Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 95 Did you offend him by eating apples yourself?Speechless!

Chapter 95 Did you offend him by eating apples yourself?Speechless!
"I'll take care of this matter!" Sheng Zeyuan gave Tang Yiyi a cold look, and then stepped into the space, Tang Yiyi rolled his eyes, speechless.

Is this going in to check supplies?
It's useless for her to come, is it used to arm her army of zombies?Even if you think about it, you know it's impossible!

Her little brother will probably arrive in three days. At that time, let him find someone.

Zombies are extremely sensitive to people's sense of smell. They just hope that they will not be stimulated by human blood and lose their souls. It will be bad if they are not controlled.

Sheng Zeyuan didn't go in for a long time, and he came out soon. Tang Yiyi looked at him vaguely happy, and was curious: "What are you laughing at?"

"Is there?" Sheng Zeyuan gave Tang Yiyi a cold look, then walked out, and said, "Don't move the things in the warehouse!"

Curious, Tang Yiyi went straight into the space, looked at the bare apple tree, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

Offended him by eating apples?Speechless!
Soon, night fell.

Tang Yiyi, as Sheng Zeyuan's female companion, was naturally going to attend.

Although it was the precarious end of the world, the atmosphere at the banquet was still very lively.

The commander of the Chaoyang Base has been replaced by a different person, and there are quite a few people who came to congratulate him, especially since a lot of food was prepared on site.

This is a place where food is the sky, who would not want to come if they have the opportunity to eat for free?

Looking at the people who were busy eating and filling their stomachs, the corners of Tang Yiyi's mouth twitched. Fortunately, there was a lot of preparation, otherwise, I really didn't worry enough.

"Commander Sheng, congratulations, I hope that the military and our mercenary team can cooperate and win-win in the future!" Sun Zhengdong smiled happily, and nodded to Tang Yiyi who was beside Sheng Zeyuan.

"Now that the military has Miss Tang's help, it will definitely be able to take it one step closer!"

The corner of Tang Yiyi's mouth twitched: "Don't give me a high hat, what kind of onion am I!"

She didn't want to get into these troubles.

"You're welcome, I've sent someone to send something to Miss Tang, see if you like it when you have time!" Sun Zhengdong smiled like an old fox.

"You've spent a lot of money!" Since it was given to her, Tang Yiyi was naturally disrespectful.

At this moment, someone suddenly came to Sheng Zeyuan's side and whispered something to him. Tang Yiyi was close, so he naturally heard it.

Sun Zhengdong's complexion changed, and he immediately said knowingly: "Since Commander Sheng is busy, I will take my leave first."

Xie Zhiyan stole Xiao Zhenhuang's healing ability?When can supernatural powers be robbed?
With this question in mind, Sun Zhengdong quickly withdrew from the banquet.

Other people were in charge of the banquet, and Sheng Zeyuan and Tang Yiyi withdrew quickly.

"Xie Zhiyan, are you determined not to look back?" Sheng Zeyuan looked at Xie Zhiyan, who was no different from usual, with disappointment in his eyes.

Xie Zhiyan smiled: "Did you give me a chance?"

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Yiyi, if it weren't for you, I don't know I can still have this day!"

Xie Zhiyan's gaze on Tang Yiyi's face was extremely gloomy.

"Are you sure about the rarity of healing powers, and you added a layer of amulets to yourself?" Tang Yiyi looked at Xie Zhiyan, without any fluctuations on his cold face.

"Yes, besides you, I am the only one who has the ability to heal now, Brother Sheng, now is the time for you to make a decision!"

Xie Zhiyan looked into Sheng Zeyuan's eyes, still looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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