saved people instead of eating people."

What she said was the truth, but the people present took this passage as an irony to Xie Zhiyan, and all of them looked at Xie Zhiyan with changed eyes.

"Xie Zhiyan, Miss Tang saved your life anyway, aren't you repaying your kindness with revenge?"

"That's right, it's better not to save such a person!"

Xie Zhiyan's eyes were red with anger, and she yelled: "Tang Yiyi, I will definitely expose your true face."

Tang Yiyi laughed, and now she really finds it funny, she has admitted that she is a zombie, and she still wants to expose it?Debunk what?
Reveal that her soul doesn't really belong here?If she could even know this, Tang Yiyi would really applaud her and ask her how to leave.

"Then you should think of a way. After playing a game, I am a little tired. Bye. Oh, yes," Tang Yiyi suddenly threw a seal in the carriage, yawned and continued: "This is my seal. It was taken from Yu Xiaolong's body, you can ask, is this a funeral object?"

The light in the carriage is very good, and people around the five-clawed dragon on the seal can see clearly, and different from the white seal of the team members, Yu Xiaolong's seal is golden.

"It really belongs to Captain Yu!"

"Miss Tang, may I take the liberty to ask, you said that Captain Yu is controlled by a supernatural power, can you tell me what kind of supernatural power it is?" Someone's mind turned quickly, and he immediately raised this crucial question.

Tang Yiyi looked at Xie Zhiyan with a smile, and lightly threw out three words: "Plant!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw that Xie Zhiyan's side was immediately vacant, and everyone stayed away from her as if they were avoiding the plague.

(End of this chapter)

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