Chapter 7

Just after Sheng Zeyuan said these words full of doubts, the safe behind him responded immediately.

"The voiceprint is correct, the unlock is successful!"

A clear electronic sound resounded in the room.

All Sheng Zeyuan's mind was attracted by the safe, and he walked over slowly, reaching out to touch the plain-looking safe, his voice turned out to be the password, who left this thing for him?
Gently open the safe.

Amu also ran over at this moment, and saw clearly the contents of the safe, it was very simple, there were only two things.

One is a plain-looking jade pendant, much like the ones sold by street vendors for a few dollars each, and the other is much more beautiful in appearance, a transparent crystal ball that reflects colorful brilliance.

"Brother Sheng, who is playing with us!" Amu was a little discouraged.

Sheng Zeyuan shook his head slowly, turned around and looked at Tang Yiyi who was standing stiffly by his side, and reached out to take out the crystal ball inside: "Do you want it?"

"Brother Sheng, zombies can't talk..." Amu interjected, only to find that Tang Yiyi, who was underestimated by him, nodded slowly, as if he had discovered a new world: "Brother Sheng, have you noticed that this zombie is more We've seen a lot more flexibility when we saw it before!"

Sheng Zeyuan handed the crystal ball to Tang Yiyi, his handsome face was full of doubts, "I'll give this to you as a reward for saving us!"

The corners of Amu's mouth twitched. Could the lives of the two of them be worse than a crystal ball of unknown purpose?Brother Sheng actually lied to a zombie, he is not a good person.

As if knowing Amu's complaint, Sheng Zeyuan glared at him fiercely, and his gaze continued to fall on Tang Yiyi, watching her slowly raise her arm, spreading her palm like a dead tree branch in front of him.

This crystal ball doesn't mean much to Sheng Zeyuan, but to Tang Yiyi, all the cells in her body are clamoring, and she understands in her heart that why she appears here is because of this crystal nucleus!

Yes, this transparent crystal that looks like a crystal ball is the crystal nucleus, the crystal nucleus that can further optimize her body.

Ignoring the bright red blood stains on it, Tang Yiyi grabbed the crystal ball impatiently, then turned around quickly, and left the room as if flying.

Although she is a zombie now, her mind is still human.

I have the self-healing ability, but I didn't run away. If I let them see that I can absorb crystal nuclei, something not so wonderful may happen next, so Tang Yiyi chose to slip away.

While running, the crystal nucleus nestled in the palm of her hand had been gradually absorbed by Tang Yiyi, but this time the energy was too huge, and she felt like she was about to explode, which could be seen with the naked eye. The whole body seemed to be inflated, constantly expanding, but there was no sign of stopping.

Tang Yiyi was in a hurry, she didn't want to be blown up like this, but, is there any way to solve it now?

In the room, Sheng Zeyuan and Amu looked at each other, and ran away like that. Could it be that the crystal ball really has some special effect?It's just that no one can answer right now.

"Brother Sheng, it's really you, it's great that you're fine!" Xie Zhiyan's surprised voice suddenly sounded in the room.

Sheng Zeyuan's expression suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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