Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 62 When Are You Going Out To Catch Zombies?

Chapter 62 When Are You Going Out To Catch Zombies?
Tang Yiyi didn't have much interest in arranging these things. What she was thinking about now was how to push Sheng Zeyuan to the position of army commander.

After all, it's too bad to feel someone pressing on top of her head, and she can't stay too far away from Sheng Zeyuan.

Therefore, after this operation, it is better to quickly settle the affairs of the Chaoyang base.

She directly took out an older cushion from the space, lay down and fell asleep.

She is so tired right now because her physical energy is too active, she just needs to rest.

For Ye Cheng and Feng Shaohua, Sheng Zeyuan will naturally make arrangements.

Tang Yiyi didn't care what Sheng Zeyuan said, anyway, when she woke up, she found a few pairs of eyes staring at her.

She got up quickly and looked at them vigilantly: "What are you doing?"

Ye Cheng looked eager to try: "Yiyi, when are we going to catch zombies?"

At the beginning, when he heard Brother Sheng say that he would have eight chances within a year, he still regretted that there was no chance. Unexpectedly, there would be such good news later.

There were actually two more, and Brother Sheng directly ordered him and Ye Cheng.

Of course, the sooner the immune to the zombie virus, the better, so they surrounded Tang Yiyi directly, waiting for her to wake up.

Sheng Zeyuan pretended he didn't see it, and just closed his eyes and meditated on the seat beside him.

That night, they stayed in the tank directly, waiting for Tang Yiyi to wake up.

"Catch zombies?" Tang Yiyi frowned, sat up lazily, and looked at Sheng Zeyuan suspiciously.

"Yes, you are immune to the zombie virus, Yiyi, you are amazing." Ye Cheng gave Tang Yiyi a thumbs up.

Tang Yiyi looked at Amu, who was a little depressed, turned his head to meet Sheng Zeyuan's eyes, and said directly: "Are you ready?"

Sheng Zeyuan frowned and nodded, "Both of them were scratched!"

"When?" Feng Shaohua looked confused, he didn't know at all.

Ye Cheng pointed to his neck. There were a few small fingernail marks on it. He didn't know when he was scratched, and it had already started to turn black.

At the same time, he pointed to the back of his hand, which also had a few shallow scratches, which were also blackened.

Tang Yiyi rolled her eyes, reached out and grabbed Feng Shaohua who was closer to her first.

Their injuries were very shallow, but they didn't spend much energy.

It's just that after what Sheng Zeyuan said before, he received very few crystal nuclei, and they were basically gathered from the injured people.

After all, there are only eight chances a year, and now all of them have been used up. The current Tang Yiyi and Xiao Zhenhuang are of similar value in their eyes.

Soon, Ye Cheng and Feng Shaohua will be fine.

Of the few people in the tank now, Amu is the only one who will be infected with the zombie virus.

"From now on, you will be at the base, and we will go on missions!" Ye Cheng patted Amu on the shoulder with a big grin, smiling brightly.

"Well, when you are also immune, we will go on missions together!" Feng Shaohua also looked sincere.

"Everyone is brothers, what are you talking about, am I such a narrow-minded person!" Amu felt uncomfortable, but still squeezed out some smiles on his face.

"Go out and have a look!" Tang Yiyi climbed up the ladder, met Xie Zhiyan's eyes, and parted her mouth: "There are still wounded people to save!"

Plant-type abilities?A power that is worthless in the eyes of everyone?

That's what they think is too simple.

What is the most in the wild now?Nature is a variety of plants.

(End of this chapter)

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