Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 236 It's You

Chapter 236 It's You
December 2022, 12, Christmas.

The coalition forces fought a bewildering and bewildered battle.The Operations Department and the Technology Department held several meetings one after another. Both sides revealed all the information they could get. The wear and tear during the battle was serious, and when An Ling and Tang Ming were the only ones left to survive, the entire command team celebrated under the Christmas tree and cheered for the success of the Liaoyuan Project in the early and mid-term.

Humanity has never been this close to victory.The surprise attack on the Land of the End was devastating. Under the sweep of the iron cavalry, the artificial intelligence remaining in the main world suffered annihilation; when Ying was killed in the four pictures, the Land of the End returned to Tang Ming's hands. Tang Ming and An Ling And gave up the main world to humans.

Overnight, the human king returned and re-ruled the fifteen maps in the official uniform, dividing the world with An Ling and Tang Ming.

At the same time, An Ling and Tang Ming offered to negotiate peace with humans.Normally, the high-level officials would definitely disagree, but now it is Christmas, and Christmas belongs to the Chinese New Year to Westerners. It is unreasonable to go to war after Chinese New Year, and there is nothing to fight with An Ling and the others, so we agreed on a date for the peace talks. The two sides formally ceasefire.

Peace came so fast, it seemed like a dream.

The eight major regions take turns to have holidays to celebrate Christmas.The Christians in the coalition army held Bibles in their hands, sang hymns, and thanked God for the peace, while others were busy eating, drinking, chatting and frolicking, discussing the day when they would go home.

Shrinking in the dark underground bunker all day long, and enduring high-intensity work, it is inevitable that there will be psychological problems.Taking advantage of the truce during the holidays, getting out of the bunker, and venting the suppressed emotions in my heart will be good for my future life.

Our San Francisco theater was scheduled to rest after the Chicago theater.The Operations Department specially hosted a banquet for Christian and I, but the banquet was divided into two groups: the team members were laughing and joking, eating, drinking and having fun, and the bishop and our two captains sat in a circle to exchange work matters.

Xiao Chen discussed the research report on the last battle with me and Christian.The report believes that the land of the end has the most direct threat, and the only most effective way to contain it is to ask Tang Ming to allow humans to enter the land of the end, resurrect the ender dragon, and block the passage to the main world; secondly, given that For what happened in Situ, the main target should be placed on the Mingrui artificial intelligence, and the number of Mingrui intelligence in the official server, the degree of evolution, and the racial ability should be investigated as soon as possible.

"...The Liaoyuan Project is now in its final stage. The next step is to focus on high-level artificial intelligence. With their abilities, we may have to enter the creative mode to kill them, so we have to rely on technology Only the Ministry." Xiao Chen leaned on the sofa and said to Christian and me.

"Are there any tasks during the peace talks? For example, entering the land of the end." Christian asked.

"Entering the End will not arrange for you to go. As long as there is no war, the war department will no longer have missions, and the battlefield will be transferred to the technology department."

"Will we still stay here?" Christian seemed a little anxious.For some reason, everyone was happy when they heard the news of the armistice, but he was the only one who was worried.

Xiao Chen smiled and said, "Of course not. We can go home when the war is over. Don't you want to go home?"

"I think, it's just..." Christian scratched his head irritably, "Forget it, no."

"It seems that you have developed feelings for this place. In fact, I am also very reluctant to part with everyone, but I am in a foreign land, and I can't let go of my family in my heart." Xiao Chen sighed, "I haven't eaten mutton steamed buns for a long time."

"It's been a long time since I've had pickled pork with pickled vegetables." I laughed.

People are strangers in a foreign land, and they miss their relatives every festive season.Christmas is not the Chinese New Year, which makes people want to go home to spend the orthodox New Year and taste the dishes of their hometown.


After the banquet, everyone went back to their dormitories.I accompanied the team members back to their respective dormitories, then sent Xiao Chen and the others back to the office, and finally went to the logistics department to visit Han Fuyu.

Han Fuyu's brain was severely injured, and the doctors in the logistics department were helpless and wanted to send her back to China for treatment. Fortunately, under my persistent suggestion, the doctors agreed to try to let her connect to the virtual machine to see if she could be like Chen Xiaolin Back to normal.

After Han Fuyu connected to the virtual machine, I also connected to her world and woke up Xiao Ye in my mind.Xiao Ye didn't die, she just abandoned her body in the official uniform and entered my brain to live in. Usually, as long as she is not forced to wake her up, she will not respond.

Xiaoye tried to infiltrate, checked her brain, and found out what she had done, Han Fuyu recovered as before.When she took off the virtual machine, saw me sitting next to her, and asked me what happened, the doctors present were dumbfounded.

They immediately picked up the virtual machine like a treasure.This thing cured the disease that can only be cured by surgery by top brain experts. It is estimated that anyone with brain problems can be plugged in in the future.

