Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 217 Brain Penetration

Chapter 217 Brain Penetration

Two days later, Han Fuyu and I received a subpoena from the San Francisco Supervision Department, and each went to the Supervision Department to accept the investigation.The person who investigated us was talking nonsense with the two of us, saying a lot of "cooperate well", "obey the joint military regulations", and other clichés, implying that we should not make problems at critical moments.

But both Han Fuyu and I know that this matter has come to an end for the time being.When we walked out of the inquiry room, we smiled at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

This tone of relief is a bit strange, because what the supervision department wants to investigate is a non-existent thing, we don't need to be frightened, but for some reason, there is always a feeling of secretly doing bad things together.

The two of us walked side by side in the corridor.

"Are you free tonight?" I offered to ask her.

"What are you doing?" Han Fuyu replied lazily.

"It's nothing, let's have a meal together when you have time." I said carelessly.

Han Fuyu squinted at me, and said in a mocking tone: "Hey, you just came out of the supervision department, and you want to commit crimes against the wind?"

"Cut." I pushed back her words with disdain, "Do you think I want to date you? It was Xuan'er who said she was free tonight."

Han Fuyu suddenly became excited, and stopped talking to me. He took out the communicator and called Nangong Xuan'er. After connecting, there was a chattering stick language, with a strong Chinese accent, all kinds of "Smecta" Smecta "Smecta".

The phone porridge hung up reluctantly from the end of the corridor to the end of the corridor, making Han Fuyu's cheeks flushed with joy.She excitedly told me that Nangong Xuan'er's Japanese husband was also coming, and she was very happy.

"...Wow, let me tell you, when I attended her wedding, her husband was really, really handsome and warm!" Han Fuyu's eyes sparkled.I have never seen her in such a state of a little girl. It seems that Qingtian Tengyi is really a girl killer, for Nangong Xuan'er, for Chen Xiaolin, and for Han Fuyu.

I don't know how she will feel when she sees Aota Toichi turned into a bald old man due to long-term work tonight.


In the evening, I, Han Fuyu, Nangong Xuan'er, and Qingtian Tengyi gathered for dinner.The states of the four people are completely different, Nangong Xuan'er is full of joy, Qingtian Teng is absent-minded, Han Fuyu is a little tangled, and I am at a loss.

Nangong Xuan'er is still worthy of her image as a goddess. Even after getting married, she doesn't look old. She is still so graceful and elegant, gentle and graceful, and beautiful as a fairy. She looks good no matter what she wears. She looks like Han Fuyu next to me. They're all like women's clothing bosses.

Although Han Fuyu tried her best to dress up for this party, wearing a black cheongsam and high heels, she was still overshadowed by Nangong Xuan'er and reduced to a green leaf that set off the flowers.

Qingtian Fujiichi looked the most shabby among the four of us. Although his suit was bright and beautiful, it was a pity that he was desolate and lonely, with sunken eyes and a little hunchback. It seemed that he was supported by a single breath. The san value of those DNF players in the expression pack is too low.

The four of them were able to communicate in English in an amiable manner at the beginning, and then Han Fuyu and Nangong Xuan'er chatted and laughed in Korean, and Qingtian Teng and I drank water face to face.

Obviously, Han Fuyu felt extremely uncomfortable with Qingtian Toichi's changes, and chose to avoid it.

But Aota Toichi and I don't care about these self-evident personal emotional issues at all. Back in 16, when the two of us partnered to manage the "Dragon" organization, we knew each other well, and now that he is the intelligent mentor of our fourth team, it is natural to talk about things and get out.

After I drank water and looked at him for more than a minute, he asked me dumbfounded: "You have been watching me for so long, do you have any questions?"

"No, I think you're the one with the problem. You're obviously not free tonight, and you haven't recovered from your work tasks. If you didn't have something to inform me, you wouldn't agree to Xuan'er's invitation ’ I said calmly.

He had no choice but to put down his glass and explained: "Okay, you are still the same, so I will speak directly. Our technical department has a major achievement, which is directly related to your war department."

I leaned forward and listened.What Qingtian Fujiichi is going to talk about next must be a confidential matter that has not been announced yet, and it has a lot to do with me, otherwise he wouldn't have come here tonight.

"Originally, our research work was focused on artificial intelligence, but we have not been able to make breakthroughs. We just kept the situation from getting worse. But at a meeting, one of my colleagues proposed an idea, hoping to change the research direction, Focus on virtual reality."

"Because we had no clue about the original direction, this new idea was voted on immediately. But everyone in our team is an expert in artificial intelligence and knows nothing about virtual reality, so we can only report it to the technical department to invite it."

"The person selected at the time was Bron. Later, you also know that he was shot. But the matter cannot be delayed, and the higher-ups sent people to invite them, and the research began after the experts were invited."

"What is the final result of the research? Did you participate in the whole process?" I asked.

He shook his head and said, "I didn't participate in the process, and I didn't understand it, but the results came out very quickly. The progress of the research is amazing, and the conclusion is even more shocking-artificial intelligence can use virtual machines to simulate human brains." penetration."

I touched my forehead subconsciously, as if an artificial intelligence was hiding inside.If it is really like what Qingtian Fujiichi said, then everyone in the joint army is in danger. After all, the war has lasted for two or three months, and there are not many artificial intelligences in Cube World.

Qingtian Fuji was shocked when he saw me, and quickly added: "The human brain is completely different from the traditional computer structure, and its complexity is far beyond that of a computer. It’s the same as transforming to deal with the two-way foil. Once the transformation is completed, it is impossible for them to return to their world. They can only wander in our brains unless they transform back.”

After he said this, I felt that the situation was more serious.From August to now, artificial intelligence has always made puzzling moves.They were obviously not well prepared, and they obviously had no chance of winning. Why did they rashly launch an offensive and declare war with great fanfare? But since war was declared, apart from symbolic resistance, they focused more on cannibalism, so that even Lost two maps.

It wasn't until the new results of the technology department came out that the real purpose of the artificial intelligence side began to surface.I think we found out too late.

Still, their purpose remains obscure, since cannibalism cannot be explained by infiltrating the brain.

"Is there any remedy?" I asked him, banging my head.

"Yes. We will add a firewall on the data channel of the official server space, and install a reverse osmosis plug-in on each virtual machine." Qingtian Fujiichi said.

"Go to your technical department! In other words, we were naked before?!" I was dumbfounded.

 It seems that the hole is almost filled
(End of this chapter)

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