Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 226 Heading to Map 7

Chapter 226 Going to the Seven Maps
After roughly scanning the list, I selected four people in seconds: "Christian, Lu Qingtian, Zhang Yechen, Bu Xin."

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Chen asked seeing that the fighters in the lineup I selected accounted for the vast majority.

I closed the list, put it aside, leaned on the back of the chair and replied: "I have also been studying the strange amnesia of the other 14 contingents recently, and I have come up with a way to deal with it. Is there anyone in the command who sees the same thing."

After hearing this, Xiao Chen said "Oh", and said with great interest: "I knew you were not idle during your vacation, and you were working secretly. Tell me."

"I've already said, he's a workaholic." Han Fuyu said lying on the desk.

I waved my hand to make them quiet, and said: "My method is very simple, just four words - quit the game."

"Good guy, you have to be transferred to the command level!" Xiao Chen exclaimed, "This is exactly the result of our collective discussion. I wanted to discuss it with you after you finished selecting the person, but I didn't expect you to propose it yourself. !"

"Ah, wait, wait..." Han Fuyu didn't turn his head, "Why quit the game?"

"You'll know later." Xiao Chen ignored her and started discussing tactics with me.After comparing the different tactical arrangements of individuals and command levels with each other, we made targeted modifications and supplements to the original plan according to the actual situation of the team.

Since then, in order to deal with the brain infiltration of artificial intelligence, one of the most rogue tactics in the history of MC, "plugging the wire", was officially put on the table by the United Army.

I applied to Xiao Chen for 12 hours of preparation time.During these 12 hours, I gathered the members of the new team, explained the tasks and precautions, and entered Situ first to prepare the necessary materials and tools.

People from the technical department also joined this operation and closely monitored our equipment from the outside.

The members of the original Christian team are actually quite unwilling. They have realized that they have forgotten something very important, and they are eager to find out the secrets in the Qitu coniferous forest. Their fighting spirit is high; If there is no objection, and Lu Qingtian is there, generally he will not do anything out of the ordinary.

As for Han Fuyu, I can only keep her by my side, taking the place of Bu Xin's bodyguard.

Everything is ready. After 12 hours, enter the [-]th map and go to the [-]th map coniferous forest via the original road of hell.


In the depths of hell, inside the fortress, Xiao Ye and An Ling sat face to face, and the crackling sound of the flames burning on the hell rock outside never stopped.

"Humans are going to Qitu again, and he will come too." An Ling said to Xiao Ye.

"You mean Yi Ouyi?" Xiao Ye was very calm, "I knew it from the moment he came in. Don't worry, I will get the solution when I see him."

"How do you plan to meet?" An Ling asked.

Xiao Ye closed her eyes, and suddenly the shining electric light shot out from her skin, buzzing, and gradually covered her whole body, wrapping her into a little light person, and lighting up the inside of the fortress in white.

In the next second, the light faded away, the electric light disappeared, Xiao Ye changed her model and turned into a blaze.

"That's it." Xiao Ye even turned into a male voice.

"Okay." An Ling was used to Xiaoye's ability to transform.


After finishing our backpacks in Figure [-], we stepped onto the steed and entered the gate of hell.The gate of hell is located more than [-] blocks away from the birth point of Situ. It is the most important one to enter the core area of ​​hell. It can not only quickly reach the central hub of the hell railway, but also go directly to An Ling's mansion to communicate with her. , and keep a watch on her.

After passing through the enchantment, we came to a red world.The wither Wang Anling was not the pigman who came to meet us. Not only was it weird to me, but also the first team of Christians who entered the Seven-map Taiga also felt that something was wrong. Unfortunately, the last time they entered the game, there was something wrong Memories all gone, can't tell me how they got into hell last time.

However, I found that An Ling's evolutionary stage was lower than the last time I met him. I don't know why.

"The Wither King greets you personally, I'm sorry." I looked at An Ling and his party and said.

