Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 3 Zombies Like Instant Noodles

Chapter 3 Zombies Like Instant Noodles

Tang Yiyi has never liked instant noodles so much, especially the moment she touches the packaging bag, she really has a feeling of owning the whole world. Although it disappeared soon, she has no expectations for instant noodles subside.

Looking at her chicken paw-like hands with distaste, Tang Yiyi's movement of unpacking the packaging bag was stiff and cautious, for fear of dirtying the instant noodles.

Lifting the bubble face upwards, Tang Yiyi was looking forward to it, she seemed to hear her stomach screaming non-stop, her lips were parted and cracked, revealing the dark gums, Tang Yiyi lowered her head and looked towards Eat instant noodles.

The scene was quite funny at the beginning, especially Tang Yiyi's movements were very stiff, but the movement of unpacking the bag was a bit funny. Sheng Zeyuan looked funny, but he didn't mean to help.

It's just that when Tang Yiyi opened his mouth, Sheng Zeyuan's face changed. It was indeed a zombie. Even if he didn't bite, he just opened his mouth with disgust.

Turning his head, he talked about this action with Amu, "Still can't get in touch with Zhiyan?" Sheng Zeyuan frowned with a good-looking brow, and there was some worry in his eyes.

Amu closed the zipper of the backpack, equally unhappy: "Miss Xie has been unable to get through." The signal was not disturbed, but there was no one talking on the walkie-talkie.

Zhiyan?Miss Xie?

Thank you Zhiyan!
The instant noodles in Tang Yiyi's hand fell directly to the ground, her gray eyes stared at the walkie-talkie on the ground where the lights were still flashing, and she was instantly stunned
Isn't this name the heroine of the zombie novel she read before?

"Is anyone there, is anyone there?" Suddenly someone spoke on the walkie-talkie.

Sheng Zeyuan's expression brightened, he quickly grabbed the walkie-talkie, and said in a calm voice with a bit of urgency: "Zhiyan, is that you?"

"Are you..." The people over there seemed a little confused.

"I am..." Sheng Zeyuan hadn't uttered the words before there was a huge noise in the room. For a while, the room was filled with dust and coughing could be heard endlessly.

Amu walked to Tang Yiyi's side in a few steps, grabbed her dry arm with one hand, and asked with a calm face, "What are you doing?"

After saying this, Amu patted his head. It was unbelievable that he actually talked to a zombie.

"I don't know!" Tang Yiyi was confused, she didn't know what happened just now, her arm didn't look like hers, so she just pushed the canopy bed over.

It's a pity that the sound that came out was still a strange whirring sound, except for Tang Yiyi herself, the other two people couldn't understand it at all.

Sheng Zeyuan reached out and waved the flying dust around, coughed a few times, and gave Tang Yiyi a hard look.

"Clang!" There was another loud noise, and Tang Yiyi's gray eyes stared at the leg he kicked out, as well as the canopy bed that kept shaking.

Strange, when did her strength become so great?

The dust flew up again, and both Amu and Sheng Zeyuan were choked this time, and both of them began to cough violently.

This time, Tang Yiyi finally knew why he behaved so abnormally just now.

A picture appeared in his mind, a woman was holding a walkie-talkie, standing in front of a voice-activated safe, and a note was carelessly pasted on it, password: "I am Sheng Zeyuan".

Tang Yiyi was speechless, it was clear that Sheng Zeyuan was plotting against Sheng Zeyuan!

Obviously, the woman Tang Yiyi saw was Xie Zhiyan, even now, she knew how to get to the room where Xie Zhiyan was, although she didn't know why she knew this.

(End of this chapter)

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