Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 70 Thickness almost catches up with brick

Chapter 70 Thickness almost catches up with brick

"Miss Tang, it's me, Huang Qijun!" Hearing the news from his brother, Huang Qijun couldn't sit still, and immediately ran over to knock on the door.

Tang Yiyi had already changed into a suit of clothes, exposed her entire face, opened the door, and met Huang Qijun with a smile all over his face, with a calm attitude: "Did you find out what I asked you to investigate?"

Huang Qijun froze for a moment, then quickly said: "I know about Xie Zhiyan."

"Come in!" Tang Yiyi casually threw an apple at him, "Say!"

Seeing Huang Qijun put away the apple excitedly, Tang Yiyi didn't stop him, waiting for him to speak with piercing eyes.

"Xie Zhiyan said on the surface that she got close to Yu Xiaolong because of Colonel Sheng, but she really hooked up with him secretly."

"Are you sure?" Tang Yiyi doubted.

"Of course I'm sure, this is what Yu Yingying said." Facing Tang Yiyi's puzzled eyes, Huang Junqi explained: "Yu Yingying is Yu Xiaolong's younger sister."

It was so!
Tang Yiyi smiled, she flapped her butterfly wings, and things changed completely.

However, it's not his style for Sheng Zeyuan to sit and wait like this.

"Drip..." There was a loud noise in the base, and Tang Yiyi immediately walked to the bed window, looked at all the searchlights on the lighthouse, and asked inexplicably, "What's going on?"

Huang Qijun was a little confused, he hesitated for a while before answering: "The base is under martial law!"

How can the base be under martial law at this time, the zombies are not besieging the city!
"Go out and have a look!" Tang Yiyi frowned, she didn't want to go out yet.

Unexpectedly, Huang Qijun, who didn't wait to check the news this time, saw Sheng Zeyuan's cold face instead.

Tang Yiyi was stunned for a moment, and then showed a bright smile: "You really seized power, should I call you Commander Sheng now?"

"Follow me to save people!" This was the first sentence Sheng Zeyuan saw Tang Yiyi.

"Where is Xiao Zhenhuang, look for him!" Tang Yiyi was unhappy, and she was still worried about him!

No, there is no worry, but there is real curiosity.

Sheng Zeyuan's face was full of frost: "Shaohua is injured."

Tang Yiyi immediately stood up, Feng Shaohua was one of the few people she liked, so she couldn't just hang up.

"Hurry up!" Now it was she who urged Sheng Zeyuan.

After only a few steps, she realized that the clothes on Sheng Zeyuan's body were not right, why did she look dirty, and besides, wasn't he locked up?

Tang Yiyi believed that the martial law had something to do with him, but it was abnormal for him to appear here in person at this time.

"Sheng Zeyuan, where are you taking me?" Tang Yiyi inexplicably felt that something was wrong, but the people walking in front ignored her at all.

It wasn't until Sheng Zeyuan got in touch with a person, and that person took a special look at her, that he opened a secret door: "Go in, the boss is waiting for you inside."

"Sheng Zeyuan, what's going on?" Tang Yiyi stopped, she didn't want to be kept in the dark, she was confused about everything.

"Shaohua is in their hands, do you want to save someone!" Sheng Zeyuan didn't have any extra words, and walked in without waiting for Tang Yiyi's answer.

Tang Yiyi had no choice but to follow behind, and then, there was the sound of closing the door.

She took a special look. The door was specially made, and it should have been processed by metal-type abilities. Its thickness was almost as thick as that of a brick.

(End of this chapter)

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