Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 208 Nightmare Human Machine

Chapter 208 Nightmare Human Machine
The third arrow left the string before it was fully drawn, and flew away like lightning.At the same time, the other two arrows pulled by the fishing rod also attacked Mei from different directions. At this time, Mei was already targeted by the three arrows from different angles, and she had to be shot no matter what.

The dance of three arrows is the highest state of fishing and archery.Its operation is more difficult than Draven's three axes or even four axes in "League of Legends". At present, the only person in the world who can realize this technology is Huahvi.

In other words, when the third arrow is shot, it means that Huahvi has started to fight Mei with all his strength.

With the three arrows dancing together, even though Mei could calculate the trajectory of the arrow and knew how to avoid it in his mind, his body had limitations after all, so he was finally hit by the arrow inevitably.

An arrow was stably inserted into Mei's right arm, making his body flash red and appear short and stiff.

Huahvi seized this opportunity and swung out his fishing rod while drawing his sword with his left hand.The hook and the fishing line rushed towards Mei like lightning, and at the same time the other two arrows did not stop.

Mei didn't expect that Huahvi would throw the hook at him. He judged based on experience that Huahvi was still using fishing arrows, so after dodging two arrows, he couldn't dodge the hook in time.The fishhook drove into his back like an awl, as if a nail had been put on his spine, nailing him firmly.

The fishing line floating in the air stretched again before it fell down, and was taken back by Huahvi with a flick of his hand.The fishhook jerked at Mei, and Mei fell uncontrollably towards Huahvi, and Huahvi also raised his sword to stab Mei who was oncoming.

The pixel sword stabbed forward, thinking that the sword could pierce Mei's chest, but who expected Mei to turn around in mid-air, split his sword with all her strength, and instead slashed towards his neck.

Huahvi knew that he had met the strongest opponent in his career.Compared with Beifeng, the Mei in front of him is probably only stronger than weaker!
Seeing that the blade was getting closer and closer to his neck, and his weapon was split and unable to defend, Huahvi had no choice but to shrink his head instinctively.


The sword blade cut off the diamond helmet on Huahvi's head, leaving a shocking large sword mark, and the cutting force was so strong that Huahvi almost fell backwards.But he didn't really fall, but took two steps back, knelt down and supported him with his hands, and poured a bucket of magma in front of him to stop Mei from chasing him.

The magma was steaming "gurgling" and flowing around. As soon as Mei landed on the ground, she raised her foot and wanted to move forward. When she saw the magma, she immediately stopped her foot and moved to the left to avoid the magma and continued to chase Huahvi.

Huahvi swung out his fishing rod, then propped himself up on the pixel sword and stood up straight.The fishhook was dodged by Mei again, but it also indirectly slowed down Mei's speed, allowing Huahvi to collect the magma with a bucket and distance herself from Mei.

Seeing that the advantage he had gained in an instant had been resolved by Huahvi, Mei stopped and did not chase after him.He knew that if he continued to charge forward, he might be killed by the adjusted Huahvi combo.

The two sides played against each other for a round, Mei was hit by an arrow, and Huahvi was also hit on the forehead, which was tantamount to a tie.

Seeing that the distance has been opened, Huahvi continued to shoot arrows, repeating the dance of three arrows to suppress Mei.Meidong dodged here and there, avoiding Huahvi's attack in the crowd, but the three arrows Huahvi shot successively clung to him like flies.

Huahvi swung and closed the rod like a spinning top, pumping the three arrows flying in the sky faster and faster, sticking to Mei tightly.The three arrows turned into three hovering ospreys in Huahvi's hands, soaring up and down, swooping down and pulling up, turning in circles to peck at the charm.

With Mei's performance just now, he could barely deal with two arrows, and he was hit by the third arrow as soon as he let go, but now the three arrows danced together, only restricted Mei's activities, and failed to hit the arrow as before. Charm.

The three arrows circled Mei like a whirlwind, gradually narrowing the range, forcing Mei to be unable to escape. Once hit by one of them, the blow would be stiff, and the battle would completely fall to Huahvi's side.

"I've got one on my side, can any of you help out and take him down?" Huahvi sent a message in the team.

"No way, I can't get away." Dantch replied.

"I was counting on you to help me!" Stimpy and Lu were sweating profusely.

Everyone in the team said that their opponents are very strong and very difficult to deal with. Some weaker players actually have to rely on two-on-one to maintain the balance. The difficulty is really beyond imagination.

The seven generals can cause headaches for the top ten players in the world just by awakening to the peak. Who knows how terrifying the Mingrui class's real launch is?
Huahvi immediately understood the importance of what Dantch said, and regretted not listening to him just now.While maintaining the Dance of Three Arrows, he asked Beifeng for instructions: "Commander, we need support!"

Just as he was sending the message, Mei, who was firmly under his control, suddenly sneered, and the sword in his hand turned into a fishing rod for some reason, and then threw it at the three arrows that were gnawing at him.

Mei slammed three rods in the blink of an eye, her hands were as fast as a ghost.The fishhook hits the three arrows in the sky at a high speed invisible to the naked eye, and the three arrows immediately turn around and rush towards Huahvi!

The Ospreys attacked their masters!

What happened today was completely beyond Huahvi's imagination. His mood was the same as that of Li Shishi and Ke Jie who were facing AlphaGo, struggling with difficulty in the face of an artificial intelligence far stronger than himself.

"So that's it. This is fishing and archery. It doesn't seem to be difficult to learn." Mei sneered, the fishing rod in her hand was replaced with a bow, and she fired three arrows at Huahvi!

Mei's three arrows had no strength at all, and they fell as soon as they left the string, posing no threat to Huahvi.But the three arrows shot now plus the three arrows flying in the sky, add up to six arrows!
At the same time, Mei held both fishing rods, swinging the club so fast that it almost hit a sonic boom, knocking the water vapor in the air back into liquid droplets, condensing into two clouds and covering his arms.The air itself was also blasted and exploded, like firecrackers set off during the New Year.

He can actually control six arrows with two fishing rods at the same time!

"You are indeed very strong. Manipulating three arrows is the highest level you can achieve. But controlling six arrows like me is no longer something you humans can do!" Mei said proudly, raising her head.

Under his control, the six arrows spun in mid-air, rushing towards Huahvi with a roar, the speed was so fast that it was impossible to see the exact position of the arrows, only the shadows of arrows were everywhere in the sky and the ground, and there was the sound of breaking wind everywhere, Huahvi Trapped in the middle by the arrow feather storm!

When Huahvi was desperate, he reflexively took out his shield to resist the six arrows.

However, he forgot that the shield can't really resist the arrow, it just bounces the arrow away.

"Team, did you call for backup!" Huahvi's mentality was on the verge of collapse.In his professional career, no matter whether it is official server competition or Hypixel competition, whether it is Sky Island War or UHC, in the hundreds of competitions he has participated in, he has experienced many dangers, adversities and desperate situations, and how many top teams in the world The contestants have all competed, but he just has never met an opponent as terrifying as Mei, who hangs him up and beats him in his field of expertise!

(End of this chapter)

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