Chapter 79

Tang Yiyi was not stingy at all, and took a lot of good things from the space.

Sheng Zeyuan heard Ye Cheng and Feng Shaohua's exclamations one after another, with a smile on his lips.

"Go to the trading market to see!" Now that he knew that after Tang Yiyi absorbed the crystal nucleus, he might get the attribute ability of the crystal nucleus, so he just went to have a look.

Moreover, the trading market is the place where news circulates the most. Compared to before the news of the commander's replacement came out, he was able to inquire about some news.

Here, as long as one has the ability, the morality is almost lost.

He disdains to use force, as far as his current level is concerned, few people in the base should be able to suppress him, as for Tang Yiyi, that is his man.


He had seen it in the space, not to mention the ones that were prepared in the first place, but the ones that grew on the farmland, the number was already considerable.

Yes, Tang Yiyi doesn't know how to farm, so Sheng Zeyuan also became a farmer once, which almost didn't exhaust him, after all, the area of ​​the farmland is quite large.

"So many people!" This was Tang Yiyi's first visit to the trading market, the bustling crowd, all kinds of cries, really felt like a vegetable market in a previous life.

"Grain trading area, clothing trading area..." At a glance, the classification is quite detailed.

"Walk around casually, Shaohua, you follow her, Ye Cheng, you come with me." Ye Cheng's character was too lively, so it was better for Feng Shaohua to follow Tang Yiyi, he felt a little more at ease.

"Yiyi, where are we going now?" Feng Shaohua glanced at Sheng Zeyuan who left directly, then at Tang Yiyi who was eager to try, and suddenly felt that this was not a good job.

"Oh, take a look at it casually!" Tang Yiyi said it was a casual look, but Tang Yiyi really took a look at it casually.

Her face is something to look up to in the eyes of the mercenary team and countless people in the military, but here, there are still quite a few people who know her. However, compared with most people's sallow complexion and dirty clothes , with disheveled hair, she looks more eye-catching.

The complexion is ruddy, the clothes are neat, and a high ponytail makes the whole person very energetic.

No one thought she was a master, they just regarded her as a well-protected Miss Jiao, a fat sheep that could be slaughtered.

"Is anyone still buying gold at this time?" Tang Yiyi pointed to one of the stalls and asked Feng Shaohua behind him.

Before Feng Shaohua could speak, the stall owner said: "Miss, gold is a store of value, and the styles I have here are the best in the entire market. Would you like to take a few? They are very cheap."

The owner of the stall is a man in his 30s, and he feels a bit sloppy.

"Gold preservation? Are you kidding me!" Tang Yiyi sneered, and really regarded her as a little white rabbit who didn't understand anything. The question is, is she?

Obviously not.

His eyes moved directly to the next one.

"Hey, little girl, why don't you take a closer look, I really have good stuff here!" The stall owner saw Tang Yiyi was about to leave, and immediately took out a bright yellow crystal from his pocket.

"This is a new crystal nucleus I got. The quality is so good, why don't you buy one for fun?"

Tang Yiyi rolled her eyes, and said directly to Feng Shaohua behind her: "The task of rectifying the trading market is entrusted to you."

Some people are here just to scam people.

Seeing that Tang Yiyi was not interested in this, the man took out a red and black crystal nucleus from his pocket, which really attracted Tang Yiyi's attention.

"This, I want it!"

(End of this chapter)

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