Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 229 The Mystery of the Log

Chapter 229 The Mystery of the Log
Facing such unimaginable things, Han Fuyu also quickly adjusted his state.The log left by the previous batch of people will be of great help to our next actions. Without it, we will have to move forward in the dark.

According to Christian's guidance, Beifeng and I hurried to the place where the log is stored.There were no traps for our own people inside the fortress. We entered the storage compartment unimpeded. Christian and the others in the compartment had been waiting for a long time. I saw that the wall facing the compartment door had been opened, and there was a A big box, under the box is a transmitter, hidden in the floor, you can't see it unless you look carefully.

When I saw that everyone was here, I immediately asked, "Where are the logs stored?"

Zhang Yechen who was standing next to the box immediately replied: "It's in the launcher! Although I don't remember, this place must have been designed by me. It is exactly the same as the preset scheme I made before. I was definitely responsible for hiding it at that time." Log file. Captain Four, please don’t touch the box above the launcher and the blocks next to the launcher. They are connected to the self-destruct mechanism of the entire fortress. If we touch it, we will have to start all over again. !"

I wanted to open the box, but after hearing what he said, I quickly withdrew my hand and asked him, "Then how do you see what's in the launcher?"

"The volume of the box is not as big as a block. Do you see the seam at the bottom of the box? You can get your hand through the seam and feel it." Zhang Yechen said.

I had no choice but to do as he said, poking in cautiously, touching the nozzle of the launcher, and then slowly groping down, the window of the launcher popped up immediately, eight of the nine grids were filled with TNT, and the remaining The next grid is empty, presumably where the logs were previously stored.

"Who discovered this place first? Was there anything unusual when you came in?" I retracted my hand and asked.

"It's me." Christian replied immediately, "When I came in, the wall was already open. When I checked the box, I didn't dare to move, because I saw a launcher under the box, so I immediately asked Peter Zhang to come over gone."

"I see." I was a little depressed, "Zhang Yechen, are there any resources in the box? Can you find a way to open it?"

Zhang Yechen smiled awkwardly, and said, "Yes, yes. In order to entertain the thieves, I stuffed the boxes with rotten meat, but unfortunately I have been tricked now."

"Rotten meat is also called resources?" My mood became worse and worse, "Since there is no log, the resources in the fortress can be taken away. Let's do this tonight, Lu Qingtian, you retreat to save your memory, we Find a bed to sleep in."

Disadvantage of apprenticeship.


Early the next morning, we left the fortress and followed the same path as the previous group to the coniferous forest.You can find many traces left by them on the road, such as the trees cut down when collecting resources, and the secret marks of the joint army, etc., indicating the storage location of the next mission log.

After trekking through mountains and rivers, we found three log storage places in a row. We broke through the redstone mechanism with great effort, but found that there was no log at all. It was so incredible that I even suspected that some of them stole the log.To be honest, artificial intelligence is at most at the Mingrui stage, with a mortal body, according to the estimate of the technology department, it is absolutely impossible to steal logs without anyone noticing, unless some of them have evolved to a stage above Mingrui.

The stage above Mingrui only exists in the theory, and it is a state of thinking between the original dimension and the super-dimensional, and then you can have the thought of intelligence in this dimension and the thought of higher one-dimensional intelligence, which belongs to "jumping out of the three realms". Outside, not in the five elements", anyway, it is incomprehensible to the human brain.

Xiao Chen attaches great importance to the weird situation of losing the log. The more the log is lost, the more completely the memories of the last batch of contingents disappear, the more important things in the coniferous forest are.What the United Army is facing now is not Kui or An Ling, but an invisible opponent who can manipulate everything.

It can bypass the firewall and make the task force's memory disappear without a trace; it can ignore the redstone mechanism and make all the mission logs disappear.

When I asked Lu Qingtian to exit the game for the 32nd time to report on the progress of the mission, the entire Joint Army Operations Department Command and Technical Department Command Center began to gather and pay close attention to this operation.Xiao Chen and the commanders, Nick and the technicians stood in front of the screen in readiness, and directly received the real-time game screen of our team.

"Everyone, we seem to be about to discover something extraordinary." Holding a cup of coffee in his hand, Xiao Chen said to Lu Qingtian and the conductors.

All the commanders put down their original work and came here to assist.Everyone wants to know what is the reason behind memory loss.

I learned from Lu Qingtian that the top management had fully intervened in this operation, and I felt a little bit tied up.Usually, when performing tasks alone, there are not so many people staring at them. Now all the bosses of the United Army do not sleep or do work. It is really stressful to sit quietly behind the screen and watch me pretend. Ask the higher-ups if it is possible not to perform micro-management during the mission, and to concentrate all the commanding power in my hands.

The higher-ups agreed to my request and said that they were just looking at it and had no intention of leapfrogging the command. They told me to rest assured and let it go.

With this guarantee, I recalled Lu Qingtian and headed towards the last log storage place.At this time, the coniferous forest was already close at hand, and the dense spruce trees and green turf could be seen from a distance. We galloped on horses, looking for marks all the way, and found three marks in a row. At the fourth mark But the thread was broken.

The fourth mark is a long stone road paved with mossy stones. It is very short, with only five squares arranged in long strips. It happens to be at the edge of the coniferous forest. If you go further, you will enter the coniferous forest.We dismounted one after another, leaving only Bu Xin and Lu Qingtian on guard, and the rest gathered at the mark for inspection.

"This mark is only half done." Christian said, walking around the mark twice.

Han Fuyu stomped on the moss stone twice, a little crack appeared on the moss stone, and then quickly returned to its original shape.Although there is only one mossy stone strip, it is enough to mark the direction, but we can't rush forward because it has not been completely completed.

It didn't take long for the large army of more than 100 people in the front to make a mark. The reason why they couldn't leave a complete mark could only be that they encountered a very urgent emergency here, and it was so urgent that they couldn't even leave a complete mark. down.

"Command." I sent a request to the outside world, "Do you want to move on?"

There was a long silence outside before replying: "Go ahead."

"Go on." I had no choice but to step on the horse, issue orders to the team members, and continue to search for the traces of the previous team.

The coniferous forest is shrouded in fog, and the trees in the distance can only see light gray outlines. The visibility is very low. The sunlight passes through the fog through the leaves to form the Tyndall effect, and the bright beams of light block many sights.We rode for a long time, and the beams of light formed by the sun gradually tilted, and the color changed from white to yellow, from yellow to orange, until the entire coniferous forest was immersed in a piece of gold, but there was still nothing left. Mark of.

This further illustrates a terrifying fact - after the last group of people left incomplete marks, they all disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing that it was getting late, Lu Qingtian walked up to me and reminded: "Captain Four, it's time to prepare for the night."

"In this place, can you sleep well?" I looked around, "If there are enemies, they will never let us survive tonight. Everyone, since we have reached our destination, we might as well not do anything. Make a quick decision, bring torches and flints, and explore this forest tonight."

"Captain four, this is not safe." Christian objected.

"No. The more than 100 people in front disappeared shortly after entering the coniferous forest. This shows that it is easy for the enemy to deal with our team of only six people. Do you think they have to wait until night if they want to do it?" I said.

"It makes sense. I support Yi Ouyi." Han Fuyu said.

(End of this chapter)

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