Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 45 Each has a hole card

Chapter 45 Each has a hole card
"Let's think about it...can you get out of the iron suit?" I asked.

"Originally it was not possible, but we just encountered a desert temple on it, so it should be no problem now." Chen Xi said.

"So 6, we also encountered a jungle temple." Bu Xin said.

Comparing the resources of the two teams, our resources are not enough in front of others.People have three sets of iron suits after burning the iron, we can barely make one and a half sets, the professional team really refuses to accept it.

"Then let's do this, you guys are up there, we're down here, get everything together, and try to get ready within an hour." I made arrangements.

"Which team is the bait? Or a mix and match?" Chen Xi asked.

"Mix-and-match won't work, the other side will know there is a problem at a glance. The side with the stronger PvP will kill the enemy, and the side with the higher armor will lure the enemy. I have also told you the password, so just call your name in the public channel."

After we discussed everything, we started to proceed step by step.Dawn and his team are free to develop, while we stay to build facilities.


On the other side, after the green team got enough resources on the surface, they entered the natural cave again to explore.Now the situation is that the red team found the village, the yellow team found the desert temple, and the blue team found the jungle temple, only they found nothing.

It would be too strange if this was a coincidence.Apparently, this is intentional by the mapmakers so that each team can find naturally generated buildings around the spawn point to speed up the pace of the game.

Just because the green team didn't find it doesn't mean it wasn't there.They first found an underground canyon and explored it for a long time without ever walking on the surface.

This decision is also correct. There are very few monsters in the first day. If the technology is good enough, it is a good time for prospecting.

Now they have finally finished their long mining work and walked out of the canyon along the tunnel loaded with various minerals.It is conservatively estimated that in addition to the three sets of iron suits, they can produce two more diamond armors and three iron swords.

This speed of development is terrifying. If it weren't for the underground canyon, it would be great if they could make two sets of iron sets.

"John, according to our current equipment, we can completely occupy 0." Christina smiled charmingly.

"0, 0 is bound to win, and now we have an advantage and we must grasp it." John said blankly, "But what we have to do now is not this, have you noticed that the IDs of the three members of the red team have been there all the time?" surface."

Mike and Christina looked up, and indeed saw three mosquito-sized IDs moving slightly above them. If you don't distinguish carefully, you really can't see the names written on them.

"From the very beginning, I have been observing that the average person will enter the underground mining as soon as they get the wood at the beginning of the game. This has become a routine. The rules of this game are like this. Only by mining can you become stronger."

"But they've been on the surface since the game started..." Mike looked at the three IDs as he walked.

"Yes." John nodded, "Think about it, is there any way for the red team to obtain resources without entering the mine."

"If you don't enter the mine, you will stay in the Stone Age at most. But now the rhythm of UHC is getting faster and faster, and the first day is a passing line. How can the red team have the confidence not to mine..." Christina Lost in thought.

"Could it be... a village?!" Mike slapped his head.

John nodded, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said with a sinister smile, "That's right. So our goal today is there!"

"Interesting, I haven't fought for a long time. After retiring from 'Wolf', the MC world forgot about me as 'White Wolf', hehe!" Mike was gearing up.

"Heh, it's really funny that you, a black man, are called 'White Wolf'." Christina teased.

The three of them had already left and were walking, when they suddenly found that a large piece of the beach by the river in front of the biome boundary had collapsed, which happened to be in the shape of a square, which was very strange.

But as long as players with a little MC foundation can know, this is a treasure of encounters!


Now it's perfect.The red team has a village, the yellow team has a desert temple, the blue team has a jungle temple, and the green team has a dungeon!

"Oh my god, hahahaha..." Christina laughed from ear to ear when she saw the dungeon, "John, we are so lucky!"

Mike's eyes were straightened, he took out a shovel from his backpack and ran over.The three of them jumped down from the pit and cleared away the sand that buried the monster spawners and treasure chests.

A brand new monster spawner emerged from the sand, and inside it was a small and exquisite zombie that was spinning rapidly.

John looked at the monster spawner, his eyes were wild, and his voice trembled with excitement: "You two, we don't need any tactics at all. With this monster spawner, we have endless experience to enchant !"

"Haha, Captain, aren't we invincible next?" Mike laughed loudly while leaning on a shovel.

John stood up abruptly, his eyes flashed coldly, his face was gloomy, and he said hoarsely, "Cover up this place. Let's annihilate the red team now, and then come back here to enchant."

"Okay!" Christina replied.

After John finished speaking, he looked back at the monster spawner, sneered, and said to himself:

"Ei Ouyi, this time I want you to taste the despair in the fire in the Black Forest!"


When the green team found the monster spawner, Bu Xin and I were digging a hole in the ground in disgrace. The whole body was covered in yellow mud, as if we had been fished out of a mud pit.

"I said, why do you always come up with heresy tricks? I suspect that your brain is crooked!" Bu Xin said to me while holding a shovel and shoveling the soil.

"Your mouth has become more and more sloppy recently, how do you talk?" I said angrily.

"When others get together, you run the map alone. When others build a camp, you only rely on your backpack. Others hide from you at night but wander around. Others..." Bu Xin counted with his fingers, "Anyway, the tactics you think of are all non-mainstream. !"

"This is called 'soldiers, tricks'. The system and routines are stable, but once they are fixed, they will become rigid and their weaknesses will be magnified. I just use the rules of the game to make some counter-routines It’s just a routine, of course it’s not mainstream!”

"Isn't it the same as pushing streams at five medium speeds and stealing crystals by jumping over towers?" Bu Xin asked.

"That's right. Before Han Xin stole the crystal in "Glory of the King", who would have thought that he could do that?" I shoveled off the last earth cube and said.

I rubbed my waist and straightened up, looking at the masterpiece of me and Bu Xin - a large room below 0, covering four blocks, like a giant underground parking lot, very spectacular.

"Everything is ready, the only thing we need is the east wind. Now we are waiting for the big fish. Those who want to take the bait, and those who don't want to get caught!" I took out the fishing rod in my backpack and flicked it into the air.

"The hook is straight and the bait is salty!" Bu Xin smirked.

(End of this chapter)

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