Chapter 26

Tang Yiyi didn't expect that there was actually a second person who could absorb the energy from her body, and she couldn't get rid of Tang Ruiqing for a while.

Captain Tang also didn't expect that Sheng Zeyuan's level, who had not yet broken through level five, would skyrocket, and everyone present would make a move, but it seemed that they couldn't hold on for long.

"Ruiqing, hurry up!"

Captain Tang was still struggling to hold on, and beside him, many team members were already lying on the ground and howling in pain.

"Accuse me!" Tang Yiyi was so angry that she looked down at the hand that was sticking to her wrist like a dog skin plaster, and the other hand was still absorbing crystal nuclei from the space.

It can actually absorb the energy from her body, what kind of power is this?
Little did they know that Tang Ruiqing who was opposite her was terrified.

The devouring ability is her hole card. With this hand alone, she has secretly tricked a few people with metal and water abilities.

When going out to do tasks, you must drive, you need metal abilities to strengthen the car body, and water is indispensable for everyone.

Now Tang Yiyi actually appeared, and no one could refuse her supernatural power.

That's why they designed this one. Unexpectedly, they would encounter such a strange situation.

The supernatural power was not swallowed, but the energy in his body soared. Tang Ruiqing felt that he was about to explode.

At this moment, even if Tang Yiyi doesn't let go, she will let go.

When Sheng Zeyuan broke through the door, he happened to see Tang Yiyi fell to the ground, and quickly pulled him into his arms, and said in a low voice to Captain Tang who was following behind, "Captain Tang, you must give this matter today. Let me explain."

Captain Tang's face was covered with blood at the moment, he no longer maintained his benevolent appearance, and snorted coldly: "Colonel Sheng, you are hiding deep enough, Commander Xue doesn't even know about it!"

"Fatty man, you plot against me!" More than half of the crystal nuclei in the space have been consumed, and Tang Yiyi's heart aches.

"Brother, brother, save me!" Tang Ruiqing staggered towards Captain Tang, thin lines could move on the surface of her skin, just like earthworms, constantly wandering in her body.

"What did you do to Ruiqing!" Captain Tang looked at Tang Yiyi as if poisoned.

"I didn't do anything, but she wanted to take away my healing ability. Captain Tang, what are you going to do with this account?" Tang Yiyi's heart was bleeding, crystal nucleus, her crystal nucleus .

"It's my sister who is in trouble now!" Ruiqing is the trump card of their team, and there must be no accidents.

"The zombie wanted to bite someone and was shot in the head, is it still the person's fault?" Tang Yiyi never loses in the verbal battle.

"Brother, save me, it's so uncomfortable!" Tang Ruiqing kept scratching her body, blood was already seen in many places.

Sheng Zeyuan felt that Tang Ruiqing's energy was extremely violent, hugged Tang Yiyi and hurried out of the room, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Tang Yiyi got down from Sheng Zeyuan's body, and sneered: "I didn't know, she grabbed my hand, trying to snatch my healing ability, and then that's it!"

Sheng Zeyuan's pupils shrank, and he confirmed, "Did you use the crystal nucleus?"

"You don't need to wait for the crystal nucleus to be sucked up!" Tang Yiyi rolled her eyes angrily.

Sheng Zeyuan looked back at the room, and suddenly shouted: "No, let's go!"

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Tang Yiyi's arm, and ran out quickly. Seeing the people around who were still watching the fun, he didn't forget to remind him.

"Scatter, scatter, all scatter!"

Accompanied by his voice is the 'boom' of explosions in the room behind him!
(End of this chapter)

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