Chapter 9

Tang Yiyi regretted it, why didn't she think of tying Sheng Zeyuan up before, otherwise, the current thing would never have happened at all, she really didn't want to have that stabbing pain again.

The energy in the body was completely absorbed by Sheng Zeyuan, and Tang Yiyi had nothing more than what was needed to maintain the current physical condition.

At this moment, she regretted throwing away the fifth-level crystal nucleus, otherwise she might be able to push the person on her away after absorbing it now.

It's just that no matter how much she regretted, Tang Yiyi couldn't push away the person who was pressing on her, and even fainted from the torment, the last thought in her mind was--zombies would faint?
Sheng Zeyuan felt like he had a dream. In the dream, he was lingering with a woman he didn't know. When he woke up, he sneered. Has it been too long since he touched a woman?
However, he soon realized that he was not dreaming, and there was really a woman lying beside him.

As a person who has been tempered by the end of the world, Sheng Zeyuan's first reaction was not to observe what the people around him looked like, but to grab the slender neck directly, his pupils locked tightly, as if he would twist in the next second. Break that vulnerable-looking neck.

And in fact, he really did.

Kacha, there was a soft sound, Sheng Zeyuan frowned as he looked at the woman whose head had been turned to one side.

He felt somewhat sorry for this woman who appeared out of nowhere.

But his identity is doomed, for people whose identities are unknown, especially those who appear beside him after he was knocked out and woke up, even if they seem to be occupied by him, he will never let them go.

Standing up and putting on his clothes, Sheng Zeyuan was ready to go out to find someone.

Since he was knocked out, then Amu and Xie Zhiyan must be the same, since he appeared here, he doesn't know how those two people are doing now.

But, right here, something that surprised him happened.

On the ground, the woman whose neck had been broken by him actually uttered a low hum. Although it was small, Sheng Zeyuan was sure that he heard it right.

With a pause in his steps, he turned his head to look at the woman who slowly opened her eyes and woke up. Sheng Zeyuan was on guard all over his body. The standing posture at this moment can make it convenient for him to attack or leave at any time.

When Tang Yiyi woke up, she felt that her neck was in severe pain and burning, especially when there was a pair of eyes staring at her with no warmth on top of her head.

After realizing that there was nothing covering her body, Tang Yiyi couldn't help screaming, but the voice that came out was ah ah ah.

Sheng Zeyuan's pupils shrank, dumb?

At this moment, he doubted whether he really broke her neck just now.

Or the person in front of him has the ability to heal himself against the sky.

Thinking of this, Sheng Zeyuan couldn't help but think of the zombie he saw before. Similarly, the amazing self-healing ability, the broken arm grew back in such a short time.

At this moment, even though Sheng Zeyuan was well-informed, he didn't connect the woman sitting in front of him with the shriveled zombie.

"I don't care how you came here, or what your purpose is, I'm leaving now, but you can't follow me." Sheng Zeyuan's voice was deep and threatening.

There was surprise in Tang Yiyi's eyes, so he wouldn't let him follow?How can that be!

(End of this chapter)

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