Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 146 Amazing, My Army Commander {End Chapter}

Chapter 146 Amazing, My Army Commander {End Chapter}
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Tang Yiyi stood on the ground, looking up at Xie Zhiyan who was burning all over, "I cooked all the seeds, do you want some more?"

"Tang Yiyi, I want to die with you!" Xie Zhiyan looked at the unscathed Tang Yiyi, and because she had commanded a large number of mutated plants before, there were very few abilities left at the moment.

If Tang Yiyi can't be solved, then she really has no possibility of winning.

Tang Yiyi just stood there, looking up at Xie Zhiyan who was in a rage, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, with a slight smile on her face, she didn't dodge, just watched her charge towards her with resentment.

"Sister-in-law!" Feng Shaohua rushed up to the tower, and what he saw was such a scene, he was so frightened that he immediately cried out.

"Brother Sheng, hurry up and save someone!"

There was resentment in Sheng Zeyuan's eyes, and he glared fiercely at the triumphant Tang Yiyi, and then began to use his mental power.

In the eyes of everyone, Tang Yiyi was about to be attacked by Xie Zhiyan soon, and even died, but unexpectedly, there was a big reversal.

Xie Zhiyan suddenly fell off the vine with her head in her arms, howling in pain.

Tang Yiyi walked to her side, and smiled: "How, that person can't be found, right?"

"It's you again!" This Tang Yiyi is her nemesis.

"I know that substance will affect Brother Sheng, how could I not destroy it!" Tang Yiyi's smile was extraordinarily sweet, but in Xie Zhiyan's eyes, it was like a devil.

Looking up at Sheng Zeyuan next to the tower, Tang Yiyi showed a flattering smile, and hurried towards the gate at a trot.

Xie Zhiyan behind her was directly burned into a pile of ashes.

"Happy?" Sheng Zeyuan's eyes were gloomy.

Tang Yiyi smiled embarrassingly: "It's not fun."

"Would you like to play again?" Sheng Zeyuan's eyes were filled with dangerous fire.

Tang Yiyi nodded: "Okay, okay, don't blame me for not reminding you, there is a big team approaching!" She said seriously.

Feng Shaohua's report came at the same time: "Commander, the four major bases are besieging the city, and we want us to hand over..."

He secretly glanced at Tang Yiyi who was still laughing, and silently mourned for the people of the four major bases in his heart.

"Hand over sister-in-law!"

Sheng Zeyuan's eyes fell on Feng Shaohua, making him suspect that he would really be frozen.

"That's what they said?" There was no emotional voice.

Feng Shaohua nodded in confirmation: "That's what I said, it's absolutely true!"

It's better to spread this chill on others, he can't bear it, and when this incident is over, he must find an excuse to go on vacation.

He was being fed a bitch every day, and he was about to go blind.

"Go back to the house, I'll take care of it here!" Sheng Zeyuan's calm face was full of anger, and he wanted someone, and Tang Yiyi was the one who wanted it.

Who gave them such courage, just because the Chaoyang base is easy to mess with?
Tang Yiyi was very obedient, and went back after Sheng Zeyuan spoke. Although she seemed to stay to watch the excitement, the man's eyes were too scary, and she couldn't hold it!

Not long after, Sheng Zeyuan went back, grabbed Tang Yiyi and entered the space, until she passed out, woke up and passed out again, I don't know how long it took.

After she came out of the space with trembling legs, she learned a big news.

Have the four bases changed their names?Became a branch of Chaoyang Base!

Great, my commander!

(End of this chapter)

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