Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 23 Simple flesh and blood relationship

Chapter 23 Simple flesh and blood relationship
"Tang Yiyi, you're back to your senses." Sheng Zeyuan frowned as he looked at Tang Yiyi, who was obviously in a daze.

Tang Yiyi raised her neck, glared at Sheng Zeyuan, and muttered in a low voice: "I'm not a gentleman at all, let's go!" The following two words suddenly amplified his voice.

Sheng Zeyuan looked at Tang Yiyi's back and frowned. With this IQ, can he handle Commander Xue?

"Lead the way ahead!" Tang Yiyi looked at the soldiers standing on one side, raising his chin.

When Staff Officer Zheng went downstairs, he saw Tang Yiyi and Sheng Zeyuan standing quite far away, smiled, and walked forward: "You are Miss Tang, the commander is here to invite you."

He didn't say a word about Sheng Zeyuan.

As soon as Tang Yiyi took two steps, she turned around and shouted at Sheng Zeyuan who was standing still: "Why don't you go, if you don't accompany me, then I won't go to see the army commander."

Anyway, she will step down in the future, and it doesn't matter to her whether she sees her or not.

Staff Officer Zheng stopped in his tracks, turned his head to look at Sheng Zeyuan, and said with a dissatisfied expression: "School Sheng, didn't you see that Miss Tang is waiting for you? Hurry up!"

Sheng Zeyuan looked at Tang Yiyi with indifferent eyes.

Tang Yiyi frowned, took two steps forward, and directly grabbed his arm: "Let's go."

Sheng Zeyuan took control before resisting the urge to reach out and throw Tang Yiyi out.

Now Tang Yiyi, everyone wants to fight for it, and now he is one step faster.

But if there is any sign of discord between the two in front of outsiders, those who are secretly waiting to poach the wall will definitely wait for the opportunity.

I don't seem to have any advantage now?
Before entering the office, Sheng Zeyuan actually had the idea of ​​seducing Tang Yiyi.

His skin seems to be very useful.

"Commander Xue, this is Miss Tang." Staff Officer Zheng pushed open the door.

Commander Xue behind the desk saw two people walking into the office at the same time, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes instantly deepened.

"Commander!" Sheng Zeyuan stood up straight and saluted the army in a standard manner, but Tang Yiyi still did not let go of his arm.

"Colonel Sheng, you have done a great job this time. I will definitely give you a big credit for bringing such a talent back to the military."

Tang Yiyi is not stupid, she reacted very quickly this time.

"Beforehand, I'm not from the military." If you want to give her a high hat, it depends on whether she wears it or not.

Staff Officer Zheng pretended to be stupid on purpose: "Miss Tang, Colonel Sheng is from the military, and you are him...his woman..."

"Oh, which eye did you see?" Tang Yiyi simply refused to admit it: "Do I have a marriage certificate with him? Do you have family witnesses?"

Staff Officer Zheng wanted to say that he could see it with both eyes.

Commander Xue smiled, and the wrinkles on his face deepened: "If Ms. Tang wants to get a marriage certificate, I'll ask someone to arrange it immediately!"

As long as he can keep him in the military, even though he doesn't like Sheng Zeyuan, the Tang Yiyi he brought back this time is really good.

If such a person stayed by his side, a few more lives could be saved at critical moments.

"No, he and I have a simple flesh-and-blood relationship. When I came up, I just wanted to tell you that even if you are the commander of the army, if you want to seek treatment from me, you have to give me a crystal nucleus, and..."

Tang Yiyi's voice paused, and he turned his head to glance at Sheng Zeyuan, not missing the disgust in his eyes.

"Wait until I think about it, goodbye."

How dare he despise her, the next time he is injured, he must rescue him later.

"What was that look in your eyes just now?" Tang Yiyi didn't care what the commander's reaction was, and dragged Sheng Zeyuan out, and couldn't help but ask when he got downstairs.

What she didn't know was that Commander Xue in the office almost burst into smoke.

"What an arrogant yellow-haired girl!"

(End of this chapter)

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