Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 36 Can You Use Your Brain?

Chapter 36 Can You Use Your Brain?
Tang Yiyi rolled down and landed directly on the zombie's body, facing a half-rotten face, it was really not a good sign.

Still using the old method, she quickly swiped her palm over the zombie's head, and the crystal nucleus appeared in her palm, and in the next second, she was directly taken into the space.

"Hurry up, Miss Tang got out of the car!"

I don't know who started it. Anyway, after Sheng Zeyuan got off the car, he found that the convoy was completely paralyzed. Many people got out of the car and surrounded Tang Yiyi with various weapons.

The moving life-saving talisman, everyone wants to have a sense of presence, but it completely destroys Tang Yiyi's plan.

Hey, she just wants to collect more crystal nuclei. What does it mean that all of you have come out?
"Get out, get out of here!" Tang Yiyi was so angry that she could calmly absorb the crystal nucleus?
so tired.

"Miss Tang, it's dangerous, get in the car first!"

"That's right, that's right, Miss Tang, get in the car first, and leave these zombies to us!"


Tang Yiyi suddenly felt helpless to lift a rock and smash her foot, she shouldn't come down now.

The harvest in this moment is completely incomparable with the number of crystal nuclei consumed by jumping off the car just now.

"Everyone get in the car, the cars behind are blocked!" Sheng Zeyuan had already rushed to Gu Miaomiao's side, waving the Tang knife in his hand.

The stench wafted away with the wind, Tang Yiyi covered her nose in distaste, and had no chance to do anything at all.

Tang Yiyi couldn't appreciate seeing the zombies who kept baring their teeth in front of her eyes, but had their heads chopped off and all kinds of headshots.

The huh huh sound from the zombies was more like a sarcasm for her fruitlessness.

Her crystal nucleus, crystal nucleus!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, she couldn't find a chance to collect the crystal nucleus at all.

Forget it, let's get in the car!

Fortunately, all the people who got out of the car at this moment were supernatural beings, and most of the zombies were quickly cleaned up.

Tang Yiyi got into the car dejectedly, met Sheng Zeyuan's deep gaze, curled his lips unhappily.

She lost this time.

It seems that she'd better be sneaky next time.

"Can you use your brain?" Sheng Zeyuan drove the car back to the team again.

His car was refitted by Ye Cheng, it was very strong, and he didn't worry about it being damaged at all.

Looking at the zombie grinning at her on the windshield, Tang Yiyi held back her anger, and said angrily, "You're not brainless."

She just wanted to get more crystal nuclei, so why did so many people come out to help?

But everyone is using excuses for their own good, not because of their own healing abilities.

Looking at the zombie in front of him, Tang Yiyi's eyes were burning, and he leaned forward, with a layer of glass separating his palm from the zombie's head.

What surprised her was that the zombie suddenly fell down.

Tang Yiyi looked at the crystal nuclei that appeared on the windshield, blinked his eyes, and suspected that he was hallucinating.

The zombies disappeared, and a crystal nucleus appeared, but she couldn't take this crystal nucleus into the space.

Sheng Zeyuan also saw it, and his pupils shrank.

Crystal nucleus, how can there be crystal nucleus on the windshield?

Although the crystal nucleus had already fallen the moment Tang Yiyi closed his hand, it's just that the crystal nucleus appeared too strangely.

In the following time, Tang Yiyi remained very quiet, but she was extremely vigilant in her heart.

She is now extremely sensitive to subtle changes in the outside world, and she can clearly detect Sheng Zeyuan's emotional changes.

"There are supernatural zombies, everyone be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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