Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 97 I won't let any of them go

Chapter 97 No one will let go
The motorcade left in a mighty manner. Sheng Zeyuan's car was in the middle of the queue. Besides him, Feng Shaohua was the only one in this car. As for the driver, there was a partition in front that divided the car into two sections.

"All the things you arranged have been done?" Sheng Zeyuan looked at the base that was getting farther and farther away in the mirror, with waves in his eyes.

Feng Shaohua nodded: "It's all done, and those who contribute to the flames in private will not let go."

Completely different from Tang Yiyi's impression of people, Sheng Zeyuan is a person who will take revenge.

His mission this time is not only to get the materials into the base in a new way, but more importantly, to completely eliminate those opposing voices.

The contradictions within the base cannot be resolved, so how can we talk about eliminating zombies, and how can we talk about competing with other bases.

Now it will be more and more difficult for human beings to survive, and the development trend of bases must be mergers, but there is a big difference between being annexed by others or annexing others.

"Brother Sheng, where is Xie Zhiyan?" Feng Shaohua was a little worried.

"If she dares to move, I dare to kill!" If she thought that with the ability of the healing system, she would have a life-saving talisman, she would be wrong.

There are so many people in the base, and she can treat only a handful of them. Maybe there are his enemies among them. As long as there is such a trend, he will never be soft.

Without Tang Yiyi's deliberate guidance, the relationship between Sheng Zeyuan and Xie Zhiyan would be completely impossible.

From all of this, it can only be said that the opportunity for her to come was really a coincidence.

A seed was directly planted in Sheng Zeyuan's heart, and now the seed has germinated and grown, and there is no possibility between the two of them anymore.

With Sheng Zeyuan's definite answer, Feng Shaohua could naturally give the order with peace of mind.

If it wasn't for Xie Zhiyan, Ye Cheng and A Mu wouldn't have died either. She thought she could sit back and relax with the amulet, dreaming!

"Commander Sheng, how far is the destination this time!" Tang Yiyi suddenly came out of the space and waved to the stunned Feng Shaohua as a greeting.

"Can I say hello before I come out next time?" Sheng Zeyuan's eyes were clouded.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, you are the commander of the army now, and this little problem can definitely be solved!" Tang Yiyi said disapprovingly.

"Besides, Shaohua is one of his own!"

"Yiyi, what is this?" Feng Shaohua pointed at Tang Yiyi, but he hadn't reacted yet.

"Well, the materials to be obtained this time are actually here with me. You should discuss it first!" If only Sheng Zeyuan knew about it, sometimes people would find out if he didn't take care of it, so Tang Yiyi directly thought of pulling Tang Yiyi joined the gang.

"So, Yiyi, you still have spatial abilities?" Feng Shaohua opened his mouth wide, so there is nothing else he doesn't know.

"No, this space actually belongs to Sheng Zeyuan, but it's here with me now!" Tang Yiyi had no intention of going into details, and her whole body was half spread out on Sheng Zeyuan's body.

"Go to Cannes!" Sheng Zeyuan answered Tang Yiyi's question, and changed the topic by the way.

"Kangcheng, is there anything special?" Tang Yiyi was puzzled.

"Brother Sheng, isn't it too dangerous to go there!" Feng Shaohua hesitated, although they had the idea that some people would never come back, but Cannes is really dangerous.

"Dangerous?" Tang Yiyi raised her head and looked at Sheng Zeyuan. From her current perspective, the chin on top of her head looks pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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