After Han Fuyu woke up, he was left in the logistics department for observation for a period of time.I'm going to see her tonight, taking advantage of Christmas, with some snacks.

The clinic was very quiet, so I found Han Fuyu's room, gently opened the door and walked in.The light was on in the room, and she was sleeping on her side on the bed, with her back facing the door. The white quilt covered her shoulders, only half of her head was exposed, and her black hair was scattered on the pillow.Her breathing was very even and could be heard clearly in the quiet atmosphere.

I tiptoed to put the snack bag on the bedside table.The table is full of things, all kinds of food, cups, books, and her virtual machine, with a holographic sticker of Hypixel's Person of the Year "N-wind" on it.

After doing this, I carefully sat down on the stool next to the bed so as not to disturb her sleep.

"Hey!!!" Han Fuyu suddenly sat up from the bed with disheveled hair.

"I wipe!!!" I was so frightened that I almost fell off the stool.

She laughed, combed her hair neatly with her hands, and said, "I was really scared haha! I knew it was you when I heard your footsteps!"

"Are you trying to scare me to death?" I asked, clutching my chest to hold down my heart that was about to burst out.

"Yo yo yo, I'm so scared." She smiled and stretched out her hand to come over, "Do you want to rub it for you, brother~"

She said so, but she stretched out her hand to the snack bag, grabbed it, and asked as she unwrapped the bag, "What delicious food did you bring?"


"Huh? Isn't it Valentine's Day to give chocolates? Today is Christmas." She picked up a bar of chocolates and asked.

"Don't talk about Christmas, these days, any holiday can be celebrated as Valentine's Day." I said.

"Well, that's what I said..." She tore open the package, snapped off half of it, stuffed it into her mouth, handed the other half to me, and said, "Well, half for each person."

"No, I'll give it all to you." I waved my hand.

"Here, I can't eat too much, I will get fat if I eat too much." Han Fuyu stuffed his mouth full, and stuffed the remaining half into my hand, so I had no choice but to eat chocolate with her .The room immediately smelled of chocolate.

Han Fuyu asked me while eating: "Yi Ouyi, have you ever been given chocolate by other girls before?"

"Yes, a lot." I replied while eating.

"I can't see that your kid is a great lover, and there are many more?!"

"Oh, it was given to someone for their birthday, and everyone in the class has a share."

"Pfft..." Han Fuyu almost laughed out loud, "It's true, the macho is crying."

"What about you? Have you been sent by someone else?"

"Yes, aren't you?"

"I mean someone else."

"Well, I have to think about it. I was sent to my deskmate in high school, and I confessed to him; when I was in college, Nangong received a lot..." Han Fuyu finished eating the chocolate, took another one out of the bag, squeezed it in Said in his hand, "I don't seem to have any."

"No way, you're not bad looking." I tilted my head to look at her.

"That's now, you haven't seen my previous photos." Han Fuyu put the chocolate back into the bag.

"You used to be? I think you look good without makeup. How could you be worse before?"

Han Fuyu tied up the snack bag, put it back on the table, and said, "I used to weigh 245 pounds at my peak."

245... After hearing this number, I was dumbfounded. It was hard to imagine that this was the weight of the slender woman in front of me.

"It's a werewolf..." I exclaimed.

"It's useless. The battle is almost over, and when I get home, I will be dragged to a blind date by my mother." Han Fuyu put the headband next to the pillow back on his head.

"Blind date?" I shook my head, "Don't go on a blind date."

"No blind date? Then find me a boyfriend." Han Fuyu took out the mirror and adjusted the headband on his head.

"Don't look for it anymore, I'll be your male ticket."



There was silence.

I didn't expect to say this sentence so quickly. I didn't even prepare myself for it. I just said it casually, and I didn't feel nervous until I finished speaking.As a 28-year-old virgin with no experience in love, he has long since lost the throbbing he felt when he was 16 years old when he faced the girl he liked, so he has neither sweet talk nor romantic sentiment, just like chatting at home.

Han Fuyu was also stunned, his face turned red quickly visible to the naked eye.She didn't know where to look, and she didn't know whether to laugh or get angry. She hung on for a while with a half-smile, and then asked me in a dazed whisper:
"Are you serious?"

"I'm serious." I stood up and offered my hand, "Han Fuyu, let's be together."

"I..." Han Fuyu smiled embarrassedly, "I didn't expect you to suddenly..."

"Do you disagree?" I suddenly lost my sense of tension and asked frankly.

"Oh my god..." She took a deep breath, took my hand hard, and responded loudly:

"it is good!"

The two of us held hands and didn't know what to say next, so we just looked at each other quietly and smiled.For the first time since I was born, I feel that the woman in front of me who has no blood relationship with me, the woman I met in the vast sea of ​​people, is my family, my relatives, and the person I will protect in my life.

 Valentine's Day……

(End of this chapter)

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