Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 47 Kill me, will you survive?

Chapter 47 Kill me, will you survive?
Looking down at the dagger in his body, Tang Yiyi blinked hesitantly, never expecting such a thing to happen, and murmured in a low voice: "Kill me, will you survive?"

Xiaoxiao looked at Tang Yiyi's unbelievable appearance, and laughed out loud: "At least, if I kill you, her life will be easier!"

"Xiaoxiao, don't do it yet!"

"Brother Chen, don't worry!" As soon as the words fell, a gun appeared in her hand, and it directly touched Tang Yiyi's temple.

"Sorry, let the one above come down."

Tang Yiyi looked down at the dagger protruding from his abdomen, and the corner of his mouth twitched.Looking at the other people, there is actually some regret in their eyes!
Pity?Is it because they didn't kill themselves first?Tang Yiyi's heart turned cold.

The clothes she was wearing were black, and the light in the car was very dim. For a while, no one noticed that there was no blood flowing out of her body.

"I can handle it!" Four words came out of Tang Yiyi's mouth, but Sheng Zeyuan on the roof of the car heard it, and these words were addressed to him.

She stretched out her hand and slowly grabbed the handle, and smiled coldly at the woman who stabbed her: "You will regret it!"

The barrel on her forehead moved to her heart as she stood up.

The smile on Tang Yiyi's face deepened, and she looked up to confirm that Sheng Zeyuan was no longer on the roof before she said, "Are you sure you can kill me?"

"Dagger...the dagger has a zombie virus!"

When Xiaoxiao heard this, she immediately became happy: "Le An'an, you really have a lot of means."

When Brother Chen heard this, his complexion turned pale immediately, and he told the people around him, "Hurry up and get rid of him."

If she couldn't bear it and died, she would soon become a zombie, and the few people inside would be in trouble.

Tang Yiyi had already slowly taken out the dagger, and said in a low voice, "Aren't you curious, after firing so many shots just now, can I still come down safely?"

Xiao Xiao was the closest, looking at the dagger in Tang Yiyi's hand, there was no trace of blood on it, and her expression changed immediately.

"Le An'an, this name sounds familiar, who is Xie Zhiyan?" She had seen Le An'an's name when she was reading the reviews of this book.

"You know my cousin?" Le An An was overjoyed, her voice very excited.

"Is she your cousin?" Tang Yiyi looked at Le An'an in surprise, but felt ironic: "I just saved her life a few days ago, but now you want mine?"

Le Anan's expression froze, and she blinked her eyes vigorously.

The stabbing and rattling sounds in the car became more and more intense. It was obvious that the zombies were constantly scratching the car.

But what is more surprising than the pricking sound is the rattling sound from Tang Yiyi's side.

All the bullets in Tang Yiyi's body had been pulled out by her, and they fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"Now your car can't drive, and there are zombies outside, tell me how long you can last!"

Tang Yiyi walked directly towards Brother Chen: "Are you going to defect to Chaoyang Base?"

Meeting Brother Chen's surprised eyes, Tang Yiyi climbed up the ladder directly.

Obviously, she was right.

Now everyone in the car can feel the abnormality. There is no blood stain on Tang Yiyi's body, and there is no smell of blood in the car.

"Le An'an, do you dare to trick us?"

(End of this chapter)

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