Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 60 I still have this ability?

Chapter 60 I still have this ability?
Huang Xiaohu exposed his arm and unwrapped the gauze. There was indeed a slender wound, which should have been caught by the zombies, but the strange thing was that the color of the wound was normal.

Huang Xiaohu looked at his wound, and smiled: "Yesterday I was scratched, and Miss Tang was not here, so I can only wait to die, but I haven't been infected so far. After much deliberation, it can only be due to Miss Tang. .”

Tang Yiyi opened her lips slightly, apparently in disbelief, she still has this ability?

This group of people are all around here, Tang Yiyi is also there, how could Sheng Zeyuan not come here, he also added at this moment.

"I was also scratched by a zombie the night before yesterday, but I was not infected with the zombie virus."

Tang Yiyi looked confused.

"It should have been caught by jumping out of the car." Sheng Zeyuan also found out not long ago, and the eyes he looked at Tang Yiyi were a little more inquisitive.

People who have been expelled by her from the zombie virus will not be infected again. Such an ability is absolutely against the sky in the precarious end times.

I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse for her.

Sheng Zeyuan's words were like throwing stones into calm water, which immediately stirred up waves.

People infected with the zombie virus couldn't sit still, urging the people around them to take out the crystal nucleus one by one.

"Miss Tang, please treat me quickly!"

"Miss Tang..."

Tang Yiyi was already surrounded by people in silence, Sheng Zeyuan winked at Amu and the others, isolated them directly, and brought them into the car.

"What should I do now?" Tang Yiyi also felt that her ability was too much. She even seemed to see that she was imprisoned. Every day, people were deliberately scratched by zombies, and they lined up one by one for her to heal.

Thinking of this scene, she couldn't help shivering.

"Sheng Zeyuan, go back now and take the rights to Chaoyang Base, otherwise, you won't be able to protect me." Driven by instinct, Tang Yiyi spoke directly.

Feng Shaohua almost laughed out loud, and Ye Cheng also nodded beside him: "Yes, Brother Sheng, it's time for the Chaoyang base to be decided by someone else."

"Shut up, Amu, go out and count the number of people infected by the virus, as soon as possible!" After that, you will become a zombie.

Tang Yiyi also calmed down a little now, biting her lip and frowning.

Apparently, Xiao Zhenhuang's words about the number of treatment times per day still had a lot of influence on her.

As for the previous treatment, there was only one treatment in a day. To be honest, she didn't know how many times she could have it.

"Shaohua, take a look at the ones on the list who are close to you, I will treat them first, and those who are not infected are also our priority!"

Feng Shaohua glanced at Sheng Zeyuan who didn't speak, and got out of the car directly.

This car does not belong to them, and now several people are going on one after another.

Sheng Zeyuan arranged for someone to directly set up a simple tent, and soon, four people brought it in.

No matter how you look at it, Tang Yiyi's level is higher than Xiao Zhenhuang's, and the number of treatments should be more than him.

In the crowd, Xiao Zhenhuang was so angry that his face was gloomy. Tang Yiyi's ability is much stronger than his. How will he gain a foothold in Chaoyang Base in the future?

Thinking of this, the idea of ​​getting rid of Tang Yiyi came to his mind for the first time.

At this moment, many people gathered outside the tent, waiting for news from inside.

Everyone wants to live well, and it is best to be exempt from the zombie virus in the future. Then, it is great news for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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