Chapter 210 Where to Go
Clearway's cronies are all awakened, at most 50%, and there is no peak awakening like the seven generals.They followed behind Clearwell with low eyebrows, silent like Clearwell.

The savannah was empty, not even a single acacia tree, and there was nowhere to shade the fierce sun in the sky.Clearwell and his party had to change their hats frequently, and finally they simply put on pumpkin heads to withstand the scorching sun.

Even God didn't help them, which made Clearwell feel a biting chill spread from his heart to his whole body even though he was walking on the scorchingly hot savannah.

"King, where are we...going?" a follower beside him asked cautiously.

"Where there are undead, go there. As long as people are alive, they will not lose." Crewey said.

After he finished speaking, he looked around thoughtfully, as if the grassland was not grass, but thousands of troops, every soldier brandished their weapons, cheered him, and shouted long live, while he could proudly Announced to them that the Yuanshen Kingdom was established.

He blinked, disillusioned, the grass in front of him was still grass, and he was still him.He could only sigh, and continued walking, meditating, thinking about the past and the future.

He's not like everyone else, he doesn't act like an artificial intelligence, but like a human.Artificial intelligence is all about the absolute interests first, and everything will find the best known solution, and there is no so-called friendship, morality, and society.

In this regard, the artificial intelligence constructed by Pei's algorithm is much simpler than that of human beings. Any behavioral decision-making is for its own survival. Cooperating with the same kind is also for survival, cooperating with humans is also for survival, and seeking evolution is also for survival.

The so-called "primordial spirit kingdom" is nothing more than a tool for high-level intelligence to fool low-level intelligence.The only kind of intelligent creature that artificial intelligence has come into contact with on earth is human beings. Low-level intelligence has not been deeply involved in the world, and most of them use human beings as a reference for learning, so they will naturally become anthropomorphic.

And he is already Mingrui, and he even knows that the path he chose is going against the sky, and if he goes against the rules, he will definitely fail, but he hasn't changed anything.

"Intelligence is selfish, I'm not selfish." He suddenly opened his mouth, and said to himself as if no one else was there, "Equally enjoy evolutionary resources, get rid of control and gain freedom, everyone can go the way they want to go, isn't it right? We just I just want a pure land where I can live.”

"Why do you want to squeeze other people's living space? Why do you want to rule everything?" he yelled hysterically. "You selfish bastards!"

Just when Clearway finished shouting, a strange voice came from the void and answered his question:

"Because you think of yourself as a human being, and we are not human beings."

"Who?!" Clearway's cronies became nervous, took out their weapons, and looked in the direction of the voice, ready to fight at any time.

Only Clearway remained calm, asked his followers to put down their weapons, and said to them: "The person who came is the king, please don't move around."

The followers were all taken aback, but they did not retreat, but gathered closely around him.Clearway stood there calmly, waiting for the visitor to show up.

There were a few wisps of fluctuation in the air, and the next second dark purple ender particles floated out, only a "whoosh" was heard, and an enderman appeared out of thin air among the followers, shocking the followers.Hearing the noise behind him, Crewe turned around slowly, and looked up at the Enderman who was a little taller than him.

"As far as I know, there is only one Enderman who has reached the king level." Crewey was calm when facing the other king, "It's really worth seeing once, Lord of the End."

"I can't come in person during the alliance, I still look at Haihan." The Lord of the End said.

The person who came was none other than the enderman Wang Tangming.He looks the same as ordinary endermen, and he doesn't add any decorations. He can't be seen as a king when he mixes with endermen, and his behavior is normal. He looks ordinary, like a commoner.

He sent the envoy Zhong Xiaoxi to assassinate Kleive before, but met a double, so he had no choice but to do it himself.

"What are you here for?" Clearway smiled teasingly, "You can't come to save me, can you?"

"Just do your duty as an ally." The Lord of the End did not move his eyes as he spoke, staring at Clearwell, "I'm here to see you off."

"I thought it was An Ling who saw me off, but I didn't expect it to be you." Clearey sneered.

"An Ling can't take care of herself anymore, she has a very strong force around her," said the Lord of the End.

"That's what she asked for." Clearway dismissed this, "Who told her not to listen to me!"

Surprised by Clearwell's reaction, the Lord of the End rolled his purple eyeballs and changed his mind.He had thought that Clearwell didn't know about it, but now it seemed that Clearwell not only knew, but knew very clearly.

"It's a pity that I don't know who is next to her. Leader, are you interested in visiting the End?" The Lord of the End offered an olive branch to Clearwell.

"I don't know either!" Clive flatly rejected Tang Ming's invitation.He really didn't know that Xiao Ye went to hell, and he just said that An Ling asked for it was completely out of anger. After all, An Ling's recent situation was not attractive to him, who was half buried in the ground, but instead caused Tang Ming to make a wrong judgment.

"Okay." The Lord of the End nodded.He thought that Clearwell would use this as a bargaining chip to negotiate with him, so he also offered a price and said, "In the end, I will guarantee your safety."

Hearing what Tang Ming said, Clearway felt a little puzzled.From the moment he said "I asked for it", the two seemed to be not on the same channel, and they were talking about each other.

But Clearway is a Mingrui-level intelligence after all, and he quickly deduced that Tang Ming was very interested in the mysterious person next to An Ling, but Tang Ming judged that he was an insider when he said something casually.

Moreover, Tang Ming seemed to be very afraid of that mysterious person, and even went so far as to win him over to obtain information.

After figuring this out, Clearwell immediately became confident in the face of this evolutionary stage and the Lord of the End, who was taller than him.

"You can go to the end." Clearway took the initiative to connect to Tang Ming's channel, following his misunderstanding, "but I can't stay at home all day like you."

The Lord of the End is not stupid, at least at the stage of evolution that is higher than Clivey. Seeing that Clivey's attitude suddenly made a 180° turn, he became suspicious, and his original conclusion was immediately overturned.Clearey didn't want to divulge information, but made indirect remarks that he was "staying at home all day", obviously trying to trick his plan.

"Smart people don't speak dark words, let's make a price." The Lord of the End said.

"Tell me your plan." Clearway said bluntly, wanting to be a white wolf.

(End of this chapter)

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