Chapter 20
For a moment, almost all the audience's eyes were on Bu Xin. The diamond was found in 4 minutes and 25 seconds, which is considered fast among professional players. Generally speaking, one or two iron sets in 4 minutes is very good.

"Contestant Bu Xin didn't dig. Although he already has materials for making iron picks in his backpack, he chose to send a message here and wait for his teammates."

"We can see that the other two from the red team are approaching Bu Xin's position. Will they be the first team to make diamond equipment in this competition?"

The audience were all amazed. On the one hand, they affirmed the speed, and on the other hand, they felt that Bu Xin was lucky.You know where to look for diamonds, it’s nothing more than 15 blocks above the bedrock layer, but some people’s faces turn black and they can’t even dig for 7 days.

So looking for diamonds is a matter of face. Although it has a certain connection with technology, the relationship is not very big. It mainly depends on luck.

Apparently, Bu Xin was very lucky. He ran into a diamond the first time he went down the cave. It can be said that he jumped directly from the Stone Age to the Diamond Age.


In the game world, Chen Xiaolin and I have arrived at the entrance of the cave where Bu Xin is.At first glance, it is dark inside, the cave wall is smooth and steep, and the cold wind blows constantly outside, the standard vertical cave entrance.

"He dared to plunge in without a torch. He is really brave." Seeing the darkness in the cave, Chen Xiaolin frowned and said, "Is there anything strange down there?"

"The chance of generating monsters will be greatly reduced on the first day, and it will return to normal on the second day, so don't worry about this. If it's the second day, I won't agree with him."

After all, I took out the torch from my backpack, took a photo into the cave, found a place to stay, and jumped there directly from above.


The sound of the feet landing on the stone was low and heavy, and it kept echoing in the cave, echoing like a stone being thrown into a pond and causing ripples.I saw Bu Xin's ID moving left and right in the dark below, big and small.

Chen Xiaolin also jumped into the hole, and the two of us carried torches and gradually went deeper one after the other.Some iron ore, coal mines and the like found along the way will be knocked away, and by the way, some mining experience will be gained.

"I saw your names." Bu Xin sent a message.

"Pave the road." I replied, "Find a flat place and burn the iron."

"It's all black, and I didn't bring a torch. I'll wait for you while I'm burning on the spot."

"Alright." I'm not in a hurry anyway.

After Bu Xin received the message, he began to burn iron.It is estimated that all the iron has just been smelted when we arrive at his location, because 6 iron only need to be burned for 1 minute.

All the way down, the temperature in the cave gradually dropped, and the breath I exhaled from my nose turned into white mist, which evaporated upward.The stones here are as cold as ice, and your feet feel frozen when you step on them, and your fingers are even a little numb. If you don't have a torch in your hand, you may not be able to hold the tool steadily.

"Da da, da da..."

The sound of footsteps echoed softly in the cave, and occasionally bats flapped their wings and flew past, leaving a series of rustling sounds.

"It's so cold..." Chen Xiaolin shivered from the cold, holding the torch tightly with both hands, and using the fire above to roast her body.

Fortunately, the fire on the torch in MC is only for lighting and cannot ignite objects, otherwise she would be no different from self-mutilation.

"Persist for a while and it will be there. It will be too hot for you to sit next to the magma." I comforted her.


After 1 minute, we arrived at Bu Xin's location.It was closer to the magma layer, so it wasn't as cold as before, but it was still chilling.

Bu Xin was sitting on the red-hot stove, holding a pickaxe in his hand and slamming on the stone.The fire under his buttocks was burning, and the flames were churning, sometimes sparking.

"The 6 pieces of iron have just finished burning. You guys came at the right time." Hearing our footsteps, Bu Xin put down the pickaxe and turned around and said.

"It's just right, I'll take out the iron pick first, knock out the diamonds underneath, and then make a barrel." I walked to the furnace, reached out and took out 6 hot iron ingots from the furnace.

"Wait a minute, don't you want to make an iron sword first?" Bu Xin reminded me.

"No, if there is no magma, we will make iron swords. If there is magma, what else can we do with iron swords? Why don't we just pour magma on the opponent's body when fighting?" I told him.

"Damn, I forgot..." Bu Xin patted his head and said.

I put down the working table on my body, took out the iron pick and bucket, and asked Bu Xin to take me to knock out those few diamonds.

Fortunately, there were a total of four diamonds in that pile, which were quite useful.

After knocking out the diamonds, I collected the pile of magma by the way.Magma is one of the big killers of PvP. It is almost dead when touched without armor. It is loved by all the gods.

Chen Xiaolin and I also dug some iron ore along the way to find Bu Xin. Now there are about 20 of them together, and there are 6 after excluding Bu Xin's 14. It is absolutely possible to make the first armor.

"Boss, the iron is almost burned. It's so warm by the stove, haha!" Chen Xiaolin sent a message.

"Good job. You put away the iron first and get some experience." I replied to her.

Burning mines to gain experience is considered a relatively humanized design in MC, coupled with the experience gained from previous mining, in this way, Chen Xiaolin's level can be raised to at least level 3 or even level 4.After making the enchanting table in the future, she can be enchanted with levels.

Now the problem I am facing is how to make good use of the remaining 14 pieces of iron.

Today there are pickaxes and buckets, but these are not used very often in PvP.As I said before, the essence of UHC mode is not survival but PvP, so it is necessary to make something that can be fought as soon as possible.

That leaves you with two things to choose from - weapons and armor.

The weapon is also an iron sword, which consumes two pieces of iron.

There are four types of armor: helmet, clothes, pants and shoes. Each type of armor has different armor value, durability and consumption materials.

This forces me to customize a most cost-effective solution.

"Make an iron sword first." I said.

"It's done." Chen Xiaolin replied.

"Then... I'll think about it." I fell into deep thought, and the synthesis diagrams and data of various iron items emerged in my mind, and I calculated the most scientific synthesis method.

It is best for three people to have such things as armor, because the combat method we have trained is teamwork, not relying on single-person skills.

Therefore, high-consumable and high-protection armor such as iron clothes and iron pants cannot be made. You can only choose iron helmets and iron shoes.

The iron helmet and iron shoes have an armor value of two, but the iron helmet will consume one more iron ingot than the iron shoes, so it is better to choose iron shoes.

"Make 3 pairs of iron boots." I sent a message to Chen Xiaolin, then returned to the furnace with Bu Xin, and began to discuss the next thing to do.

"We are now close to the people in the northeast direction we discovered in the morning, and we may be able to take advantage of the equipment tonight." I said to Chen Xiaolin and Bu Xin.

"Are you going to fight? Not bad, not bad." Bu Xin was eager to try.

"Uh, if we fight... is it time now?" Chen Xiaolin was a little worried.

According to the general rules of UHC, the first 10 minutes is the time for peaceful development, and players cannot cause damage to each other.But once the 10 minutes pass, player damage returns to normal and PvP can begin.

"It's been a little more than 9 minutes now, and it's almost dusk outside." I said, "It's absolutely fine to do it tonight. Bu Xin, use those 4 diamonds to make two diamond swords, and we'll bring the guys and prepare for a fight." , it's time to test our team fighting ability!"

(End of this chapter)

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