An Ling was still accompanied by Wu Jie and a blaze, just like the last time they met.Wu Jie still smiled sternly, and the blaze was still expressionless, but An Ling seemed very enthusiastic, personally leading the way and leading us to the place where the evil spirits gathered.We rode on the huge heads of the evil spirits and floated to the hell gate leading to the seven maps, exactly the same as the previous group of people.

After the ghosts were sent to their destination, they turned around and returned.We rode to the gate of hell, but unexpectedly met an unexpected person at the gate of hell.

I hastily reined in the horse's head and yelled at him: "Greyz, why are you in hell?!"

Except for Bu Xin, the other teammates were a little dazed when they saw me suddenly greet the guard at the Gate of Hell.Logically speaking, members of the joint army cannot have private contact with artificial intelligence without permission, otherwise it will be regarded as collaborating with the enemy, and the consequences will be extremely serious.

The one standing guard at the gate of Hell is the owner of Situ Lindi Mansion, the evoker Graze, who is only a short step away from entering Mingrui in the current evolutionary stage.He was not surprised when he saw me. He nodded and smiled, straightened the collar of his robe, and said, "After I sent you away, I came to hell. I expected that you humans would kill Kleive the first time, so you just came here." Hide here."

I am skeptical of his explanation.If it's just to avoid us, we can't go anywhere, but we go to hell where there is already a master, and this master is still cooperating with us.It is completely unnecessary to go through such a lot of trouble, he could have surrendered to us directly on the fourth map, and I remember that when I was in the mansion, he wanted to find Xiao Ye, and he appeared in Hell for no reason at this time, which can only explain one problem.

"Avoid? From my point of view, Xiao Ye is probably in hell." I said straight away, "What is your relationship with her? Why are you looking for her at all costs?"

Gretz was silent when he heard the words, and after a while he replied vaguely: "That's right."

Han Fuyu saw that I was chatting with him, and the people from the outside technical department were in real-time monitoring again, so he quickly reminded me: "Hey, don't do anything too outrageous, hurry up and execute the task, don't let the outside wait too long!"

"Yes, yes, hurry up and do your work. I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." After Graeze finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to run.

I grabbed Han Fuyu's trident, threw it away, and thrust it in front of Gretz, stopped him, and forced him to ask, "You haven't answered my question yet!"

"Humans, what are you doing?!" The pigs on duty at the Gate of Hell saw the conflict between Graze and me, and they all surrounded us with golden swords.

The players didn't know what I was doing either.Han Fuyu's weapon was taken away by me, and she would have lost her temper if it was replaced by someone else, but she still held back and asked me in a low voice: "Yi Ouyi, what are you doing?"

"Everyone." I sent a message in the team channel, "This Gretz is the owner of the woodland mansion who disappeared after the joint army captured Situ. I was in charge of reconnaissance work on him."

"So that's it. He is indeed very important. Report it." Christian replied.

I sat on the horse and saw the aggressiveness of the pigs below. I knew I was making a big fuss, so I had no choice but to listen to Christian and ask Lu Qingtian to withdraw first, and report the current situation to the command. One-time memory storage.The result of my previous discussion with Xiao Chen was to exit the game at regular intervals and report and record the progress of the mission to prevent loss, which can not only ensure the delivery of information, but also narrow the scope of investigation.

Lu Qingtian came back soon, bringing the arrangement of the command: "The higher-ups will send special personnel to negotiate with hell, please continue to carry out the mission according to the original plan."

With my superiors at fault, I naturally don't need to worry about letting Gretz run away, so I ordered to leave, stepped forward to pull out the trident, and handed it back to Han Fuyu.Han Fuyu kicked me angrily, knocking out a drop of my blood, then snatched the trident, grabbed the reins and stepped into the gate of hell.

I entered with the rest of the team, and the screen changed, and the map of Qitu began to load.

(End of this chapter)

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