Chapter 57

"You open the way ahead!" Sheng Zeyuan threw out such a sentence before getting out of the tank.

And he jumped directly into the crowd of zombies.

Now they are at the forefront of the team, and the rampage of the tanks has given the people in the front a lot of confidence.

"School Sheng!"

When they saw Sheng Zeyuan taking the lead, even though they knew that the current situation was still very dangerous, people were like this, and it was good to have someone to share the burden.

Sheng Zeyuan didn't have time to pay attention to them, and his targets were naturally those with higher ranks among the zombies.

The slender Tang Dao kept harvesting the heads of the zombies. What troubled Sheng Zeyuan was that he had to dig out the crystal nucleus after he finished chopping up the zombies.

Surrounded by zombies, such behavior is undoubtedly dangerous, but thinking of people who may be infected by the zombie virus, he still has to do it.

Tang Yiyi needs a crystal nucleus to recover, and a crystal nucleus is also needed to treat the zombie virus.

The high-level zombies fell beside Sheng Zeyuan one after another. As he put the crystal nuclei into his pocket one by one, Tang Yiyi directly sucked the crystal nuclei into the space, but she is not suitable to go out directly, she can only study the space. changed.

Although she no longer needs the crystal nucleus, she can still feel that the space itself is absorbing the energy in the crystal nucleus, and as the energy increases, she sees that the small pond seems to be getting bigger?
"Brother Sheng, be careful!" Xie Zhiyan's plant power was not powerful enough, so she also stayed in the tank, when she suddenly saw a gray shadow appearing beside Sheng Zeyuan, she suddenly yelled.

Sheng Zeyuan's mental power has not been withdrawn. He has been aware of it since the gray shadow appeared. He rushed forward suddenly, dodging the gray shadow's attack, and slashed out with the Tang knife, chopping down the low-level zombies in front of him. Arriving at one piece, he turned his head to look at the gray shadow that had stopped.

Without the blessing of speed, what you see in front of you is an ordinary zombie, and you can find the difference just by comparing it.

The skin of his whole body is plump, and his appearance looks no different from that of a normal person, but his bright red pupils reveal his identity as a zombie.

"Yaya was killed by you?" The zombie actually spoke.

Sheng Zeyuan frowned: "Yaya?" The zombies in front of him gave him a strong pressure.

The level of the supernatural beings is increasing. Obviously, the zombies are also constantly evolving.

The spirit-type zombies I encountered before, this one in front of me looks a bit like the wind-type zombie, but there is still something wrong.

"You have her smell on you." After the zombie said this, his body turned into a gray shadow again, and his figure became indistinct. In addition, the light is not very good at the moment. Those who are capable will definitely suffer.

Unfortunately, his opponent is Sheng Zeyuan.

The mental power has been firmly locked on to the zombies that want to attack him. Sheng Zeyuan continued to deal with the zombies that swarmed towards him, and he also had a certain understanding of the talking zombie's ability.

hidden?This ability is indeed a big killer when used well.

After all, there are very few people with psychic abilities, and the level cannot be low.

Sheng Zeyuan made up his mind to deal with this zombie here, otherwise, the casualties caused by him alone would definitely be huge.

Thinking of this, Sheng Zeyuan's attack became a bit more ruthless.

If he didn't show up today, the large army might have been dealt with by the other party slowly.

Fortunately, he arrived in time.

(End of this chapter)

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