Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 49 If you dare to fight me, you are destined to die!

Chapter 49 If you dare to fight me, you are destined to die!
Hearing Sheng Zeyuan's words, Tang Yiyi stepped back a few steps, sat directly on the front of the car, and raised her chin: "Then you go and save it!" She didn't intend to do anything anyway.

As soon as Tang Yiyi left, the surrounding zombies rushed towards Sheng Zeyuan.

She really didn't do anything, just watched quietly, and there was a vacuum around her, no zombies came forward at all.

Although Sheng Zeyuan's level is not low, the roof area of ​​the car is not large, and the range he can move is not large.

Moreover, the abilities of several zombies were different, and for a while, he was still at a disadvantage.

The people in the car didn't mean to advance and retreat together at all, they just shot inside the car, and no one came out to help.

In an instant, Sheng Zeyuan's pressure became even greater.

Not only do you have to deal with the zombies around you, but you also have to avoid the bullets below.

It was impossible for him to stand still in one place with a high degree of concentration, and he had to quickly avoid them the moment before they shot.

In this way, his abilities are consumed much faster.

Tang Yiyi looked upset, took out a lollipop directly from the space, and said speechlessly: "Just this group of pig teammates, are you sure you want to save?"

But at this moment, Sheng Zeyuan ignored him at all.

"Stop shooting, you go in, I'll take out the Tang Dao!" Tang Yiyi stood up unwillingly, walked directly to Sheng Zeyuan's side, pushed him down, put the lid on, and jumped off.

There was a vacuum around her, and the zombies avoided one after another, especially those who attacked Xi Muyuan before, Tang Yiyi seemed to see it on their faces—awe?
Are these zombies afraid of her?

Think it is impossible.

Perhaps, she really has an ability to exempt zombies.

The Tang knife stuck in the rear wheel has been completely deformed, and it is impossible to take it out.

Tang Yiyi directly took a huge tool pliers from the space, thanks to her strength now, otherwise, she would not be able to hold it at all.

It took her a lot of effort to break Tang's knife and pliers, but she couldn't do anything about the blown tire in front, so she could only make do with it.

Walking slowly to the front of the car, Tang Yiyi knocked heavily on the glass on the outside, indicating that they could drive.

It was just the driver's reaction that made her furious.

Because the noise made by the zombies was chaotic and loud, she didn't realize that the car was actually starting at this moment.

Just after she finished knocking on the glass, the truck moved immediately and pushed her directly under the car.

Brother Chen in the car saw it and laughed wildly: "Damn girl, if you dare to fight with me, you are destined to die!"

Sheng Zeyuan's eyes were red, and his whole body was emitting a cold air. In fact, he really used the ice ability, and the temperature in the car dropped a lot immediately.

"You are courting death!"

Although she knew that Tang Yiyi had healing powers, but she was crushed by a truck. If she couldn't use the powers to avoid zombies, would she really be hopeless soon?

Her importance to the base is self-evident, but these people now...


At this moment, except for the driver, all guns in the car were aimed at Sheng Zeyuan, and the atmosphere turned sharply down.

"Brother, I think you have good skills, why don't you join us..." Before the two of us could say anything, the back half of the truck slowly tilted up.

It was as if there was a crane at the rear, lifting the truck directly.

The woman's scream rang out immediately, accompanied by the squeak and toothache sound, and the sound of something falling.

(End of this chapter)

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