Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 36 Mystery and Truth

Chapter 36 Mystery and Truth

When I saw her face, I was relieved like the first ray of sunshine after a long night.I thought I would never see her again after I missed it, but I didn't expect her to come back.

"Long time no see." I greeted her in English.The thousands of words in my heart were finally turned into this simple sentence.

"Me too." She nodded with a smile, and replied in English, her smile was like a blooming white orchid after rain.

She walked out of the elevator with the girl next to her, while other people waiting for the elevator rushed in.When Chen Xiaolin, who was standing behind me, saw Nangong Xuan'er, she couldn't hold back the excitement in her heart. She jumped over and hugged her tightly with open arms.

"Ah! Sister Xuan'er, I miss you!" Chen Xiaolin leaned her face on Nangong Xuan'er's shoulder and laughed heartily.

When Bu Xin saw Nangong Xuan'er, he just nodded and didn't seem particularly enthusiastic.

Nangong Xuan'er smiled when she saw Chen Xiaolin, and took her hand and spoke a long string of Korean.Although Chen Xiaolin didn't understand, she still nodded frequently pretending to understand, and she never stopped smiling.

We followed the passage, left the center of Fangcaodi, and sat down in a coffee shop outside. Haven't seen each other in 6 years, there are too many things to talk about.

"She said you have become more beautiful, and asked if you have found a boyfriend?" The girl who was with Nangong Xuan'er could speak Chinese, and translated Nangong Xuan'er's words to Chen Xiaolin.

Chen Xiaolin blushed after hearing this, subconsciously looked back at me, turned back again, and said to Nangong Xuan'er hesitantly: "Not yet, there will be!"

Nangong Xuan'er smiled and comforted Chen Xiaolin not to worry.After she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and patted the heroic girl next to her, pointed at me and talked to her for a long time, as if she was introducing me.

After hearing this, the girl raised her eyebrows and looked at me with wide eyes, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"It turns out that you are Yi Ouyi. It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard Xuan'er tell you about you." She raised her mouth slightly and said, "My name is Han Fuyu, and I'm also from Huaxia."

"Nice to meet you." I also clasped my fists.This is very strange, she actually greeted with a very traditional way of clasping fists, this girl named Han Fuyu really surprised me.

I can't help but look at her.She is tall and slender, wearing a tight-fitting black T-shirt, with willow eyebrows and dark eyes, heroic, her black hair is tied behind her head, her bangs are casually placed on her forehead, there seems to be sword energy stirring between her eyebrows and eyes, and her voice is clear and loud , such as the clang of a zither.

Her demeanor is completely opposite to that of Nangong Xuan'er, who is gentle and elegant, like a fairy.But if you say you are a strong woman, you are a bit more youthful; if you say you are a female man, you add a chivalrous spirit.

In short, this is a person with a heroine temperament, which is very rare.

I exchanged pleasantries with her, and learned that she also came here for this competition and was going to participate in the Chicago Division.But she didn't seem to be in a hurry, and she was still staying here in San Francisco.

She and Nangong Xuan'er met when she was studying in Korea, and they were in a foreign country with them, but they had a close relationship.This time when the two met, it was she who rushed over overnight after hearing that Nangong Xuan'er was here.

I finished talking with Han Fuyu, and turned to Nangong Xuan'er: "Xiaolin told me that after you got married, you went to Japan with Qingtian. How are you doing? Are you still used to it?"

After listening to Han Fuyu's translation, she nodded and said that although she lived in Japan and could not understand the language, she and Qingtian could speak a little Japanese after being together for a long time, and there was no problem in daily communication.After finishing speaking, she also showed me a section.

"Are you coming to the United States for tourism? Or are you here to compete like us?" I asked her.

After hearing this, Nangong Xuan'er shook her head, saying that it was Qingtian's invitation. She came to the United States for very important matters, and she had to live in the United States for a long time, so as a wife, she also came with her.

"...He received a call, and he and the people in the studio rushed to the United States without stopping to work in a secret agency. He never told me what he was doing, but repeatedly emphasized to me, What he is doing is a secret among secrets." She frowned slightly.

"What does Qingtian's studio do?" I was curious.

"Study robots. In Japan, robots are a very popular research project, and the technology is also very advanced." She thought for a while and said, "The robot culture is also, Gundam, Doraemon, Astro Boy..."

I heard the word "robot", but another four words came to my mind-artificial intelligence.

I probably know why Qingtian Toichi came here, it must be related to the incident that happened some time ago.

I remembered that Bloom wanted to explain the reason to me before, but he forgot about it again and again. This time he happened to be in the United States, so I had to ask him to explain it to me.

"Sorry, I'll make a call..." I took out my cell phone and dialed Bron's number.

After a ringing tone, the phone was connected, and a strange male voice came out from the headphone jack: "Hi, I'm Mr. Frere's secretary..."

"Oh, hello, please tell Bron, just say it's easy to find him."

"Please wait."

After a while, a familiar voice sounded: "Yi, welcome to free America!"

"Freedom, you don't dare to walk on the street after 9:[-]." I said disdainfully, "I came here from a long distance, and you didn't even treat me to a meal, and you didn't even have a phone call. This is hospitality. people of the American West?"

"Oh, I... Yi, listen to my explanation. I have very sensitive things to do here, and I have been unable to get away. I can tell you directly that I have to be monitored even on the phone!"

"So exaggerated?"

"I know what you want to know, but I can't tell you yet. I can only tell you one thing, that is, don't look at everything as usual now, it's just that the Internet is disconnected for 3 hours a day around the world. In fact, maybe in the next second, this This piece of land, these high-rise buildings, everything you see in front of you will be reduced to ruins!"

"You really..." I almost cursed. A round-trip air ticket worth more than 1 yuan, why the fuck are you talking about this with me?Who believes it?

"Yi, I promise you, I swear to God, as long as you can pass this competition, you will not only get rich rewards, but you will also know everything you want to know!" Bron said earnestly.

"God is dead!" I dropped this sentence and hung up decisively.

If he doesn't say anything, who knows what's going on. The servers of "MSI 2" are controlled by monsters, and they cannot be killed even if the power is turned off and the equipment is blown up; the last time the UHC World League was inexplicably interrupted by a video, and that video was played on all computers that night; Microsoft suddenly recruited the world's top MC players, In addition, artificial intelligence researchers like Aota Fujiichi are also recruited...

All the media remained silent, and all related news was immediately blocked.Everything shows that a huge event happened, but I don't know what it is, so I can only peep through the corners.

"Artificial intelligence technology, is it really that scary?" I stared at the phone screen and pondered, "Is it like uncontrollable black magic?"

(End of this chapter)

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