Chapter 76 So I Just Borrowed It
"Commander Xue is still unwilling to let him go?" Sheng Zeyuan was a little passive now.

It is clear that the incident in the granary was framed by someone, and Staff Officer Zheng pushed all the incidents on him.

Commander Xue was eager to take this opportunity to get rid of Sheng Zeyuan, so he would never let him go unless he found evidence.

But so far, they have not found the person who released the fake news.

In the last days, it is very simple and difficult to find out anything. At present, they are like headless flies, unable to find a breakthrough.

"By the way, do you know that there is a Qi Shao in that base?" Tang Yiyi asked with some uncertainty, this is the news she got from her zombie brother.

"Young Master Qi?" Huang Qijun frowned, "There is indeed Young Master Qi in Zhengdong Base, but I don't know if it's the one you mentioned."

"Zhengdong Base?" Tang Yiyi narrowed his eyes, "Does he have anyone close here?"

"I want someone to investigate this, Ms. Tang, are you the one who suspects that someone is colluding with the Zhengdong base?" Huang Qijun also turned the corner at this moment.

"It's hard to say, anyway, it has something to do with this young master Qi." Tang Yiyi looked up at the room she lived in before, and then turned to look at Huang Qijun: "Which room is yours?"

Huang Qijun froze for a moment, his earlobes turned suspiciously red, and his voice was a little low: "I'll take you there." But his heart was jumping for joy, did Tang Yiyi see him?
Tang Yiyi didn't understand why Huang Qijun was so happy all of a sudden, she just didn't want to stay with Xie Zhiyan, and she wanted to take a bath in the space right now.

Well, it's better to let Huang Qijun guard the door.

"Yiyi, why don't I ask someone to prepare some food first!" Huang Qijun looked at Tang Yiyi with tenderness in his eyes.

Meeting such eyes, Tang Yiyi shuddered and waved his hands again and again: "No, no, I just borrow your room." It seems that Huang Qijun misunderstood something.

"Help me watch the door, don't let anyone in!"

Huang Qijun froze for a moment, and just about to take a step, the door closed, almost touching his nose.

Hehe, it turned out that he borrowed it and misunderstood him.

It's just that Miss Tang is really nice, and she gave him an apple last time.Now such a good quality fruit is definitely a rarity...

Tang Yiyi didn't know that the people outside the door began to miss the spring because of the apples she gave away. If she knew this, she would definitely eat it by herself.

After entering the space, she quickly cleaned herself, thinking that after she entered the space, the jade pendant would leave her body and stay in the outside world, Tang Yiyi was a little worried.

There is no problem now, what if someone else picks it up in the future?She can't stay in the space forever.

Therefore, she still found a way to send the jade pendant to Sheng Zeyuan's side, and let him keep it.

If he has a way to recognize the jade pendant in the future, that would be great.

As soon as he thought about it, Tang Yiyi went out of the space, told Huang Qijun a few words through the door, and then lied that he jumped out of the window and left.

Huang Qijun opened the door after a while, and he found the jade pendant Tang Yiyi was talking about.

"It's nothing strange, let's send it over quickly!" Since Tang Yiyi said it was very important, Huang Qijun would not be slow.

Xie Zhiyan on the third floor doesn't have spiritual powers, otherwise, if she finds the jade pendant, she will definitely grab it desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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