Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 5 The Nasty Zombie Zombie

Chapter 5 The Nasty Zombie Zombie

Amu looked at the wound on Tang Yiyi's head, a pair of eyes almost drilled into her skull.

"Brother Sheng, how do I feel? Her head is warm here." And the bloody smell on the zombies is very strong, but the one in front of me doesn't have it at all, on the contrary, it looks more like a mummy.

Tang Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief. Although she is a zombie now, she doesn't eat people and doesn't want to enjoy the treatment of headshots.

"Okay, rest well, let's go find Zhiyan!" Sheng Zeyuan looked at Tang Yiyi who was standing stiffly in front of him, inserted the dagger, put his backpack on his back, and walked towards the blocked road. door to go.

"Oh!" Amu responded, and his eyes fell on the opened instant noodles on the ground. The bag was only opened, but the instant noodles were still intact. Although he couldn't drink it himself, he could exchange supplies with others.

Anyway, no one would believe that this bag of instant noodles almost entered the stomach of a zombie.It's just that his movements were a bit rough, and when he stuffed the instant noodles into the bag, some of the crystal nuclei in the bag fell out again.

At the door, Sheng Zeyuan had already opened the door, and as soon as he took a look outside, his expression changed, and he said quickly: "Amu, hurry up, there are level five zombies coming." He has not yet broken through level five, and Amu has just reached level four. If it is blocked, it must be close to death.

As soon as Amu heard this, he became anxious. He didn't even care about the crystal nuclei on the ground. He quickly fixed his backpack and rushed out of the door.

Tang Yiyi, who had been silent for a long time, moved her body slowly at this moment, looked at the door that had been opened wide, and then looked down at the colorful crystal nuclei on the ground, a feeling of hunger overwhelming.

Tang Yiyi wanted to bend down and squat down to pick up the crystal nuclei on the ground with her hands, but she forgot that she is a zombie now, and she can't do squatting at all.

With a plop, the whole person fell to the ground directly. What surprised her even more was that the moment she touched the ground, the sense of satisfaction that she had after getting the instant noodles surged up again.

This time, Tang Yiyi was very sure that it wasn't because of the instant noodles. Looking down at the thick dust in front of her eyes, Tang Yiyi's gray eyeballs moved. She remembered clearly that there were a few crystal nuclei here just now, but It's all gone now.

Is it because of the crystal nucleus?

Tang Yiyi tried hard to turn over, her movements were very stiff, and slowly stretched her withered fingers into the wide-open bag containing the crystal nuclei. Suddenly, that unusual sense of satisfaction reappeared.

In about ten seconds, the bag containing the crystal nucleus was empty. Tang Yiyi looked at her finger that seemed to have grown a little bit puzzled. Was she inflated?The fingers aren't that shriveled.

After getting up, Tang Yiyi walked towards the bathroom, completely unaware that her movements were much more sensitive than before.

Looking in the mirror, Tang Yiyi was finally happy when he no longer looked like a dried corpse.

It's just that this happiness didn't last long. Tang Yiyi found that her body rushed out of the door uncontrollably, and all she saw were zombies with different images and couldn't get rid of the word disgusting.

Although her own image is not very good-looking, Tang Yiyi is still disgusted, especially the stench coming from her nose. Tang Yiyi said that she can't bear it, and she didn't even notice that she is a zombie, why she has a sense of smell.

(End of this chapter)

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