Chapter 93 is what you see!

"Brother Sheng, what... what's going on?" Feng Shaohua asked in a daze before he recovered from the accident just now.

Sheng Zeyuan glanced at Tang Yiyi with an inexplicable expression, and sighed: "Amu... just wanted to blow himself up!"

Even though they all have supernatural powers, but they are so close, the three of them will definitely be injured, and even Tang Yiyi, who is closest, may be blown to pieces.

"Yiyi... what kind of ability is that?" Feng Shaohua really felt that he had hallucinations after taking a person's life so easily. How could a person be so strong? He didn't even feel it fluctuations in energy.

"That's what you see!" Sheng Zeyuan now also feels that Tang Yiyi's ability is too heaven-defying. The only thing to be thankful for now is that she is not a torturer.

No, zombies are right!
Tang Yiyi stretched out his hand and threw the crystal nucleus in front of Sheng Zeyuan: "Take it well, it's here with me, maybe one day it will be absorbed by me."

Sheng Zeyuan looked at the crystal nucleus in his palm, the emotion in his eyes flashed, and he quickly put it away.

"Pass my order, the whole base searches for Xie Zhiyan!" The stripping ability is too dangerous. From the current point of view, apart from Tang Yiyi, there is really no way for anyone else to resist her attack.

"I see!" Feng Shaohua also knew the seriousness of the matter, and immediately went out to make arrangements.

There are only two of them left in the office at this moment.

Tang Yiyi walked in front of Sheng Zeyuan, frowning: "Are you sure, your spiritual power was blocked back then?"

Xie Zhiyan is so capable?Tang Yiyi felt that something was wrong. Isn't her power from the plant department? When can plants block the spiritual power, but she knows that there is a very special substance that can resist the spiritual power, but the owner of the substance is not here now Chaoyang base.

"Oh, by the way, the people from the Zhengdong base plotted against us before, and I have already given them a big gift. I guess someone will come to seek refuge in the near future!" That person seems to be from the Zhengdong base, she was watching at that time Saw it in the comments, unfortunately I don't know the name.

"Take refuge? What do you mean!" Sheng Zeyuan keenly felt that Tang Yiyi's gift must not be very good.

"I took in a younger brother, and then my younger brother took his younger brother to the Zhengdong Base!" Tang Yiyi said with a blank face.

"Your little brother? Zombie!" Sheng Zeyuan's face changed immediately, he grabbed Tang Yiyi's front collar suddenly, stared at Tang Yiyi with burning eyes, and shouted in a low voice: "They are all living people."

"Do you think Zhengdong base can survive without my intervention?" Tang Yiyi pulled Sheng Zeyuan's hand away forcefully, and said unceremoniously: "Of the major bases, the location of Zhengdong base is the worst. Center of gravity, a province with a large population in the past, how long do you think such a place can remain stable?"

"Then should I thank you instead of a human?" Sheng Zeyuan laughed back angrily.

"You're welcome!" Tang Yiyi rolled her eyes, turned around and was about to leave: "I'm going to the villa!"

She wanted to see exactly how Xie Zhiyan played tricks under their noses.

Sheng Zeyuan looked at Tang Yiyi's back, frowned, and immediately sent someone to contact the Zhengdong base.

Although the means of communication before the end of the world are no longer available, there is still a very old method that can quickly know the current situation of Zhengdong Base.

(End of this chapter)

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