Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 205 Can You Cooperate

Chapter 205 Can You Cooperate
"Put on the cloak." Xiao Chen faced the five of them and took out a stack of cloaks from his backpack.

Beifeng and the others took their cloaks, shook them off and put them on.Each person's cloak is printed with a capital English letter, from North Wind to Bow God, they are "N", "H", "S", "D", and "X".

This is the capitalization of the first letter of each person's ID, N is "N.wind", H is "Huahvi", S is "Stimpy", D is "Dantch", X is "Xnestoroi".

As soon as the cloak was put on, all eyes were on the five of them at the same time.Five of the top PvP masters in human active service stood in the middle, and standing behind them was T20, the most powerful team in the United Army. This shows that the United Army will go all out to completely obliterate the Mingrui-level intelligent king, Clearway.

"The next actions of T20 will be directed by the general captain Beifeng. As for the staff, it will be discussed and decided by the command to be Huahvi." Xiao Chen ordered everyone in T20.

"Yes." Beifeng and Huahvi answered.

"Okay." Xiao Chen nodded, raised his voice and said loudly to everyone: "Everyone, no matter how many maps we have won today, they are all necessary preparations for killing high-level intelligence. The next thing to do is The key of the key! Send off the warriors!"

Beifeng then ordered: "Everyone is here, leave in line!"

Under the leadership of Beifeng, T20 rushed to Clearwell's lair one after another, and everyone watched their backs.Bu Xin and Lu Qingtian were also in the team, and I saw from a distance that the two of them seemed to be whispering and discussing something, but there was no excitement on their faces.


Ten minutes later, in the No. 10 underground cave, San Francisco T3, led by Huahvi, wiped out the remaining monsters inside and captured several awakened intelligences.After asking about the whereabouts of Clearway, the unified answer they got was "don't know".

"Bishop, Clearwell may not be here anymore." Lu Qingtian walked up to Huahvi and said to him.

Huahvi also frowned, but he was not in a hurry to draw conclusions, but told Lu Qingtian: "Report to the head team first, and see what she has to say."

"Bishop, you are a staff officer." Lu Qingtian reminded.

"I know, but the decision requires her to go down." Huahvi put his hand on his glasses, told the team to eat and rest, and then opened the message window to send a message to Beifeng.

A few seconds later, Beifeng replied and asked Huahvi and several other captains to lead their respective teams to meet up.Several other teams failed to obtain valuable information in other caves, and even most of the monsters staying in the cave escaped, only a few slow-moving ones were caught.

Only the London T20 led by Dantch made progress, drawing out the specific location of Clearway from the monster's mouth, but the specific location was too outrageous.At present, the entire four maps are in chaos, every monster is a mud bodhisattva, and it is difficult to protect himself. How could he know the location of Clearwell so clearly.

So Beifeng called everyone together and planned to discuss it for a while before making a decision.

The T20 in the eight theaters gathered together again after being separated for a short time.Everyone knows that any monster can be easily wiped out by T20, but the biggest problem is that there are no monsters to kill. After all, tracking is not T20's strong point, but fighting is.

The people lit torches in the cave and sat around on the stone ground. Beifeng, Huahvi and others were in the center, talking in low voices.

"Several passages are blocked, logically speaking, you can't get out." Stimpy squatted on the ground and gestured, "Hell is my own home, and I won't let people go, otherwise there are other unknown caves."

"I believe Clearwell is still here. How long has it been since he attacked the fourth map? He won't have time to leave the fourth map." Master Cat said.

"I agree with his point of view. We must go to the lair as soon as possible!" Bow God echoed.

"Go rashly, what if you get caught in an ambush?" Dantch objected.

Beifeng quietly watched them discuss without speaking.She held the trident in one hand, her face was hidden behind the mask, and with the other hand, she swept the small skirt under the battle armor from time to time, and the decoration on the skirt touched the diamond leg armor, making a crisp sound.

Now she actually looks like a female general who is not chaotic in the face of danger, she is calm and composed in the face of her quarrelsome subordinates, and she has the majestic style of talking and laughing.

Seeing this, Huahvi took off his glasses and asked Beifeng, "Maintain, maintain control or reduce the scope?"

"Oh really, I'm dying of a headache too. Xiao Chen dumped the blame on me, what can I do!" Bei Feng Gao Leng's image was immediately ruined by her response, and everyone present seemed to be able to see her through the mask Annoyed look.

Damn, it turns out that she is not calm, but rather ignorant!

Huahvi's head was full of black lines, he finally understood why Xiao Chen had to give Beifeng a special staff officer.He had no choice but to suggest to Beifeng to let her maintain control first, and on this premise, send a small group of troops to search in the cave. This group of troops must be strong enough to fight.

"Well, don't panic, don't panic..." Bei Feng forced himself to be calm, "Well, right now, um, I think, um... Let's listen to your opinions."

"Hey, stop pretending. Don't you want to throw the blame too!" Seeing Beifeng's coy behavior, Master Cat felt annoyed.He is one of the few people in the entire T20 who dares to tease Beifeng, or even hate her, because he is currently the number one active player in PvE in the world, so Beifeng has to step aside.

"Hey, hey, hey! How shameless!" Bei Feng swung his trident and wanted to hit Master Mao on the head, but put it down after thinking about it, and said to everyone:

"Okay, let me ask you, to fight or not to fight?"

"This is a mission, of course we have to fight." Huahvi replied.

"Then do as Huahvi said. This small group of people has to be selected from among us. Who wants to take the initiative to join? Raise your hand."

After Beifeng finished speaking, he raised his hand first.

Huahvi, Stimpy and Mr. Cat raised their hands one after another, but only Dantch among the top five did not raise his hand.

"What's the matter with you, brother?" Master Cat asked him.

"I don't agree with using a small group of troops. I know that everyone's combat ability is outstanding, especially the main team, but what I want to say is that I am the only one who has really fought against high-level intelligence here." Dantch said in a serious tone Say.

He was right, the only time T20 had a head-to-head confrontation with high-level intelligence was when it attacked the fifteenth map for the first time.At that time, Dantch attempted to assassinate Mandrill of the Seventh General before retreating, but he failed because he did not use the two-handed sword he was good at, and the siege of all the monsters.

But only he who really faces the high-level intelligence knows how powerful the high-level intelligence is.

"...They are not weaker than us, and even because of the strict procedures as the basis, the cooperation between them is perfect. That zombie couldn't even shoot him with Xnestoir."

"Every sword I should have slashed at his vitals, but he was always able to dodge just right, resulting in more than a dozen slashes by me and survived. There were seven others like him at the time. How terrifying the combat power will soar to."

Dantch took a deep breath, and then said: "To put it bluntly, you can beat almost all players in the world if you pull it out alone, but you should also know what the cooperation between the strongest players like us is like." .”

(End of this chapter)

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