Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 33 Her body is not tired, she is just tired

Chapter 33 Her body is not tired, she is just tired
"Brother Sheng, we have a mission!" Feng Shaohua's voice sounded from downstairs.

Tang Yiyi looked at the room that had been messed up by them, and frowned.

Sheng Zeyuan walked downstairs lazily, his face covered with frost.

"Brother Sheng, information about this mission."

"What?" Tang Yiyi unceremoniously moved to Sheng Zeyuan's side, looking at the information.

"Leaving tomorrow, so anxious?"

Hearing Tang Yiyi's words, Ye Ding explained kindly.

"This mission was released after Brother Sheng left the base last time."

"So, we were temporarily stuffed in!" Tang Yiyi understood, covered her mouth and yawned.

"You study slowly, I'm going to sleep!" Strange, isn't she a zombie?How can I be sleepy!

Sheng Zeyuan looked at Tang Yiyi's back, but didn't speak.

Xie Zhiyan looked at Tang Yiyi's back, and said with a smile: "Yiyi, you will go together tomorrow, do you want to study together?"

Tang Yiyi's eyes were filled with tears, and she rolled her eyes unceremoniously when she met Xie Zhiyan's gaze: "Of course I'm going!" If she didn't go, she would become a mummy.

Thinking about it makes her feel hairy, she should go up to catch up on sleep.

She had been following Sheng Zeyuan's car before, but after entering the base and running around, she would be tired too!
Well, in fact, her body is not tired, she is just tired in heart!
Xie Zhiyan looked at Tang Yiyi's indifferent expression, and didn't know how to answer the conversation.

It was Feng Shaohua who spoke from the side: "Yiyi, this mission is very important and dangerous, it's better for you to familiarize yourself with it beforehand."

"Let's go by car tomorrow!" Tang Yiyi turned around.

Feng Shaohua didn't understand what she meant by asking this sentence, so he nodded.

"You study slowly, just tell me in the car."

Just relying on her methods, when tomorrow comes, if you just ask a question, some people want to come forward and tell her everything in detail.

"Aren't you coming up?" Tang Yiyi walked to the second floor, looked down at Xie Zhiyan who was already sitting next to Sheng Zeyuan, the smile on the corner of her mouth looked particularly sweet.

Xie Zhiyan's face froze, she looked up at the pretty Tang Yiyi, and explained: "Yiyi, brother Sheng is the leader of our team after all, there are some things..."

"Our team?" Tang Yiyi seemed to be interested suddenly, and raised his chin: "You too?"

She looked directly at Xie Zhiyan, obviously asking her.

Xie Zhiyan nodded: "Our house is a team!"

She, Sheng Zeyuan, Tang Yiyi, Ye Ding, A Mu, Feng Shaohua, there are six people in total.

"You agree?" Tang Yiyi raised an eyebrow at Sheng Zeyuan.

Sheng Zeyuan didn't speak, but frowned.

Tang Yiyi turned and left, leaving only one sentence: "I'm only on the same team as Sheng Zeyuan, you can figure out the rest!"

Only Sheng Zeyuan knew about her having space, and he still didn't allow himself to say it.

If there are too many people in the team, it will inevitably be exposed, and there is Xie Zhiyan in it.

Tang Yiyi didn't want to get too close to her.

Sheng Zeyuan looked up at Tang Yiyi's figure, frowning.

"You four are on a team, and I'm on her team."

There are too many secrets in Tang Yiyi's body, it is safer to be tied to him.

Xie Zhiyan was unhappy: "Brother Sheng, she only has the ability to heal, so we can take care of each other together, it's not safe to be apart."

Sheng Zeyuan met Xie Zhiyan's eyes and stood up: "That's the decision!"

(End of this chapter)

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